Black BBC presenter angers Aboriginals

A BBC Documentary has been slammed by the Aboriginal community in which Presenter Reggie Yates (A black British BBC journalist) is accused of demonizing the remote Outback town of Wilcannia, NSW

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Eh I watched it. He tried really hard and sincerely to give that place a fair hearing...not his fault it is irredeemably shit now, is it?

>A black British BBC journalist
He's Irish actually.

He's not bad desu. Somewhat intelligent. Saw his interview with some Dmitry Demushkin bloke.

Just to give everyone context about this town in Outback NSW, its located about 200km from Broken Hill, NSW

I passed through here at night after a full day of motorcycling from Sydney, service station closes at 6pm and there isnt any fuel for 200km (Broken Hill) first thing i noticed was a Police car doing rounds of the small town, for a good 1 hour as i tried to find a Motel, a group of Aboriginals offered me fuel for my bike, i kindly declined, they recommended i stay along the river bank and pitch up my tent, later Police pulled up and spoke to me, told me they would call the Motel owner and get me a room as this mob of Aboriginals is notorious for robbing people along the riverbank.


This documentary is pretty accurate, i tried giving Aboriginals the benefit of the doubt, but Wilcannia has some serious fucking problems. Alcoholism, robbery, break and enter, domestic violence, and property destruction is the norm here, Police saw i was white on a bike with gear and instantly knew i was a target and helped me out, this town doesnt even have a general store anymore because so many people break and enter the owner had to shut it down, people living in Wilcannia have to drive 200km to Broken Hill and 200km back if they just want fucking groceries because of Aboriginals fucking shit up

>service station closes at 6pm and there isnt any fuel for 200km
Wew. This is why I'm glad I live in the berbs.

>a group of Aboriginals offered me fuel for my bike
For free?

what kind of bike?

>Abos angry that their shithole of a town is correctly identified as a shithole
why is this a problem?

>grew up out west

Yeah its a fairly complicated set of problems in that are a result of too much government nannying, not enough work opportunities in remote areas and general lack of motivation to break out of the charity cycle.
Its pretty much fucked for a few generations at least.
They're not all a bunch of dodgy, drunken cunts and a few manage to buck the trend

>reggie yates


>first weebs and japs
>now abos

what uncivilised savages will the based BBC trigger next?

Yeah for free, alarm bells were ringing lmao

Honda CB500X, heres a photo of my bike the morning after at the local Motel

Yeah its really sad that the place is fucked for a few generations, i dont know what the solution could be though, i dont think more Govt intervention is the answer, so many Government departments set up around there it made my head spin, for such a small area too

Seems like a nice place

Black Irish?

>first weebs and japs
When was this?

>i dont know what the solution could be though,

Nice, my parents always owned Hondas. Then I fucked it all up with them and went out and bought Suzuki's and BMWs...
Not much can be really done except maybe to wean them off the charity tit over time and maybe that'll make a few of them wander off into gainful employment. But there's literally nothing out there to do and no cunt in their right mind wants to be a council roads worker or farm labourer for the rest of their days.

Stacey "The Weebslayer" Dooley made a documentary a few weeks ago here she basically implies that anime is for paedophiles

As you'd expect, jap flags and weaboos on here had a meltdown

Yeah i agree with that, i can understand it from the local perspective, i mean, i literally rode into Wilcannia not passing any form of civilization for the past 300km's prior, they could possibly turn around their image in a few decades and try and take advantage of passers by through business opportunities and diners but thats wishful thinking for Wilcannia i think, from what i saw people just sped by the place, most caravaners i spoke to thought i was insane even stopping by the town, i interacted with 2 Motel owners and the petrol station owner/attendant and all were nice people, they tend to have their guard down and let you into their daily lives if you're on a bike too

>Yates' parents, Felicia Asante and Reginald "Jojo" Yates,[11] were both born in Ghana;[11][12] however, his paternal grandfather Harry was the son of an English accountant, George Yates, who worked in the gold mining industry. Harry Yates' wife Dorothy, who was married to him in a customary marriage, was also of mixed race: her father was a British colonial administrator, A. G. Lloyd, while her mother Sarah was a farmer and trader.[13]

ah yes


He's from London, fairly sure his dad's was a colonial officer's son in Nigeria and his mum is Nigerian

delet this now!!1!!!!

