What does the rest of the world think about Trump?

What does the rest of the world think about Trump?

Post age, country, and how fucked/unfucked we all are.

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Better than the alternative that was offered
33/ australian

Who gives a shit, you heard the man ( the legend ), AMERICA FIRST. Period.

at first I was worried, but after seeing all the sweet salty libtard tears, I think I've come around to enjoying the trump pres so far. amerifat here.

15/ Sweden An idiot but could potentially be good depending on if he cooperates with BRIC or not. Either way it's gonna be funny as shit.

30, Norway, couldnt care less

39/ Germany

i think trump is a pretty cool guy. he grabs hoes by the pussy and doesn't afraid of anything.

You guys are going to be 100x better off after he fixes your shit hole of a country.
I don't really care what the libtards say either because the only thing that comes out of their mouths is "HUR MULTICULTURLISM"
White people have been getting the shit end of the stick for too long

im 39, gotta be better than the nigger that raised my insurance until i got fined for non-payment

Nothing like a little FUCK YOU from the IRS, eh? Oh, I get a bill for not having health insurance? What the fuck is this?

i still dont get how this isnt extortion. like the old days of "pay up or you will be sorry" approach to "protection money".

That's like in Canada.
Another fucking tax grab.
They're beginning to introduce a carbon tax here even though the country is carbon negative. As if they don't already take enough off of my cheque. My income tax alone is more than my rent and vehicle payment combined.

36 swe, its entertaining to watch from a safe distance. jut like 11/9

Love him. So happy Hillary isn't my president.

27 Belgium

It's the whole election that makes america look bad. First off, on the choice of candidates. Their were no real smart candidates on either side, none of the real issues the world is facing were actually really discussed in-depth during the debate, it was pretty much bickering between two people that clearly said to the voters "you guys are stuck with worse and worse, who are you going to choose?".
I'm no democrat, but I think his choice of government is shitty as fuck, and dismissing global warming as a chinese made problem; and puttin a known climate-sceptic at the head of the EPA isn't a strategy that's good for anyone.

I mean, I understand that you have to make good on some promises you give the voters, but I would've hoped that would have been a straw promise since it's such a factual thing, and that's what worries me, the fact he thinks that there are "alternative facts". That's like teaching creationism in class.

>fined for non-payment
>bill for not having health insurance
are you talking about taxes? do you even know what taxes are?

22 Canada
Trump has nothing to do with how fucked we are/aren't
That is the shit that we need to worry about.

>health insurance

pick one, nigger.

You do know this will only make the economy slow down, right? Especially for america.

Government theft?

croatia, 20sth
opportunist, populist, might be better than the establishment types
its just saddening to see so many people mobilized to protest him, as if they are fighting some actual vital danger. tells much about human corruption and gullibility. 60mil americans were gullible enough to elect him, 100+million americans are gullible enough to fall for those hitler comparisons
americans today it seems cannot fathom what actual state terror is, be it right- or left-wing
they didn't have their leaders culling the population at will
in croatia it's even sadder. people even celebrate the people that did those things, first the fascists in ww2 and then the communists. but theres another twist: celebrating communist rape of the country is commendable as they got tired of the slaughter at some point and organized quite a nice economy all things considered. thats because they won the war and the croats are fucking pussies and think that its not very smart to talk about the crimes of the victors in fucking 2017.
anyways i don't expect any mass curtailing of personal or political rights in the US, protests are just a hip place to be to show you're in one crowd and not the other.

taxes are applied to income, this is a fine for existing while being white

27 Sweden

What the fuck guys? You guys voted a fascist-paraphrasing narcissistic idiot into office. This is what democracy was supposed to prevent! How fucking inbred do you have to be to make that kind of judgement?
>but muh ironic vote
Look, fuck Shillary, but at least you're not breaking the entire world with her. If you really want to change the system, find some other goddamn way instead of just voting for the casual lulz.

Now, Trump has ONE thing going for him. One. He's anti-China. That's a very good thing, as they're glancing over at the civilized world with a real hungry light in their eyes.


Will be good for my country as trump is anti-globalist, so he'll be more interested in trading with the UK post-brexit rather than the EU.

