What is /lit/'s favorite show?
What is /lit/'s favorite show?
Some cuck shit probably
Some pretentious bullshit probably. /lit/nerds need not reply.
>Sup Forums suddenly hates /lit/
What happened?
Sup Forums always hated redditors
Sup Forums became shit and is jealous that /lit/ actually has discussions and takes literature seriously
Redditors and Sup Forums plebs took over
>jealous of the most cucked board on Sup Forums
wew lad keep your fetishes to yourself
>says the board with the most cucked and redditors out there
Wew fucking lad
How is /lit/ cucked?
what the heck
i told you why
not that /lit/ is shit
Sup Forums is the biggest cucked board
Sup Forums has the most redditor and Sup Forums tards
>/lit/cucks in tears
no shit
If you could draw a Venn Diagram of all 4chans boards and Reddit I think that Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums would be completely overlapping each other
No that would be Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /lit/
Nope. Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Sup Forums is the only reason the tumor that is Reddit hasn't taken over Sup Forums already. I know they hurt your poor feelings but Sup Forums is the most anti-reddit place on the internet.
>stay away from those fucking pigs on Sup Forums
Sup Forums has always been shit because Television and Films are the most accessible art form that has ever existed. Literally everybody in the western world has seen movies or watched tv. This is why we have the vast array of normies and redditors polluting the board with trash.
Then why did most of you plebs only show up in the last 2-3 years?
Nice meme. This place has always been normie as fuck.
Did you even browse here years ago? Sure, Sup Forums has gotten a lot worse than it used to be, but it was never this patricians haven of film discussion that everyone seems to remember it as.
t. 2014 meme parasite
/lit/ here, we almost exclusively watch from the Criterion Collection. We know you're all plebs, you mostly watch cartoons for little boys and girls and GoT.
Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums
i remember when criterion-core was literally laughed at on Sup Forums
now its basically the peak of Sup Forumss discussion
>/lit/ here
You have to go back
I want to say that a /film/ board would be good but 4chans user base has just changed so much now that it wouldn't even get off the ground and develop its own culture without being turned into a meme fest and ruined.
I need to find a new fucking website.
/film/ was already created and shit-posted to death within hours
Film is inherently a pleb medium anyway, we focus on reading the Greeks and James Joyce. Criterion Collection is good for background noise. Everyone know film is brainless and requires nil imagination.
Fucking hell and you want to talk about plebs?
>Watching the most pleb medium
>Calls himself /lit/
You disgust me.
>i'll just namedrop some surface level well known shit, that will make em seem cultured
>watching pleb shit
You have to go back
4chans big problem is all the memes
I mean, Sup Forums always had its memes but its just gotten way out of control now and it attracted so many undesirables to come here
kek, their largest political board is called thedonald
>being this retarded
The only people interested in Trump are from Sup Forums. Got it. Now take your knowledge about reddit, go browse you thedonald and come back when you find someone screaming about gassing kikes and starting race wars.
I'll wait
>What is /lit/'s favorite show?
probably something better than what Sup Forums would pick with how shit it is
They can read and I can't.
This is literally just IMDB top 250 stuff mixed in with memes. Sup Forums really is beyond saving.
>I can't read
>which is how I was able to read and respond to that post
Oh god Sup Forums is so shit
>/lit/ actually has discussions and takes literature seriously
so I take it you've never been there?
I dictated it to my mother, just like with this post.
/r/ing when /lit/ had a girl over, aka just shitposted on her yt book review channel
/film/ when?
Reddit also took over /lit/ starting around December of last year. Used to be my main board but now it's unbearable
Sup Forums is worse obviously but at least it doesn't have the veneer of quality in the first place
Probably Mad Men.
>/lit/ is reddit
Except redditors routinely complain about the lack of genre fiction on that board, whereas Sup Forums is often full to the brim with capeshit despite Sup Forums existing.
Front page of /lit/ right now
>are millenials the saviours of lierature?
>not reddit
no i mean a real one that isn't sabotaged by a pleb mod still holding a grudge
/lit/ is reddit but you're a retard for not knowing an obvious bait thread
Front page of Sup Forums right now
>doctor who general
I would like them to make a real one
>/lit/ is reddit
t. Sup Forums
Of course I'm being deadly serious you mouth breathing Down Syndrome crack baby
>reddit contained in one thread
Much better then reddit being your entire board
t. reddit
Dr who is tumblr, meme tourist
Reading Rainbow
>he thinks reddit isn't on all of Sup Forums
>all these retarded board wars and wannabe oldfags
lmao this is why this board is a joke
High-five here, my fellow rabbitor!
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Are you fucking autistic? Jesus Christ
/lit/ it's always going to be your master Sup Forums. Remember that
Aww, le book babbys actually think they matter to anyone! Fucking hell, you're like /fit in delusion and insanity. You niggas don't even read lmao
>tfw Sup Forums is such a shit board that everyone else comes to laugh at them
>make a new board
>no moderation
>get shitposted and spammed
>Oh, shit I take it back
The entire thing was really stupid. What a half assed attempt.
I don't think the two ever got along, even back them Sup Forums would say /lit/ was too elitist and /lit/ would come here to mock waifu threads and tell had they had better film discussion.