>Season: Summer >Claimed Houses: Martell, Tyrell, Tully, Targaryen, Greyjoy, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schism are open.
Benjamin Collins
Out from DS surround SE
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Sebastian Bailey
Defend SE, spill towards DS
>Princess Gwynevere Martell, Daughter of Sunlight, Lady of Sunspear and Princess of Dorne >Allie: Tyrell >NAP not allie: >Bonus: UUU (1/1) >Bonus: Prince of Dorne (+1T in Dorne)
Jordan Morales
Tully > siege Ten Towers >Lord Thomas, the Tenacious of House Tully, Former Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident >Family Duty Honor (Single)
Caleb Morris
Border casterly rock
>Robb Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden and Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell >Growing strong (0)
Tyler Harris
Siege kl
>>Lord Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1)
Ayden Sanders
Let's try this! Knights of the Vale: Attempt to siege Harrenhal > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Cameron Collins
I use Growing strong to siege the crag >Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell >Growing strong (1)
Eli Morris
Stark missed 1 mupdate. Greyjoy and Lannister are open.
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Martell, Tyrell, Tully, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Ethan James
Baratheon > Siege Storm's End. Use Ours is the Fury and keep SE surrounded.
Prepare the siege engines and begin the assault at dawn. Storm's End is formidable but its defenders are weak. The might of my armies will overcome even Durran's walls.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Justin James
Tully > siege Ten Towers >Lord Thomas, the Tenacious of House Tully, Former Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident >Family Duty Honor (Single)
Joshua Wright
Siege the crag
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell >Growing strong (0)
Charles Thompson
Push Targ out of Arryn lands. Surround KL also. Godspeed, Iron Stag. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Hunter Nguyen
Surround ds and storms end. I also name tyrell as my hand.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Zachary Thompson
Wreck havoc on Arryn lands >Lord Anthony Start >Allies >NAP
Nathaniel Turner
You use agression on the crownlands and i will crush you bird. You may have your lands back for now bur threaten the throne and you will be destroyed.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Hudson Thompson
Thank you my King
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Nicholas Sanders
You are named hand with your support lord tyrell
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Jackson Miller
The Warrior has blessed us. We shall know victory yet, my Lord of Arryn.
By what right do you attack my lands, Dragon? Can you not see I am trying to reclaim what is rightfully mine? Do not provoke me to anger. Or else you will suffer the fate of the Whore of Dorne.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Leo Adams
Your ally in the vale threatens the throne.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Cameron Bell
You can't even bring down the already weakened Stag. Your dragon is just an oversized worm for birds to peck. I have wolves to strangle, but the fury of the Knights will rain down upon you shall you try to take my lands once more. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Sebastian Nelson
We shall see. The pidgeon is no match for the dragon
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Wyatt James
Martell missed 1 mup.
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Martell, Tyrell, Tully, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Liam Moore
Baratheon > Push out from Storm's End into Martell and Targ (within the Stormlands), second round of OitF.
Your reckless charge headlong into the Crownlands gave him cause for fear, not to mention your predecessor's invasion of his homeland. Diplomacy may yet prevail. Cease your attacks and together we can bring order to the Crownlands under your benevolent rule.
Else you leave us little choice.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Zachary Bennett
Phone is dead, gotta go. Thanks for the game OP. Martell is open.
>Princess Gwynevere Martell, Daughter of Sunlight, Lady of Sunspear and Princess of Dorne >Allie: Tyrell >NAP not allie: >Bonus: UUU (1/1) >Bonus: Prince of Dorne (+1T in Dorne)
Hudson Turner
Remove Arryn from the crown lands, spills onto the vale
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Brody Evans
Last roll. If the game is still up once I get home I'll reclaim if not GG all, til next time. Thanks for OPing.
Tully > siege Ten Towers >Lord Thomas, the Tenacious of House Tully, Former Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident >Family Duty Honor (Single)
Kayden Mitchell
Vale: Push against the Starks in the name of Honor. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Ian Ward
Targ > arryn into the vale. You threaten the throne then see the consequences.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
James Walker
I will see to it that you have your homelands. Do as you wish with the absent martell but do not threaten the crownlands.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Parker Edwards
Martell and Tully are open.
