You have thirty seconds to find a flaw in my girlfriend

You have thirty seconds to find a flaw in my girlfriend

>protip: you can't

Other urls found in this thread:


Dafuq is that

>she is YOUR girlfriend.

she'll end in despair and you'll become her baggage. Good job user.

Flaw: She's with yo ass

Ill just go with,
>Posts pic on Sup Forums
>Has no respect for his female
>Trying to convince yourself of something you fucked up out the gate.

That ugly red thing on her nose


>You have thirty seconds to find a flaw in my girlfriend

she does not exist

girl (male)


Doesn't have a dick


she's cute

post more faggot

she looks like a goblin

looks poor

. Hahaha sick burn. He's right you know.
/end thread.

Spoken like a true prophet.

>my girlfriend
That's a guy, a ugly guy.

>oily face
>thick jaw
>cleft chin
>wide head
>hooded eyes
>Leafy chin
>sunken in eyes
>facial piercing.

>Flaw: when she goes off to college she'll find someone she likes more than you and leave you

show us more, she's a cutie


She doesn't look as good as my girlfriend (pic related)

Sexist pig

Ёбанный пиздец

Michael Cera/10

> You have one second to find thirty flaws in my gf
I fixed it for you so that it's a slight challenge

>my girlfriend
>find a flaw
love her
fuck her
Why do you need other people approbation?

Well, first off she's fucking ugly.

This. Almost didn't see it. Otherwise, great catch user. Hope you don't fuck up.

I don't speak robot the fuck is that shit


love her OP

you're probably very lucky to have her!

How does he get back down the hatch

Piercing in nose. People shouldn't pay to look trashy.

She looks like she has a perpetual cold

Yes that's clearly a man


>You have thirty seconds to find a flaw in my girlfriend

Flaw? Fuck that's all I see is flaws should have asked if I could find anything good about her now that would have been a challenge

She has cancer

OP where do you live there's a girl that comes to my work that looks just like that.

Has she many shekels?

let me stick my cock in her ass then she will have a flaw in her

I understand this is YLYL. Okay, gotcha!

what about mine? find a flaw

At least it's not permanent, and she'd look good if
she got my waifu makeup. 8/10 choice OP.

I find her cute.


Guy was run over when self-driving system on his car mailfunctioned and activated. You need to learn language of our new allies, tovarisch.

Yeah, a girl that could be her doppelganger comes into my work every now and then. I'd eat her shitter like an apple fritter.


She's a female that her flaw

Curious what's your perfect girl? Green text and picture if you want

If you are reading this then your mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you reply to my post.


My mom is the best at not dying. She's terrific at it. Everyone says so.

Wtf is that in her nose? Her neck is long, eyes are different size and she ha is2.Sup s a fivehead

she's not riding my weiner.

Show us her naked body and ill judge her

small tits, prove me wrong OP


easy she thinks your acceptable

Her Breath smelt last time..

Double triple double. Mmm.

She has pig-barn eyes

like my semen

She looks like the characters on the old Lloyd's adverts

stupid fucking haircut. greesy lookin face. dresses terrible

Her nose is way too south from the eyes and looks like a hamster

She looks cute and innocent. The kind of girl who will end tired as fuck of your tiny dick and will end fucking a nigger.

Her taste in men?


Jess from Woodstock?

greedy jewish nose


big ears, jewish nose, dirty hair, flat chest and that in only ten seconds

Flaw: she is a .jpg file

She looks like she's addicted to meth

She is not in the kitchen making you a fucking sandwich


no penis.

Find a flaw in mine?

no penis.

is she Jewish?

No. actually dislikes Jews..

>too pale
>could lose 2-3 lbs off each thigh
>might be hiding a little gut under them baggy clothes
>hair a little too long, should run a straightener through it

that nose tells a different story

kek horror

I can smell her dirty hippy hair follicles through my screen

>find a flaw
>says too pale
fucking nigger

Eh. She doesn't know her father, so maybe..

that's a girl? you sure?

>be me
>fuckin this chick, right
>knee deep in this bitch you know
>knock on the door
>It's her dad
>"Honey, please finish up your homework. Dinner is ready.
>start hyperventilating
>dad busts in think it was his daughter having asthma attack
>jump out window nekkid
>run my as 2mi home buck nekkid
>be out of breath as fuck
>run up to front porch
>stumble on first step
>land on my elbow

And that is why I cannot play badminton till this day.

hah, too bad.

:-) did you come in her or her dad in you?