Looking for the video of the Facebook live rape in Sweden. Anyone?
Looking for the video of the Facebook live rape in Sweden. Anyone?
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What is this?
BUMP for great justice
Oh look, immigrants raping a swedish girl, I am SO surprised.
I'm not so sure that the girl is swedish. Saw someone claim that she is said to speak with foreign accent.
Hopefully it was one of their own dirty kind
Either way, it's just another piece of evidence why these monkeys dont belong in europe.
I whant video.
when will Sweden wake up a war is coming
Is the chick hot? I wouldn't mind seeing this if she's white and hot.
If we swedes dont have it yet then you wont have it either. Youll have to wait.
all middle eastern immigrants should be drowned, hung, or shot
No way. This is impossible.
muslims and niggers. is there anything more terrifying?
Josefine Lundgren
swefag here
She was in fact swedish, but trash swedish. All into sjw multiculturalism and ebonics. Not the first of her kind to be raped/murdered here
I hope her info leaks and she suffers a mental breakdown and kills herself
check for yourself if you dont believe me mate, sweden is fucked up
Oh fuck her then. If she's a wigger, then she deserved what she got.
Was there no rape in Sweden before immigrants?
She was the one who reported it to the police.
This isn't 2008. Sup Forums is just full of reddit cuckolds and edgy teens. You'll never see that video and if you do, it won't be because of this site.
That's edgy.
of course the leftist there are blaiming it on how often the rapes are reported in Sweden compared to other countries, and that the statistics lie because of it.
There is an edited version of it on liveleak
BAMPING, I wanna see the video.
Not acording to right wingers.
Muslims 1 - Swedecucks 0
You westerners are inferior, your women are ours.
Hopefully she's pregnant with a strong muslim boy.
What are you white boys gonna do about it
>post about it on the internet while we rape women
U cucks are too scared to do anything about it, thanks for your country and women.
Not to mention you whiteboys are so cucked you want to masturbate to us strong Muslim men raping your women :^)
That's how cucked you are, instead of doing something you look for the video like good little cuck boys.
She probably enjoyed it and soon islam will rape your sisters :)
Let it happen, join us or die.
also inb4 bait
This isn't bait, you know it's true.
Are you triggered white boys :^)
This would have been bait if you weren't this cucked.
>implying you're not white.
I'm the superior mudslime :^)
You can go ahead and call me inferior, but I'm not the one allowing white boys in my country. In fact you'd get deported or decapitated.
A true alpha doesn't get cucked.
>pic related
>superior mudslime
Pick one
All swedish girls that I know speak with a swedish accent.
we post about it on the internet while our army is killing your sandnigger friends in the middle east
>I want to fit in
can't they go hand in hand.
>Don't belong in Europe
Europe is a shithole anyway. "Muh Culture" Is being eroded to fucking nothing by american and asian corporations as well as all those 'refugees' you fuckwads couldn't stop because you have no spine.
and we're killing you....oh and running your governments...oh and raping you :^)
That's what my 3 brothers said while raping her :^)
>In the middle east
>Not in europe
wow.. you sure showed them
Illegal to spread it you fucktards
when the time is right mate you will see
Hell darkness my old friend
hahaha ohh nooo, its illegal :( guys i guess we cant spread it then lmao
>I still want to fit in guise
This is now a superior Muslim thread.
Salam brothers.
How many white boys have u cucked today :^)
>y-y-yeah well.. ONE DAY
Europe will just ask America to do it because Eurocucks literally can't do anything without them. You're just gonna trade one bull for another you fucking cuck. Stop being a typical faggy european and actually do something yourself for once.
You sure showed me!
salami to you too
> slander to spread truth
No wonder you eurofucks are getting BTFO
Also, eurocucks, my trips don't fucking lie.
> these guys can't even read the signs they've been handed
> not that they could have read them in reversi language either
Allahu Snackbar to you as well :^)
Let's cuck this thread like we do their countries.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
There is a lot of western countries destroyed as Palestine and Iraq.. and they are not the first ones.Say thank to west world
you are right on some points, a lot of eurocucks are massive faggots for sure. But also we have a lot people who just start to organise themself, so i guess we have to wait and see whats happening
nice trips
>talking about cucking
>follows fairytale raghead religion
You're already mentally cucked yourself akbar.
Salam my lie cum brother
> you can't lose the game
> caused me to lose the game
Fucking paradox bullshit
Nothing compared to whole continents getting destroyed by us.
We are superior deal with it.
Bro, you and I and everybody else here, we all know that islamic trips don't count.
Yes, I left Islam but I'm coming back now because the West = cucks.
Islam is the solution to the cuckery.
So back to the video please?
>lol eurocucks le muslim r superior
>plays mtg
no one got the source? dambn
>Look mom, I posted it again!
Don't project yourself or your haram kuffar insecurities on me.
I'm not white. I'm not cucked.
>should send it to the police
so they end up with the same file over and over
Thank you for seeing that.
You're being accepted back my brother.
Now take this clock.
>Literally can't read. Typical ineducated european
>t-t-trips don't c-c-count
Yes... Africa, Asia... your own countries are destroyed, but West world is intact. You, once, killed 3000 people. We destroyed a country. You killed 200, we destroyed another.
Sure you are. Keep wrapping your fucking tablecloth around your head and babbling to a God that doesn't exist though. Allahu crackwhore or whatever.
>Being alpha
>Leaving your family behind in shittier country to leech of a race that actually works for a living and have a decent society
Pick one you filthy sheepfucker
You need to learn what a country and continent is my kuffari friend.
If you think we suffered more losses, you're gravely mistaken.
oh darn, Sup Forums has never don anything illegal before.
That's some edge.
+ we rape your indecent bitches.
Put on a hijab and we wont rape you. Easy.
Anything else is fair game.
> (You)
>>Literally can't read. Typical ineducated european
> doesn't even know what the game is
> being a moron is the only way to win
Congrats buddy. GTFO Sup Forums
What am I reading.