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Thomas Phillips
The Eyrie will never fall. Your dragons will grow old and die before any of that would happen. You are free to try, however. Run back to Essos while you still can, inbreed. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Daniel Reed
I cannot allow you to invade the lands of my ally without intervening. Leave him to live in peace, Dragon, or else I cannot honourably stand aside and watch your burn the innocent people of the Vale.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Michael Lewis
Push to surround the eyrie.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Carson Peterson
Into the riverlands
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Parker Hall
Arryn: Push Targ back to Essos > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Michael Martinez
Surround King's Landing. Last turn of OitF
Lord Targaryen has made his choice. His first mistake, and soon to be his last.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
James Young
No king will allow your ally to treat the throne the way he does with his aggression and ridicule. I will spare you but arryn speaks and acts ill to the throne. I cannot allow that to be unpunished. I had no aggression towards him until he came into the crownlands.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Ian Cooper
You are no King of mine.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Joshua Wright
claim martell
push to storms end
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: >nap: >bonus:UUU
Nicholas Hughes
Hand martell assist me in destroying these traitors to the king.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Adam Cook
Aye ill march east
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Levi Johnson
The last Martell who tried to take my lands from me was thoroughly crushed on the field of battle. Are you sure you wish to make the same mistake?
I am not your foe. Seek out the Tyrells of Highgarden if you want riches. Here you will find nought but death.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Charles Russell
Stark missed 1 mupdate.
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark, Martell. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Angel Moore
Siege KL
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Daniel Harris
Out from kl
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Nolan Adams
You are no true stag. I will do what my uncle could not and take storms end for my own.
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: >nap: >bonus:UUU
Nathaniel Nguyen
Kill baartheon
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Carson Sanders
surround storms end
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: >nap: >bonus:UUU
Easton Bennett
Even with the aid of your allies you could not hope to triumph. I know Dornish weakness when I see it.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Michael Brooks
Tyrell is on your way.
Nathaniel Adams
Arryn: Push Targ out, drop fleet off at Essos > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Luke Hall
The stormlands belong to the dornish, Surrender them now or perish
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: >nap: >bonus:UUU
Jose Hall
Lord Martell your farther and I were allies, you wish to continue this alliance?
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Carson Anderson
Lord Arryn, might I suggest an attack on King's Landing. The Dragon will wish to protect it at all costs. If your armies put pressure on the heart of his power he will be unable to strike elsewhere.
You make me laugh, little man. I will enjoy killing you.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Caleb Thompson
claim greyjoy retake iron islands >sig inc
James Scott
Lord martell assist in squashing this baratheon imposter and i will reward you for yoir actions.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Brayden White
Tis no attack, we are but reclaiming what is rightfully ours. With King's Landing, our glorious reconquest will surely become easier! > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Anthony Harris
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Stark, Martell, Greyjoy. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Grayson Edwards
Out from kl
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Aiden Phillips
Agreed. May old alliances forever hold their weight.
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
Ian Ross
Arryn: Beeline to King's Landing > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Robert Parker
surround storms end
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
Ryan James
Out from Storm's End. Swat aside these fools.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission: Arryn
Ryder Peterson
surround ten towers >Lord Wulfgar Greyjoy >Allies: >NAP:
Gabriel Cruz
onto the vale
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Luke White
Lord Greyjoy, could I convince you to turn your formidable Iron Fleet against the decadent Reachmen? Merely sail up the Mander for more glory and saltwives than you could ever claim on the Isles.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Leo Foster
The greyjoys follow strength, are you suggesting they would follow a dead stag? you seem to be a better jest than a lord
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Anthony Russell
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Martell, Greyjoy. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Eli Peterson
Baratheon > Reclaim the Stormlands
I will prove to these soon-to-be-corpses how fearsome men of the Stormlands are
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Colton Russell
border the bloody gate
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Matthew Reed
Push to the eyrie from braavos
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Matthew Cook
Push Tyrells back out of the Vale. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Chase Anderson
surround storms end
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
Tyler Brown
When I inherited my Lordship I had but the fortress of Dragonstone to my name. Through sheer will and military might I conquered the Stormlands against the armies of Dorne, and even reclaimed Storm's End itself. Now I am beset by three armies and still prove too formidable a foe for them.
