UK in a sex crime big country

UK in a sex crime big country

Go away nippon


Are you butthurt?

The collective stalker was on the road of narrow but the man said he was a collective stalker through radio wave was standing there.

Those innocent citizen who was now members of collective stalker had reduced to be collective stalkers through radio wave. There was
no way of escaping from the collective stalking

When I was watching TV and there was an announcer. She was reading the news but at the same time she told directly to my head that she was monitoring my thought through radio wave. The government is controlling the media. There is no way of escaping from the collective stalking committee.

I told to police that I was getting the radio wave attack but the policeman named Kato made me out. And on my way home a man wearing suit
was standing on the road and stared
at me and when I walked by the man the man said he is a member of collective stalking committee and he was hired by kato through micro wave. And I saw the tree planted in the park
and there was a woman and she was a member of collective stalking comittee. She said the government is trying to get the secret from my memory.

I got back home from the supermarket on 5/8/14 there was a man standing in front of my house and he wore a black suit and said through radio wave that he is a
member of collective stalking comittee and he left there and I
entered my house. there was a little piece of paper and the man said it was put by him through radio wave.

The collective stalker was standing in front of the convenience store and said he was monitoring my thought through radio wave and the car was parked on there. There was no escaping form the collective stalking.

The collective stalker was there on my way
home from the supermarket to buy beer and he said
he was monitoring my thought through radio wave.
There was no way of escaping from the collective stalking after all

what is written on this image?

he collective stalker was
on the scene when my home was burnt down by the collective stalker's comrade in black suit and I told the fire man the collective stalker was on the scene but the fire man was bribed by the collective stalker and I was illegally captured by the police who conspired with the collective stalker.

I was walking on the street when I went to home from the supermarket near my home and a old man with his wife glanced at me and said he was monitoring my thought through radio wave and there was no way of escaping from the collective stalking.

The collective stalker was characterized by the radio wave attack by which they monitored my thought through radio wave and there was no escaping from the collective stalking institute.

If a man monitors my thought through radio wave he is a collective stalker. The building was a bit old. I found a coin on the road.

The agents engaged in the collectivity were receiving the command from the government through the radio wave.

Your definition of sex crime is a lot narrower than the west. It's misleading and only now are people wising up to the trap for western women.

once you join the collective stalking as an agent there is no way of escaping from the collective stalking duty.

The thought was monitored through radio wave when I was home and watched the news and the announcer said through radio wave she was monitoring my thought. There was no escaping from the collective stalking.

The collective stalker was on the train when I took on the yamanote line and he said the conductor is his comrade and all my thought from when I took on the car was monitored by the administration through radio wave.

The collective stalker was watching my house when I got home and he left without word and I came in and there was a piece of white paper. And the collective stalker said through radio wave it was put by him. I called police but I was illegally captured by police. Police was conspired with collective stalker.

The collective stalker was playing in the ground who was in his 20s and he
approached me and said he was monitoring my thought through radio wave.
I was perplexed.


>insult pedophiles
>angry japs came out of nowhere

>"You can commit a perfect murder in Japan because the body is not likely to be examined," says Hiromasa Saikawa, a former member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police security and intelligence division. He says senior police officers are "obsessed with statistics because that's how you get promotions," and strive to reduce the number of criminal cases as much as possible to keep their almost perfect solution rate.

>Japan's annual police report says its officers made arrests in 96.6% of the country's 1,392 homicides in 2005.

>But Saikawa, who says he became disillusioned by "fishy" police practices and in 1997 left the force in disgust after 30 years, claims that police try to avoid adding homicides to their caseload unless the identity of the killer is obvious.

>"All the police care about is how they look to people; it's all PR to show that their capabilities are high," Saikawa says. "Without autopsies they can keep their percentage [of solved cases] high. It's all about numbers."


Not sure what autopsies have to do with rape and molestation statistics. Japan's violent crime rates are 1/10th of Britain's across the board

>Mohammed is raping my daughter at the nearby mosque, I'm so progressive!

Anglos should all be exterminated, luckily they are already doing it to themselves.

At least BASED NIPPON sexualises underage girls unlike most british pedophiles who are gay. Im redpilled so do't talk to me cuck.


Ah, that explains it. Strong independent womyn is tremendously afraid of the idea of actual femininity, even in the form of cartoons.

British lecturing Japanese to have a pure society, like theirs. It also lists the sex crime stats for each country, and Britain's is like 10 times higher

If japanese police actively protect murderers why wouldn't they protect pedophiles? The article only goes to show that japanese statistics about crime are 100% untrustworthy and not a valid source for arguing that japan magically has less crime than all other similar countries.

No, it said autopsies are unreliable. Completely different when the victims are still alive to pester the police and have the backing of tabloid media looking to blow up any hint of heinous crimes

Anyway, if the documentary found any evidence of mass coverups of crimes in Japan, they would have included it

>Japanese self reported rape statistics

Jog on jap

Your reading comprehension is terrible. The article clearly states that japanese police actively avoid opening cases where the perpetrator is not easily caught, solely to keep up appearances and a high percentage of solved cases. The same applies to japanese prosecutors who work as a part of the investigative police force instead of as an independent judiciary. If they cannot be entirely sure that the perp is found guilty they will not even investigate the crime just to keep that "cases solved/cases not solverd" ratio at 1/0.

And this doesn't even take into account corruption, which isn't even monitored.

japs always finding fault in other people, but that not justified prove you're from the clean.

Japan is a war crime big country

But how is any of that related to banning comic books?

why do people give nations of rats any attention in the first place

ITT weebs on suicide watch