YLYL Women Edition

YLYL Women Edition

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What was this shit about anyway? All of the signs I saw were in protest to things that weren't even happening.

And the "Womens' March" was like 40% guys.

but you can cook an egg on the engine

I saw a woman talk at the march angry at Trump hating immigrant women, not realising he'd married one. Then she attacked him for demonising Islam, which as we all know isn't too favourable to women.
Fucking stupid cows.

Fuck yes. I fucked two bitches at once after the march...so what if I had to walk for like seven hours...two bitches at once...they were all empowered to get fucked. Best decision of my life.


LMAO, who and what and where does this come from?



my boyfriends cat did this when I gave him a blowjob once.Was the most adorable thing ever. She laid on my back, and we both couldn't stop laughing.






How would it wipe its vagina?



FFS... the Autism is strong in this one

They don't. Morbidly obese people just stop trying after a while. Nearly got myself a hernia working in a hospital around them. There were just five people in the whole place capable of moving these hamplanets... if we worked in pairs.

They're fucking disgusting and conceited as fuck. Some do realize how disgusting they are and are prone to fits of depression and self-pity; all while still craving to stuff their face. Most of them, specially older women, don't seem to realize the burden they are or how unpleasant they are to look at.

And that was back in 2008 before the special snowflake explosion. I'm expecting it to be much worse as of now.


I fucking hate women

>using your retarded daughter for a shitty political agenda

Libtards make me sick.




Political agenda? Like telling the president not to insult people like said daughter, you're an idiot. Trump voter detected.

Soliciting a tard

hahahahah top kek

I'd love to take that artist out for a nice meal.

Computer anime

This landwhale has potential as a reaction face

Be Helpful? Like me?

Tards are the ultimate definition of uselessness. They're not too counterproductive and you could argue they're a burden, but useful to anyone they are not.

Make this a fucking meme by using her as a template. This seriously can be a new meme. Jesus fuck its almost as funny as this..

Defacing and lying about a political figure isn't pushing a political agenda?

Well I'll be damned.

Obviously I'm a trump voter, dipshit. Almost everyone here is.

Defacing and Lying, jesus you're in denial to the point of psychosis. You're pathetic. He did that shit right on national television for the whole world to see because he's and idiot like all of his voters.

You seem mad.


butthurt confirmed

I bet you sat there thinking
>I'm so mich smarter than that person
>if we were to argue I sure would make them look dumb
But you didn't do shit

Go back to jacking of to Shota beta cuck

LOL nice counter argument, go back to Sup Forums


I hope you see the irony of what you're saying. Despite the fact that your only """defence""" has been proven wrong, you still continue to stand by that "muh disabled reporter" bullshit.

You, sir, are in denial.

And at this point, I'm starting to wonder if you're actually some type of shitty troll. Surely someone can't be as stereotypically libtard as you.

Answer me honestly, do you genuinely believe Trump has done anything wrong?


Wait, that was a woman?? Jesus H. Christ.

It's gotten that way for me, too. I just don't even want to fuck any of them anymore. All I see is screeching feminazi bullshit. I'm just waiting patiently for women to be fuckable again, tbh.

Oh, gawd, this post smells just like liberal tears. A little sweet, a little sour, a lot of denial and stupid. It's beautiful.



*knows what Shota is without having to look it up, calls someone else 'beta cuck'* Is, legitimately, a beta cuck.



God, I wonder what's worse, being a childless single man who masturbates to anime or being the guy who lost to them?


Look at it keeping a hold of that coke bottle


Dayum yo


your deciding who is worthier is useless

Didn't say they were female

fuck you


Fuck off attention whore no one gives a shit about how many cat dicks you can suck kill yourself

God what a lot of pathetic little boys in this thread...


Was in that thread on Sup Forums, many keks were had

>no doubt 3 signs down the line some placard about his retarded tiny hands

So nice to live on the other side of the globe, and not give a shit about all this.


The Womens march is funded by an evil billionaire that overthrows nations. They are all his bitch and protest to cause more division and not womens rights. There weren't enough blacks or 20 year old communists but the women have taken up the cause of being useful idiots. Funny stuff.




So you would rather have Obama who made fun of special Olympics.


women are whores and will steal your gains.
