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That's a big set

>That fucking set

fake mountains

The tree is Darth Vader's penis


Good thing they discarded the EU with all its goofy bullshit right guys?

Redpill me on the tree.

It's evil.

>In the scene Luke tells Rey that the Jedi Council became “arrogant” and that they were hiding a “secret,” which led to their demise. The old Jedi master takes Rey’s hand and shows her a glimpse into the past. They see two children playing near a tree on an alien planet. The boy noticed that he had greater strength and intuition when he was closer to this tree. The girl noticed that the tree also made her brother increasingly angry. One day an argument breaks out between the children, and the boy kills the girl. The boy touches the tree and is “transformed.” He kills his parents and leaves the planet. Meanwhile the girl is revealed to be alive, transformed by the tree as well, using her power to start the first Jedi Order.

>The girl explains how The Force can be used for both good and evil. She tells her followers that one day she would return as either a boy or a girl, and that they should train this child. Luke tells Rey that the Jedi Order had been searching for The One (reincarnation of the original founder of the Jedi) for a millennia. When they found Anakin Skywalker and thought that he would bring balance to The Force, the Jedi were “deceived” and the Clone Wars were the result. The scene also shows Rey’s parents, and Luke is not the father. Luke tells her how she was identified as strong with The Force, and how she was supposed to begin her training, but never reached her destination for an unknown reason. In the scene Luke gives Rey a choice, and she has till sunset to make it.

>there must be balance in the force
>1000 years of light side dominance
why is the chosen one evil? idk lol

>makes over 2 billion world wide

Well, to be fair

This tree really just sounds like a reskinned version of the Valley of the Jedi.

That sounds like utter wank.

It's probably true. All of it.

The Tree is a pathetic attempt at Biblical Tree of Knowledge symbolism. The story leaks read like some shit a 10 year old would write in a Star Wars fanfiction.

hahahaha I can't beleive they're keeping this, out of all the shit they've got to use. So fucking stupid amost worse then Medi C

I am going to end my life today.

No it's not, it's ripped straight from an EU story were Luke and his son find the origin of the force and its a tree, it was just as fucking stupid as it sounds

if you go strictly by the movie canon the dark side itself is the "imbalance" (or so the jedi believe)

the EU stuff explorers whether the dark is actually a "side" of the force or just a cancer on the light side which is the only. things get more interesting when the dark side is its own thing though imo



The dark side of the force is the force killing itself. Pic related explains it.

wheres your source

>Rey has both parents and is "The One"

>Anakin was a virgin birth, Qui-gon suggesting that the midichlorians willed him into existence
>not "The One"

lol ok

Pablo Hidalgo said this wasn't true. If it were true he wouldn't have commented on it at all as not to spoil it like how he did with the real Episode 7 leaks (also so he doesn't break NDA). Also it contradicts everything Lucas considered canon about the force.


>Pablo Hidalgo said this wasn't true


This is literally up there with Midi-chlorians. I hope it isn't real. All you had to do was tell an interesting that stuck to the basics of The Force as described by the Original Trilogy and dealt with the crumbling Empire's last desperate attempts to regain its control over the galaxy. Nope, let's provide unneeded demystifying explanations, reset the universe, and bring up the chosen one stuff again.

Star Wars has been saved.

Unless somehow i've just vastly overlooked large portions of the films, it seems that this theory is comprised of material not found in either the OT or the prequels.

It's mostly based off shit from The Clone Wars, Lucas talking about the force, and Taoism which heavily inspired the force.

The Jedi Order was founded on Tython. Kys

The cycle of the Living Force and Cosmic Force comes from The Clone Wars and the idea of the Sith as a cancer on the Force comes from George.

I almost feel like this is so stupid that it's probably true. This seems like the sort of shit some fat producer in Burbank looked over and said, "This is genius."

That's a lot of loyalty for a hired stage hand.