Imo nationalism isn't a bad thing, the globalist project hasn't worked, all it has done is put a burden on western countries to be the world police whilst also bankrolling everyone else and destroying their own culture. Trump putting his own country first is a good thing, personally I hope it encourages more western nationalist movements.

>organized quite a nice economy all things considered
no they didnt. did you forget yugoslavia fell apart?


Best thing you could have gotten from your available candidates

seriously Hillary would have fucked the entire world

24/ Russia.
It was best way to spend our 10 billion.

29. Canadian liberal.

Im pretty weary of him. I think he was the greater of two evils, and i think youre all in for a big surprise. His anti fact and anti science attitudes are terrifying in the 21st century and nationalism rarely lead anywhere good.

But hillary was a cunt too, and liberal tears are hilarious. Im kind of hoping this will get liberals to start talking about real problems, and not motherfucking bathroom rights. Hell maybe even be less entitled and find more realistic battlegrounds. They had it too good for too long.

He's the savior who the humanity was waiting for.
Greetings from Argentina faggots

Forgot to tell my age, I'm 19 bitches

25, Denmark.
You're pretty fucked, but the other choice was worse.
Moron > Corrupt moron

32, Germany, a lot of people in charge disrespect him and think of him as a puppet. When he is going full retard (twitter obviously doesn't count) they won't follow through. He will damage relations with every other country, but won't be able to cripple your country as hard as you might think

it worked out for a while is what i meant. also major infrastructural projects were completed then with a fraction of what it would cost today, as germans are bribin our politicians to hire german firms for public projects for ridiculous prices and shitty quality. kinda the same thing they did with greece, making them take loan upon loan and they still haven't learned where that road leads.
croatia was more economically sovereign then than it is today in many aspects

for 10 billion you could have made russia great again. oh well, i guess russia will stay the same for some time

30 amerifat

I didn't vote for either one but out of the two I wanted Donald to win. If for nothing else I want to see what it'll be like to have someone who could finance their own campaign, or more specifically doesn't whore themselves out for campaign money.

Personally I don't understand all the fear. I get that he's a womanizer and an all-around dick but so far as a politician his agenda isn't all that bad. get lobbying out of DC, impose term limits, replace the fucking mess that is the ACA, put America first in negotiations, allow states to legalize marijuana. I think the media grossly played up the more unpopular opinions to help Hillary.

16, Brazil.

I think all the choices for president wasn't good, so basically u guys would be fucked anyway.

The Balkans would be such a nice place if you serbs, croats, bosnians and others could get along.


33, Croatia, Trump is a cool guy

You had reagan and bush as presidents so this orange idiot is not really a surprise


>it worked out for a while is what i meant
you werent even born at the time, i dont know what your parents told you or what they teach in school. life was good in the 70s and 80s but it was a catastrophically unsustainable economy

23, Netherlands.

It's gonna be terrible because he has no ideology and all his policies are short term effects only.

Gonna be hilarious, though.


43. UK.
I suspect Trump may be insane. He definitely can't string a sentence together, he's probably the most inarticulate political leader the world has ever seen. The United States is fucked and probably the rest of the world along with it.


You chaps have a history of electing incompetent buffoons, so its not the hugest of surprises. It really is baffling how someone that unqualified could really be elected though, s'like employing the milkman as the headmaster, on the basis that he knows most of the mums anyway.

A middle finger for PC and liberals. Not so fuck watching feminazi and liberal whine is very satisfying. 31 Philippines

it would be a nice place were it not for the gentlemen from "civilized" countries playing geopolitics
the war in croatia, slovenia and bosnia happened not because regular people wanted to shoot each other but because of someones ideas how the borders should look like. bosnia today has 4 times less murders per capita than the us, and another war won't come about as a result of the people's will

▲ ▲

>America First

>Implying this isn't the best regime change in decades.

>he's probably the most inarticulate political leader the world has ever seen
bitch please

oh ffs i looked into the matter, and yes it was tending to burst. it wasn't unfixable though. worker productivity was very high but so was corruption in every pore of business

Ha! F*cking hell. They sure can pick em! It's close, but I'd say Trump edges it.

