Fuck this generation

Fuck this generation.

it's too silly of a statement to get upset over, honestly

You right, some dumbass thought it was good to spread the holy word that all supposed humans have a right to choose what gender they really are although there are only 2

Aaaaandd you must be the guy with a vagina. Figures.

you're a retard
his point is that what they are saying is so stupid that it isnt worth losing sleep over.
shut the fuck up you edgy faggot

Are you kidding me! This is the best time ever. Idiots are coming right out into the open. Its never been easier to know who is truly retarded. Science bless the intronet

lol this, basically...

Maybe you're the edgey one cuz you can't accept it?

not all vagina owners are cunts

Accepting non-science as fact is the definition of moronic.

Says the faggot who is too afraid to post the name of the person who said this. Are you one of the vaginaless women, OP?

This is true though.

Post-Op women have a penis now and Post-Op men have vagina's. We live in a world were we fuck with the human body and can barely tell the difference anymore.

Stop getting triggered by every post user.

how do you misinterpret something so bad? Autist

Well no, they're mangled dicks, not vaginas. But I get what you mean.

All these young, impressionable teenagers squawking on Tumblr about how many weird genders they are... Fucking stupid. Someone needs to teach these kids that you can only have XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes. That's it. Male or Female based on genetics. You can't fucking argue the makeup of your DNA.

Why u crossing out the faggot that said this. Dont be a bitch. Expose these idiots.

I own your mom's vagina

I can tell. Just because you cut off little willy and grow your hair out doesn't mean you look like a woman. You just look like a bitchy queen.

Probably went home after a date, saw this, wanted to kick his dog, but it died already cause he kicked it too much, went on the Sup Forums and posted this angrily waiting for someone to go against its opinion. Dont feed it.

>Not all vagina owners are women

>She's right you know

Im sure one day they'll make up something like AB AA,BB , CC C-chr-chrrrromasomes , cause science is just a construct. Fite teh power

Jeez man
youre not even worth the reply but without it you would never know what a fag you are

There's actually other combinations due to non-disjunction and such, like Turner Syndrome just has a single X chromosome, and Klinefelter syndrome has XXY

This guy gets it.

How is having another definition for a word "non-science"