Rate my fridge, post yours

Rate my fridge, post yours

You lonely fucker/10


Lowerclass AF. Keep the fridge clean of any clutter on the outside. Paper/magnets/pictures. Makes you seem tacky and classless

what is your perfect fridge then? a fucking high tec one?

Even the food looks depresive.

hi my name is felipe torres and i have autism, please dont make fun of me

peasents fridges.... where do you live? in angola or something?

is.. is that cum on the floor?

those trips checkem

that piece of shit fridge its ideal for the gasing of jews

Just a nice clean one with nothing on it.

IKR, poor ppl with internet. Sad. Wealthy as fuck fag here.

So, a useless one.

that fuking fridge looks like a retarded version of the non nigger robot of starwars

Here's mine. Gonna buy a new, larger one soon.

What's in the tubs fag?

who is the mongoloid italian that post this shit everyday, long live harambe


Learn to throw shit out, yellow nigga

poor college fag here. i dont even wanna show my fridge nothing in there aside from an odwalla bottle

Need to stand that bad boy upright nigger.

Pretty messy, are you obese by any chance ?

that's sad dude

Too fat and/or lazy to reach down to the bottom shelf on the door?

The picture of poverty

I prepare tuna and rice for two weeks, one time I make it for three weeks straight

tilt your monitor, you faggot.

Looks like a trash can.

Lonely and Pomarola. Kek.

i dont have a fridge because im form nuñoa, chile

What? That's the pull-out freezer. Nothing but ice and frozen meat in there.


oh...i'm sorry i triggered you. :(

Everything in there is good; I go through and toss old crap every two weeks or so. Just a lot of condiments and miscellaneous stuff.

>bottom shelf on the door?
Looks empty to me...

Does that not go bad in the fridge? Would you not have to freeze that shit? As far as im aware cooked rice doesnt stay good for long.

8/10 would have

i would show my fridge but its to cool for these poor peasents

Bottom shelf on the door? On the right with the soy milk? Where are you looking, exactly.


it's a little bitter the last days but still good enough to eat

I have obesity please call me at +49 160 7056456

samefag, probably some sandnigger

Step aside, poorfags.

that fridge is smarter than you

doubles speak the truth to it is also not that lonely in the inside

Owner here.
It's actually half full. Wife and I had friends over recently.


>thinking about all you faggots
>getting up from your computer
>for the second time today
>to open your refrigerator
>and take a picture of it
>and post it online
>so that other bored faggots
>may call you a faggot

made me laugh but so far no interesting fridges

A fridge is for keeping food cold, not showcasing to anyone who visits your house that you're a hoarding poorfag

So how much you spend for food per day or month? Do you have a job? How much you pay rent? How can you only eat tuna and rice? I love that but it gets old really fast.

Your wife is for keeping dicks warm

I'm just to lazy, is not like I can't do anything else but rice and tuna is easy and if I can make it for two weeks whitout cleaning everyday it's fine.

and yes I have a work and pay rent and live ok, not happy, not sad, just ok.

Your fridge sucks ass. Not a single piece of dead hooker

Cool, that's genius plan

Are those lunches your mom made you hahahahahahahaha

my mom is a giant cat

Seems legit, considering she made such a pussy

you're a /fit/izen aren't you

I think the time limit on cooked rice with tuna would be like 3 days max. Making 2 weeks worth at once is retarded

you'll be surprise