Someone not spouting retarded shit on Sup Forums? How?


most of your statement is true but dont forget that the war happened because there were a lot of domestic gentlemen too

The link is a welcome video from Holland, to Trump (in English).

Far better off than with Hitlery

>be swedish

>be a disgusting white male

>get raped by islamic migrants

>apologize to migrants

>Offer to suck their dick so they don't get deported.

>a good day.

No doubt the region was ruined by geopolitics. Its just that the countries I've visited and people I've met have all been nice, there just seem to be a lot of hate between the populations.

Enjoy your vacation faggot.

Ha! F*cking hell. They sure can pick em! It's close, but I'd say Trump edges it.

27 UK

I think you were pretty fucked no matter which you picked. Honestly as a nation you should have shunned both front runners and found someone else (but realistically that was never going to happen). You had the choice between a reality TV show host and a shady war monger.

The end game of politics though, the ''big picture'' of global politics is ultimately world peace and cooperation. Going to be taking a large step away from that with Trump, Trump supporters are very much ''us first'' rather than ''lead by example''. He'll be setting a global example of building walls higher instead of tables longer. Might make media-scared Americans feel good/safe/justified in the short term but its a bad leadership example from a rich country at the end of the day.

That said, now that he's in office, we should wait to see what he does before we judge too harshly. Removing all references to climate change from the Whitehouse website within a day is a pretty worrying foreshadowing, though.


He's a step in the right direction but there's still much work to be done.

yeah, like the thousands of years other people got the shit end of the stick. sorry the last few decades have been "hard" on white people not getting their way all the time

as a german i just can't take the hitler comparisons anymore.

does trump call to "not buy from women or blacks" or what?
does he advocate for eugenics?

i could keep on going for hours.
fuck this shit. post-factual world.
we have all information in a small device in our hands, yet there's more bullshit then EEEEEEVERRRR.

sometimes i really want to kms, but then i remember its not my fault and if everytrhing goes to shit i can as well get high on weed and booze. until then i'll try to make the best out of this LITERAL INSANITY.


Someone on CNN said Trump was a nazi, now normies irrationally believe it and it has induced mass liberal hysteria.

The truth is no one actually cares, least of all Americans. I'm an American, 40. We're no more or less fucked than we would've been had that lying cunt won. Why the fuck do YOU care?

my thoughts exactly, op must not be a native english speaker

You guys are lucky you got a guy who does not give a fuck about PC language and who has actually worked for a living. A guy who is going citizens first. He stands for people who want to work and support themselves instead of fucking leeches. Does not speaks of blacks as if they're babies as a lot of liberals do.
I truly despise Merkel for her out of touch attitude, not knowing what regular 9-5 worker's life looks like- She went to study physics and went into politics... she can seriously go fuck herself. "Hurr durr let's bring in 2million refugees. North African? sure why not." Fucking Cunt!

Sweden 25 Can't even pretend to care

people SHOULD be paying fucking taxes, if you want to partake in society you need to pay into it. what you should be mad at is disproportionate tax breaks for wealthy people. trust me, if someone has to pay 1 million of their 3 million I THINK a person can manage on 2 million dollars. if you have to pay $10,000 of your $30,000 it's a much tighter budget.

>inb4 get a better job

i'm not talking about me, but there's no way we can pay everyone 3 million. it's ridiculous that we allow rich people to pay less proportionally, regardless of what they "contribute" to the economy

>you can't contribute to the economy if you horde your wealth like a dragon

nigga, Reagan reunited your country. kids these days...

23 / Peru

Im just glad about libtards getting BTFO (USA is fucked tho)

Anything that defies the norm and a leader is labeled hitler. Like our president - Philippines

I agree dude. Everyone is so polarised, hardly anyone has a compromised viewpoint anymore because everyone gets so triggered by a different point of view that they move even further to one side until they're sprouting literal nonsense.

It takes one person to say ''Well actually Trump isn't THAT intolerant'' and someone gets so butthurt that they start shouting ''HE'S HITLER!''.