Will you tell me that is not strength?
What great enemies have you proven yourself against, Squid? Your indecisiveness is weakness.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Ian Myers
OOC: Thought I was replying to GJ, I'm retarded
Anthony Gray
Those are old armies you possess with old allies. Our new alliance will push back to where you belong.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Connor Brooks
siege ten towers >Lord Wulfgar Greyjoy >Allies: >NAP:
Parker White
Your alliance is as weak and vulnerable as your own royal self. I suspect it will take little for one of them to betray you.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Julian Perez
I forced your father to sit on dragon stone for years and I have made the Lions cower to the crag and riverrun, cower in storms end stag, before the Dornish swallow you whole
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Nathaniel Reyes
Your alliance is as weak as your lands. The stormlands cower to the martells all day.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Samuel Perry
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Martell, Greyjoy. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Bentley Mitchell
Out from SE
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Jason Hill
Out from kl and surround eyrie
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
John Peterson
Siege storms end
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Robert Parker
siege ten towers >Lord Wulfgar Greyjoy >Allies: >NAP:
Leo Clark
I guess I have to redirect, kill arryns
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Isaiah Mitchell
take all the stormlands until storms end. baratheons will suffer for their words
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
Christopher Perry
Keep pushing the invaders out of the Vale. Hard time have comes to the Vale, Brother. Before we help our allies, we must push invaders out from our own lands. Best of luck with the reclamation of the Stormlands. Do not forget us when you sit on the Iron Throne. > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Tyler Ramirez
>Lord Wulfgar Greyjoy, Reaver of the Sunset Sea, Servant of the Drowned God, Captain of the Iron Fleet >Allies: >NAP: >Bonus: We Do Not Sow (3/3)
Evan Fisher
The people of the Vale will be forever brothers to the men of the Stormlands. Dark times are ahead, but we will prevail as we always have.
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Dylan Martinez
You will remember each other from the grave.
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Isaiah Perry
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Martell, Greyjoy. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.
Eli James
Out of Storm's End
>Lord Steffon Baratheon the Iron Stag. Lord of Storm's End and Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands >Allies: Arryn >NAP: >Permission:
Landon Hernandez
Keep defending the Vale > Prince Phobos, Lord Paramaunt of the Vale and the First Knight of the Roundish Table
Tyler Reed
surround stormd end! It belongs to the martells!
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
>Lord Rygorn Martell, The spear >allies: Tyrell, Targaryeon >nap: >bonus:UUU
Lincoln Evans
Surround the eyrie
>>King Emporer Aegyn Targaryen, The Gold Dragon, The Emporer of Essos, Ruler over the Iron Bank, King of Westeros >>Ally: Tyrell >>NAP: >>Bonus: EoE (+1T in essos) >>Bonus: F&B (1/1) >>Bonus: KoW (+2T)
Benjamin Foster
Kill arryn
>Robb Tyrell, the Winter Rose, the Hand of the King, Lord of Highgarden and Casterly Rock, Defender of Old Town >Allies: Martell, Targaryen >Growing strong (0) >Bonus: Hand of the King (+1T everywhere/ +2T in the Crownlands)
Camden Torres
>>Lord Wulfgar Greyjoy, Reaver of the Sunset Sea, Servant of the Drowned God, Captain of the Iron Fleet >>Allies: >>NAP: >>Bonus: We Do Not Sow (3/3) siege ten towers
Landon Richardson
>Season: Autumn (-1 to siege difficulty) >Claimed Houses: Tyrell, Targaryen, Arryn, Baratheon, Martell, Greyjoy. >Rules: NAP penalties are -3T/-2S (siege limit is still a 0); Forts counts as strongholds; Houses will be declared Open after 2 missed mupdates. Schisms are open.