Using Arch Linux with Deepin Desktop Environment, ask me anything

Using Arch Linux with Deepin Desktop Environment, ask me anything

bump, I'm bored and want to chat about Linux

How hard was it installing for your first time?
I tried installing arch and I couldn't get it right.

Said fuck it and went to Ubuntu MATE.

fuck off back to Sup Forums faggot's Sup Forums. Sup Forums = random
Who gives a fuck if it's linux?

Oh right, almost every computer user with half a brain.

>install arch
>immediately seek attention instead of doing something useful


First time I followed the ultra beginner tutoriel and messed up the partitions and some commands order, so I had to retry a few times.
Plus, I had issue getting Deepin/Light DM to work and did not clearly understand X server at this time so I messed up again.

Keep trying mate, don't give up! Once you get it right you'll feel so comfy. I can assist you for your next try if you want.

>Windows plebs

thx guys

why is the site for the Paranoid Android rom development down?

If you want to help me, sure.
throwaway email is [email protected]


mine is [email protected], send an email when you want

It's the other way around mate


there is a link for learning linux? i fucked up my main computer .... twice.... and even the VMs too...
i am playing now with the bash sub-system from windows. and i bet i am gonna fuck it up too...
keks a side... the fuck do i set up the kitchen to compile to armv7 architeture and how i build it to raspberry pi? ( & android my next time ) , i had only troll instructions.

thats the point of vms if you fuck it up who gives a shit just roll it back or reinstall
download pdf's of o'reilys linux books

Neckbeard and balding intensifies.


If you're using a pi, you might as well use pi linux.

Either that, or I would recommend the ARM version of Ubuntu MATE. I know it's easy, but...

It's easy.

Why not LXDE?

Because I use Deepin since it was beta on metak's AUR and I fell in love with it. Now it's on officials repo and it keeps getting better!



outdated look

like, what does that even mean tho?

Exactly, I love it.

Arch Linux is an Operating System like Windows
Deepin is the "window manager", the thing that displays the taskbar and the windows on the screen.

Did you update those days? The new control panel is SO slick

got it. searching it.

i have no means to do dd if= of=/dev/sd* to the sdcard on windows. where my main [fucked up previously] computer is.

kitchen just to play with compilers and understand assembler laguange code. i do not know exacly what i said. but i know how to play safe :D