>He's Irish actually.

Wilcannia, Lightning Ridge, Broken Hill and Walgett are all pretty bloody awful places to be really unless you're willing to either make something from scratch to employ yourself, work in a mine, drive a truck or on a farm. I dare say some kind of internet and the like out there so people can sell local crafts, minerals, gemstones and all that kind of stuff online could be a way of making ends meet if there was a bit of help to start it up. But its pretty primitive otherwise.

Funnily enough, they're not the worst places to ride through!
When I was in the army years ago we drove from Adelaide up through to Darwin, places like Victoria River, Katherine, Tanami and Tennant Creek where fucking nasty at night to the point the cops made us lock up some of our more sensitive gear in the cop shop overnight and insisted they keep a watch on the vehicles or there's not gunna be anything left the next morning.
The NT is a bit fucking mental anyway, even the white folks are a bit spannered to begin with

they all sound like the junkies here

one of his ancestors survived the Spanish armada's dashing on the shores of your erie :^)

>Abo community has alcoholism

Is this really news?

I guess you have to be to live out there, im thinking of finishing up my degree and becoming a Police Officer out in Broken Hill, i just find the issues in the Outback to be quite interesting and difficult

Here lad, have some FIlnders Ranges for ya m7+1


Small-town, country policing could be quite rewarding I reckon. Known a lot of country coppers and had an uncle who was a detective back in the 1970's, it was bloody rough times back then too.
It'd be better than just a city cop, least you get to know people and work on local problems with a bit more focus. Otherwise you'd just end up booking people for speeding, slinging pissheads in gaol and putting up with 10 domestics a night.

beautiful country

shame about all the shite looking to kill you

then we have something in common after all

interesting doco.

What's interesting is that abos are either people you need to stay away from or have no issue around. Some are violent and others are embarrassed because of that stereotype.

My friends mother is abo and she kinda slipped it out one time when we saw abos fighting down the road. She was clearly embarrassed because maybe she thought that's how we were going to see her.

It's sad really. Honestly I wished the government would help them more, but there's already so much they're doing.

>it's the exact same size as the original post

We need to give them a purpose
My solution? We buy some more submarines, conscript them all to the Navy, and they can be submariners. That'll build character, comraderie, and strength in their communities

Yeah city policing isnt really for me aye

It's all too long.

Just watch it cunt

Shan't be watching a second of it.

classic abos
they always try censor everything (usually successfully) and act entitled over everything. Of course this isn't everyone, but with people like that at the head of abo communities means they're nothing but a waste of other Aussies' money.

>he thinks black Irish is an actual thing and there are genuinely black people native to Ireland


wow user ur so handsome! x

aha x


>Wilcannia have to drive 200km to Broken Hill and 200km back if they just want fucking groceries

Holy shit, Australia.

If you are born in Ireland and are black and are native to Ireland, you dumb fuck.
I swear, English anons on Sup Forums are more consistently obnoxious and denser than Americans.
Go back to /brit/, you tool.

That's only around a four and a half around round time. Not really much for a once a week or fortnight affair.

Yeah, Wilca is fucked. Lived in Broken Hill when I was younger and everyone from Wilcannia would tell you that it's a shithole no one really wants to live in and the kids want to get out of there.

I think in this instance it is part of a bigger issue. There are no jobs in many rural areas, no economy or development.

You seem like a good bloke desu. Too good for this site.

tip top kek

>Honestly I wished the government would help them more, but there's already so much they're doing.

Government is the fucking problem
Being spoon-fed makes you lazy and doesn't motivate you to improve.

I know it sounds tough, but I would instantly cut all form of government welfare for aborigional people (outside of the standard shit that applies for other citizens).

It would be a massive shock to their communities and it would be hell for them for the first 5 or 10 years. But after that, problems would be fixed and they would catch up to the rest of Australia