where do I start?
Where do I start?
Ivan's Childhood
I started this week with Stalker. Beautiful film, a truly masterful work of art, although pretty hard to get, and quite open to interpretation. I liked it even more after reading some texts about it. Looking foward to watch more of his stuff.
Drop him and start from pic related
Tarkovsky is a good, maybe great, visual artist, but Bergman is a God of human emotion.
Actually this so much. Bergman was a huge influence on Tarkovsky. And he's far more consistent.
more like where do you fart lol
interesting, where do I start with him?
already seen the seventh seal, although I know that's entry level
Don't worry about "entry level". It's a meaningless put down used around here to discredit well renowned films, has no bearing at all on the real world.
I was really impressed with Summer with Monika, and Cries and Whispers destroyed me.
Wild Strawberries.