A Series of Unfortunate Events

Are you ready for childrensbook-kino?

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Why? Seriously why? Its been done. It wasnt even that massive a book to begin with. It was popular but not earth shattering.
Who in their right mind thinks it needs a second film, and a fucking reboot of all things?

Is cinema fucking dead? Between this and the BFG Im getting sick of this shit.

The first movie was a shameless attempt to make it into another big "Harry Potter" franchise. It was shit. Now that we're all past that they actually have a chance to make something good. These books would work great as films if they put a little effort into them.

Oh they are making this one again? Nice. Loved the old movie as a preteen. Emily Browning was like my first movie crush.

Its actually a netflix show


read the comments retard, netflix says its fake

The teaser is, the series is not.

Learn 2 Unfortunate Events.

The only reason I even think its real is because Netflix said it was fake.

Also, even if the trailer is fake, the show itself is still real. Its currently filming


meant for

It had nothing to do with Harry Potter, it was a twist on Mary Poppins. You fucking retard.