Technically, there are dark things a force user can do that does not destroy the force, and the light side of the force destroys the force too by killing dark jedi. In your view of the force, Revan could not exist.

Mountains look real. Movie ?

You don't even mention force users who use dark and light simultaneously.

If the Force were really inspired by Taoism the Dark Side wouldn't be evil, it would be necessary. Both aspects of the Tao must exist.

Evil is necessary for good to exist.

Force tree looks spooky

It's the new Star Wars set you uncultured nigger

That sounds autistic as fuck.


I'm just sort of in awe that anyone would think this origin/story for the Force is a good idea. Even Lucas, with Midichlorians, didn't actually give us an origin for the Force.


I am terrified that this has the slightest chance of being true.

did those guys sneak onto the set? Why would a crew member wear a bandana over their mouth?


Is this the GOT set?

I had always figured that the force was most aptly compared to the daoist concept of yin/yang and thus there wasn't any 'right' side, just two sides which are the only thing keeping each other kempt for the sake the maintenance of the proper working order of the universe. The fact they are diametrically opposed to each other is only natural and neither side is 'right' The jedi came close to conquering the universe which is why the chosen one 'balancing' the force manifested as him destroying all but a few jedi.



It probably seems they will tune down Rey's power level. If the msw is right about the fight there's a possibility Rey falls off the cliff and lands into the ocean. If she manages to swim I'll literally be pissed.

Honestly, I'd wait until the movie actually comes out before we start judging it.

I don't think it's meant to be the literal origin of the Force, just the origin of how humans learned to communicate with it. The "First Jedi Temple" is not meant to be a literal temple, but where the Jedi Order began, i.e. that tree that was strong in the Force

The dark side is allowed to exist to some extent in canon (without it the Jedi would have no purpose as peacekeepers) but also like Taoism the dark side shouldn't take over and you certainly shouldn't have something like the Empire where they have Death Stars that make any resistance extremely impossible and the only chance of the light side ever existing again is the 0.000001% chance that Vader can be turned to the light.

Also in Taoism the dark side isn't necessarily what the dark side in the force is. In Taoism it's plotting, in darkness, secret, and can also be used for good (like a rebellion to an evil regime), and the light side is openness, and understanding but can also be used for evil (like a dictator openly condemning innocent people). In the force the dark side is selfishness, and the light side is selflessness. In canon there are Jedi that use what appear to be dark Taoist concepts like plotting or playing with people's emotions, etc but this doesn't really make them evil so long as they aren't doing it out of hate or causing harm to innocents. Kind of like Quinlin Vos or Obi-Wan lying to Luke.

>Rey is the chosen one and not Anakin
>They are going to do the whole prophecy shit again

I want off this ride.

Nah. It's similar and was probably exactly what you explained around the time of the OT, but by the time George made the prequels he decided that Anakin brought balance to the force by destroying the Sith and letting the Jedi get recreated by Luke. See:

>retconning George Lucas's movies to redo the whole Chosen One thing again
>but this time for girl power

I will be watching for more leaks like a hawk and if this turns out to be true Star Wars is dead to me.

I could say its the other way around because in the OT the sith are completely wiped out, whereas in the prequels the sides are only "balanced"

you sexist or something
girls can do whatever boys can do
get on the right side of history

I'd actually honestly prefer a more Taoist take on the Force. I think the idea of the Dark Side, and its users, as necessary in the galaxy is really interesting storytelling. The Dark Side in this perspective seems like the fire that clears the dead trees from the forest. It destroys so that creation can begin again.

