Ask a guy 5 shots in anything

Ask a guy 5 shots in anything.
Dubs make me drunken text shit.
Trips make me drunken do shit.
Lets go boooois

Whats it like being in highschool right now?

Not in hiighschool. Im 21. Got a job and wanna die.

Why are you drunk off 5 shots?

Dubs get

That was going to be my follow up.

Pretty drunk, but lightweight, trying to hold self up since lightweight also spelling going to shit taking long as fuck to type correct. THANK GOD FOR SPELL CHECK

Getting drunk off 5 shots and you want to die. 21 and have a job. Grow the fuck up and man the fuck up. Having a job is not an accomplishment, it is an obligation. Retards can find work. If you are getting drunk off 5 shots life isnt that bad.

My dude life is pain
Fuckin Edgy m8

Seems I got dubs. OP doesnt deliver a drunken text in 10 minues and this thread is alive I post a pic with timestamp of my little dick in a shot glass. Go Sup Forumsros.

Ready foor drunken text, lemme know what to say
Lets go bois

Trips from someone now. Op doesnt deliver both dub and trip peomises in 5 minutes I deliver my promise.

>5 shots in
>posting on Sup Forums sober

Get your life together man.

Also, rolling for texting someone whom you haven't spoken to in more than a year. Minimum 15 words.

"Wanna see my dick in a shotglass" to your mom contact.

HA! Do it OP!

Proof it is my request

Oh shit we in now bois trying to figure out how to screenshot for proof
hang on while oi try to screenshot this shit

Giving you 5 mins to prove before I put up.

1 drunken text out. Not sure if i remeber who Next is mom. LEL KEKE FOR THE DRUNK GODS

Shit sorry forgot to attached.

Op better deliver

Dude that could be to yuorself for all we know. No name or previous convo on it.

hang on my dueds shit wont take the files for fuck all reason

Was going to deliver myself but file size too big.

gonna deliver just give a sec to fucking find a way to upload this shitty fuike cuz uck wont upload also drunk making it harder

K hopefully works, edited phone numbe out cus even drunk not sending you shits my mom's number

Took another shot. Maybe lightweight as shit but drunk as fuck at least for me i guess

I don't do drugs. Winners don't take drugs. You don't need drugs to be cool. Say 'No!' to drugs.

Use this

k here is rescreenshot

That shit is nasty. On NYE, I took my little cousin out to buy any drink he wanted to celebrate with, seeing as he recently turned 19
Fucking disgusting. Nobody wanted to drink it, not even the turbo normie himself.

Damn almost got trips and op had to deliver.

op delivered.

What game were you talking about? Sounds rad as fuck.

That's not even real whiskey you daft cunt. Come back when your balls have dropped.

Also rolling for text the last female you talked to ”why haven't we fucked yet?"

DOne my dude usper wasted now

Aww shit forgo to block number what evers

Fucking hell dude. You get a response I will take a resonible request for a response pic.

Shit op is dubbing like mad.

Kek at this shit.

Night of the living dubs Too drunk to thing take sages to spell correct tying. Might be slow to resond.

Gonna deliver: Whch lst female? Mom or befre delviered texts?

Bakers choice.

Oh shit OP delivers and drunk instant text back #Life ruinined

Ops not getting responses. Convinced they are dummy contacts.

Fuck I'm one pint of vodka plus 10 dark lagers in AMA

here my dude
gonns post responses

Hows the taste of Tennessee honey? What drink do you prefer to mix it with?

Are you on your period?

You deliver i deliver


Might be sorta outr of order

3rd resoinse gone hard to edit drunk shir my dude im trying my dude

Coke-cherry. Pretty good better then coke vanilla or coke normal

go piss on a honey comb and bottle it. you'll never know the difference

trips for this guy

Take care of yourself, OP.
I think you've had enough to have fun tonight.

lol 5 shots is pleb.

Yep go to bed op, and ask for forgiveness in the morning.

Oh shit trips my dude

Nah im riding this to my grave i wanna die and this is the closet i get to happiness is when drunk aoff my ass as fuckmy dude