I swear 99% of the world's problems could be solved if everybody

1) Calmed down
2) Stopped being a dick for the sake of being a dick


Best option on offer. At least that shillcunt Hillary didn't get in. Like the idea of rebuilding Infrastructure instead of starting wars. Like the pro pot agenda. You basically know he's good since mainstream media is making up anything they can to make him look like shit.

do you think money just grows on trees?

>30 yrs german here.

im anxious


Fuck you Peruvian retard, get off my dota servers

>fight oppression with more oppression
general libtard idea of "progressive" here.

yeah, we could tell

>a child's opinion

lass dir paar eier wachsen du muschi

>grab them by the pony

what do you mean "finance their own campaign"? what about the donations he accepted?

you can bitch like this because of white people; fuck off. They earned the top spot through intelligence and violence; they lost it because they're being to nice to pieces of shit like you.

26, America
Doesn't really matter who won. Presidents are just mascots. They don't actually run shit. They can push for certain things but ultimately aren't the ones make any of the decisions.

It's cool that gun prices will go down though. And seeing all the college kids cry is pretty funny. So yeah, idk.

ganz gleich ob du pro oder contra bist, dir ist klar das wir die letzten sind die von ihm profitieren können oder?

Excited. Jealous, even. I'm not sure what O'leary will plan on doing, but hopefully he's half as patriotic as Trump is.

13/Canada | Trump fucking suck, y'all screwed

no we couldn't have

plus the guy believes we don't have to worry about global warming because eventually, in thousands and thousands of years, we'll be engulfed by the sun

regardless of how you feel about global warming (because who cares how you "feel" about demonstrable science) that's a pretty asinine view of fucking anything. "well why care about crime/insurance/policy of any kind, eventually we'll all be dead anyway"

RIP world if GJ was prez

>25Years old
I think he will be a strong leader and will lead america to a new golden age. If they take it too far, it will be bad, but he only has 8 years total, so he cant really go too far.

the years of prosperity are to come

well of course. the serbs have the inflated numbers from wwii to resent the croats and they are taught that croats are all secretly on some racial purity shit. trhe croats have the last war in which we had a third of our country ethnically cleansed from non-serbs and our own politicians who sucked up so hard to the west that they concocted the story in the early 2000s that we were all for ethnic cleansing too. bosniaks have the bodycount from the last war as they were all staunch yugoslavs and thoroughly unorganized right up to the point when serbs started slaughtering them like cattle. they also resent croats for wanting not to be overpowered by a more numerous ethnic group, as they see it as a plot for greater croatia.

>You spend a considerable ammount of time playing all kind of vidyas except DOTA
>Everyone accuse you of being a DOTero because of your country

s-shut up

doch, von dem schlag gegen politische korrektheit profitiert die gesamte welt.

und ich werde eher eine AFD wählen und ihnen dort wo sie über die linie treten einhalt gebieten als mich durch vielfache schichten der sozialistischen/grünen/kommunistischen täuschung zu schlagen.

es ist viel einfacher einem rassisten auf zu zeigen wo die rote linie ist als den gesamten rot-rot-grünen block zu redpillen und sich durch das komplette dickicht der täuschung, irreführung, identitätspolitik zu schlagen.

und genau das meine ich mit lass dir eier wachsen.

Stimmt nicht. Es zeigt dass wir in DE auch einen wählen können, der mit ihm sympatisiert. Und diese Merkel "Gut-Menschen-Politik" in den Arsch tritt.

>You were fucked the moment you got stuck between the Childish Neonazi and the Incompetent Corrupt Feminist

Every time i hear him say something that makes me nod my head and say "yeah.. i can get behind this.. i see the rationale" he does one of 3 things: 1) Completely shadows it with a policy so assine and irredeemable that I forget any positive. 2) Attempts to execute it in a way that is either idiotic or obviously self-interest based. 3) Has another twitter tantrum/speech comment/cabinet appointee that makes me forget everything positive upon realization that that man controls a nuclear arsenal.

26/USA/Moderately fucked. Our silent guardians in the CIA will keep him from causing any real damage.. not to mention the republicans are just waiting for the right moment to throw him under the bus.

why of course