I feel like the Force as we know it right now is sort of a mess. It's Eastern principles of balance and action mangled up with Western ideas of good and evil. It doesn't quite work if you think too hard about it. The Force as a concept needs to be refined a bit.

has anyone ever read the novalization of A New Hope. there is a small introduction that describes the Old Republic like a great tree. "So it was with the Republic at its height. Like the greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the Republic rotted from within though the danger was not visible from outside." maybe that tree also has something to do with the Old Republic

Revan is not canon

Midichlorians do not sound so bad now

anakin was the chosen one, he was just reincarnated into a girl

I always wondered how they charged that thing

Look at it like this. Without the Jedi you have an Empire that will forever oppress and murder people in mass. Eventually this will make life and the force itself completely die (just image how easy it would have been after around 500 years when there could have been Death Stars on every single planet). Also keep in mind thagt Sidious used mass suffering and death to fuel his power in the force. This was kind of the living force eating itself. If he went crazy enough (or if another Emperor somewhere down the line went crazy) he could start destroying planets for no reason other than to eat the power the mass death causes.

It's fine having a few little bits of dark side here and there like in the case of a planetary conflict or the soon to be Force Order vs New Republic conflict where it isn't an all encompassing Empire that has a 99.99999% chance of destroying any resistance. However when the dark side goes full retard like in the case of the Empire, the chosen one must destroy the Sith in order to save the galaxy, because without it the Living Force will consume itself and the greater Cosmic Force will starve to death destroying reality as we know it.

>mfw some autist on Sup Forums made this shit up


>he was just reincarnated into a girl

Are we sure that George Lucas isn't still writing these new movies?

Jesus christ spoiler that shit.

Not even George is this terrible

Probably not with the crew, just fans that went to the set after hours and posted pics standing on the Millenium Falcon on their Instagrams with their faces blurred so Disney would not go after them for trespassing

>confirmed bullshit by Lucasfilm
>confirmed bullshit by Pablo on Twitter
>no source ANYWHERE

>>confirmed bullshit by Lucasfilm
>>confirmed bullshit by Pablo on Twitter


Bear Island knows only one savior, the savior from Tattoine, whose name is SKYWALKER

Also if anyone is interested more in how the force is inspired by Taoism I wrote all this shit down a few days ago.

wtf how can you make a set like that, it looks fucking real

it actually looks like shit when you consider they most likely spent upwards of a million dollars on this set alone


If you can handle him, ask him on Twitter. He'll most likely rage with incomprehensible anger.

Isn't that just Luke's house? There seems a pretty clear opening. He's just living out in the middle of nowhere like Yoda was.

On the other hand, we have been lied to a LOT in the last few years. Khan, Blofeld, Jon Snow being dead... at this point it's a surprise when we're not being lied to for a SFF movie plot.

damn thats sweet

His wife's son?

If you know anything about Pablo based on those comments, he's calling the people who believe this rumor retarded.

What about the "Rey = the REAL Chosen One for real this time" thing?

I'm well aware of that, but I'm still saying that he could be lying through his teeth. I don't trust anyone any more.


>le chosen one plot line
every time

My feel when all the original fans are going to freak when they find out that Rey is a reincarnation of a million year old innocent girl who was murdered by a young boy next to a tree and this tree gave birth to the dark side while it was all a mistake and lie that Anakin was the chosen one when Rey is the real one who is going to bring all balance and everyone will bow down to her

The mice en scene makes it look like it is the same planet Luke was on.


>implying Disney would let any actual leaks get out


I said this as soon as the movie came out and I got shouted down. So many fags in denial that their franchise is trash

They did. Han Solo dying by his son Kylo Ren was leaked 6 months before Episode 7 came out in an article.

>Kylo Ren arrives, and Han confronts him in hopes of keeping the others safe and "talking him off the ledge." Kylo Ren is unmoved, and kills Han. Leia [Carrie Fisher] feels it instantly, Chewie roars in anguish, and he, Finn, and Rey are forced to take off without Han's body as everything around them begins to crumble.



>Rey is Luke's father

It's going to be Yoda's grave or some shit. Luke will be communicating with Yoda like Obi-wan did with Qui-gon.

Anyone else getting some Mass Effect 3 vibes from this? If it's true, I can just tell that Rian and his team think this is brilliant and are patting themselves on the back for it,