Shit tier Youtubers. Start off with this cuck

Shit tier Youtubers. Start off with this cuck

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that guy is a fucking freak.

>these fucking faggots
They are painfully unfunny and I hate their disgusting fucking fanbase

no, he's a banana

Not even gonna bothe finding a pic


I remember liking him in 2008. Amazed he is still making videos.

These Jews


This caveman

Didn't he rape someone?


this guy



don't let females get away with this fake rape claim shit

Probably. His face is just screaming "I have a child locked in my basement"

she is the worst

she looks a little better since she got the boob job just she isnt even hot and yet her shit blew the fuck up

I honest to god got a headache after watching one of his videos

>let them get away with it

Lemme don my super suit and go stop them real quick.

it was a made up story by some feminazi this realist

this nigger
pretty much every reaction youtube channel is shit

he still makes videos? fagaots




Frank and edubbbz can be funny on occasion



I've watched a couple of his videos and he has some of the most forced reactions i've ever seen

i don't get why people think he is funny

>Watching her for decent content
. . . . M8

If you hear the stories about him, it sounds like he had some real issues. Like, he was almost like a child in his mind. No social intelligence. He probably pressured her into it, because he was too undeveloped and ego-centric to understand how complex sexuality and stuff is. Maybe he didn't even know he was doing something wrong. But yeah, he did.
I can't find any pictures of him, but this guy is the best example of severe autism in adults
I can't even make it past one video without cringing at his shitty jokes that only make sense to him.

his content is just a less funny, and more edgy, version of "tim and eric awesome show great job"

Someone post that tweet with case and it's like "Caveman sees water for the first time"

>Teenagers gonna teenage

screaming + funny faces + half naked men = comedy

Because his joke are a more darker compared to Leafy tier such as saying LITERALLY OR CRINGE every 5 seconds. Filthy Frank sure may have some non funny videos but majority of the stuff that he says like how watching Naurto Does not make you cool it just makes you look like a fucking weaboo.

why is this Sup Forums ?

you let them get away with it by letting someone anoymously post a tumblr blog calling toby a rapist then spreading that shit all over

I am 20 and I find Filthy Frank a bit different than than a lot of Youtubers out there.

i watch him on younow some times he is Sooo gross

so reaction channels are kinda considered content theft.. like scamming the system

ever notice all the reaction channels are black guys?

Only recently discovered he was Irish, always say his face but never watched a video. I was deeply ashamed.

because he sucks you faggot

Always has been
>inb4 newfags ask who?

hes gay now

This unfunny chink
His fanbase ruins it the most

How dare you its almost the one year yummiverservy

why is he even famous i dont understand? all he does in post videos of him on planes and then scratching the shit out of his raybans and skateboarding

Sephirothsword57 is somewhere between a 0/10 and an 11.



I never liked Leafy, I could never see how he was funny. Yet Everyone told me how he was a lord and savior of Youtube when he roasts a 5 year old kid. Must have a lot of guts making fun of a kid, but your just a fucking attetion whore and slut when you make fun of a 5 year old kid who have Autism or in a Wheelchair.

>ifunny logo.

At least his brother draws some god tier furry art

>Not watching her just to see if she died yet

The Reason Why Fnaf became a huge fan base of cringey and edgy teenagers.

Funny only if I'm painfully bored


now is a great time to mention that jinx is doing reaction videos again

He was funny back in 2015 with his GTA videos but now he just says CoD is shit while playing it and enjoying it

Oh shit, well that just changed my mind about Mark and His Family

Fucking Chris-Chan 2.0

This disgusting Swede
His videos are repetitive trash
Not to mention rabid fucking fanbase


>tfw faggot friend likes him
>Constantly defends him with "nah bro he's different it aint like it was back then"

He's alright now. Definitely not as shit tier as he used to be. Still pretty gross though.

Does your girlfriend like pewdiepie more than you?


>a bit different
>teenagers who think his autism is the funniest shit they've ever seen

See the difference?

Mark - More German than his brother - only funny to girls with daddy issues
Thomas - More Korean than said brother - his furry art is fucking god tier
I unironically still read TwoKinds. I started in 2006 when I was 13.

Hate this fucker. Dude's a fucked up creepy angry manipulative cult leader and basically the Satan of YouTube. Has admitted to turning emotions on and off like a switch for views, yet he just made a video of him crying and apologizing for being a faggot because 600k subs left him and his cult will believe anything he says. Not many people I would gladly murder given the chance

Yes forgive me. That was entirely my bad. I didn't ask a simple question or anything and you felt you had to jump on your "Tumblr and women are mean" soapbox. Kek

yeah, but who wouldn't act like an unfunny retard for $7 million a year

I'd sell my dignity for less.

I don't give a shit about his content but I appreciate him at least, he doesn't even seem to like his content but he's like "Hey it's entertaining people and I'm getting rich as fuck". That's the life man.

ITT: We are nice and loving to eachother until someone gets trips, then all hell breaks loose.

this girl

I hate this drama queen cuck

Who the fuck is that? She's ugly as sin

Apparently he just gets sent a fuck ton of valuable shit and just throws it away cause he doesn't care.

meh, jacksepticeye is shit but not top-tier shit

or because he doesnt need it.
what do you want him to do, give it to you faggots? what would you actually do?
It's like saying "you could feed that to kids in africa"

I actually still like this raging autist, but his upload rate is fucking disgusting

How is that goblin allowed on youtube

I'd just sell it online or something profitable at least

Beep beep, good youtuber coming through.

What is it?

He doesn't need profit at this point, but yea, that's an option

Remember - every youtube channel is shit by default. These are unfunny, unoriginal, and unwanted people clinging on the attention of anonymous internet users for approval. They're leeches on society that should be looked down upon until they finally stop fucking around and get real jobs instead of whining for youtube shekels and fake internet points.

who dat

>Multimillionaire selling shit online for a quick buck

a girl on youtube who eats a lot and has a boyfriend who was using her for fame and he was actually a faggot

Blaire white.

more like cooking the dog amirite

>if I act like I've said anything worth listening to maybe people won't notice I'm massively jealous

Its entertainment.