Sup Forums doctors, what is this? It feels like a hard bump

Sup Forums doctors, what is this? It feels like a hard bump


Ingrown hair. Get some tweezers and pull it out.

Yeah it's a ingrown hair, them bitches hurt, but if you fuckin lately, go to the doctor.

tried squeezing it but nothing came out, i acnt see any hair on the pore

Looks like you need to chop that D off, sorry



That's because it's ingrown. Hence the name. Luckily it's not any kind of std. So don't worry. Leave it and it'll go away eventually. Alternatively you could cut it open and squeeze out the hair and pus. It'll hurt like fuck though.

also, its painless

as much as I would like you to home-surgery that thing .... popping won't help. It probably doesn't even have pus in it. It's just a mass of infected skin.

source: I have a whole folder called "ball popping" that involves guys popping shit on their nutsac.

Dude I can see the hair in the pictures.

Don't squeeze it, get some tweezers and pull out any hairs close to it.

And if you think it's're in for a shock.

> ball popping
But why

doesnt hurt when i touch it or squeeze, is what i meant.
i also had sex with someone who had syphilis but the tests came back negative in the first two weeks. now im waiting for the results tomorrow

Got nurse next to me, she said 1. Be more careful if you shave, 2. Almost certainly an ingrown hair.

You could pick it out, but being on your nutsack and all, prolly go see a dermatologist, god forbid it's something more serious.

thanks Sup Forumsros

because I like late night Sup Forums surgery, and most of it for some reason involves people popping shit on their balls and cock.

I guess its my personal version of #rekt threads


Post more

that pic was just a zit



this guy got the meatball seal of approval for late night Sup Forums surgery

