How much would you pay for my wife? 40 yrs old and wants to start escorting again.
Old review when she used to work
She's filled out since then.
Pic related.
How much would you pay for my wife? 40 yrs old and wants to start escorting again.
Old review when she used to work
She's filled out since then.
Pic related.
100 bucks
this guy has it about right.
>100 bucks is good imo
She would have to pay me
Even with skills, openness ?
Was thinking 140
What I thought
But one big question:
Is that black spot on her belly or the mirror ?
Sorry you feel that way
what were the old prices on her menu?
I would seriously consider if she did GFE, kissing, two girls/one guy,
but I would need a menu and prices.
Tattoo. Only one she has
She started with 140 then tips.
And was gfe
Ah, I see, no worry then
Idk OP, you're asking men for their own individual pricing, you'd have to take in their financial situation, their preferable body type, etc.
I've never paid for sex, and I wouldn't pay much for it, 100$ is a genuine compliment in my books.
>She's filled out since then
Translation: She's Gotten Fat
she was already filled out when the pic was taken
BC is a haul from my parts. I know people in Seattle tho, and the summer cruised to the islands are great.
Maybe we could hook up on a cruise and do a 3-day deal. She looks okay to me. Lemme know what kind of price a package like that would run. I would pay all expenses of course.
Yeah I know that. I'm talking about the time she worked before. I.e. The reviews. She was super thin then
amaze balls
She doesn't live in BC anymore. We're on the east coast now.
that helps. all I can suggest is that you post her site/ads here and see what happens.
updated pic is a must.
Post pic now that she's filled out and I bet you'd get better answers.
I've fucked escorts who look like her but she's not my type.
Posted it here Ads coming soon
Based in Halifax Nova Scotia
if she expects a return to the old days, she may be in for a shock.
she is older and fatter now, and that means she will have to do more for less than when she was young and fit. she better be sure she wants to get back into it because some old disgusting fart is gonna cum in her hair and eyeballs and nose and she won't get a lot of cash for it anymore.
worse, she might find some cheap German vacationer with a scat fetish. That's what 20 years and 40 pounds does to a woman.
She needs to shave. But I'd pay $200 if that includes anal and her taking a really hard spanking, preferably with a belt.
nice pic.
She fuck 19 y/o?
Im in
You got money?
She would and she is waxing today
I'd go $150 on a slow night but would hope that would include BBBJ.
nice. she do hotel calls in Halifax?
>You got money?
No i was gonna pay with skittles and pocket lint
But really would she?
I like older women 30's, the milf kind
She'll get business then. Pro subs are pretty rare in most of the US. Have her work that angle.
Fuck off.
is she French?
It does. She does
Yes. She is in Halifax NS tho
Greek and Italian background
What did i say?
Im serious
Well not about the skittles
I have money
That wasn't me user
I'm op
$100 for a solid fuck, $40 for just a bj.
I'd go to $150 if she sucked me off and then let me ram it in her ass.
Got any more pics?