What do anons think about abortion

What do anons think about abortion.

Are you pro-life or pro-choice and why?

Seems like an ongoing moral conundrum.

Even if you say it should be legal, how is it not disgusting and sad and only to be considered in extreme cases?


No conundrum. Its a moral outrage, but not worth putting women and providers in jail for. I oppose it for moral but non-religious grounds. The religious fucks that go around acting as if they are God's tools whacking doctors are just as whacky as Isis. Fuck all ya fux. People suck.

I don't try to tell stupid whores that is ok or not to kill their kids but I certainly don't think tax payers should be paying for it.

On one hand I'm all for killing babies but on the other I hate the idea of giving women a choice.

Everything about abortion is morally wrong and twisted. It should absolutely be illegal. You fucked without a condom, or you weren't careful enough? Too fucking bad. It's your responsibility as a human being to take care of that kid. No ifs or buts.

I dont give a shit but i dont want federal funding for planned parenthood.

Morality implies a religious bias, the word you're looking for here is "ethics".

dank meme m8 :)(

Abortion is perfectly acceptable up to the 2608th week.

I feel ya, man..

It absolutely does not.

A fetus can't survive on its own. It is fully dependent on its mother's body, unlike born human beings.

Even if a fetus was alive, the "right to life" doesn't imply a right to use somebody else's body. People have the right to refuse to donate their organs, for example, even if doing so would save somebody else's life.

Would a person refusing to donate organs also be committing homicide?

If not, this makes the right to abortion seem rather more just - as the legal decision to refuse to support a life is incomparable to the illegal decision to end one.

What is your recommendation in the cases where childbirth:

-is as the result of rape
-puts the life of the pregnant woman at risk
-poses a risk to the mental and physical health of the pregnant woman
-poses a risk to the mental and physical health of the fetus
-shows there is evidence of extreme fetal abnormality i.e. the child would be seriously physically or mentally handicapped after birth and during life

Some guy beats and rapes your girl then beats and rapes you. The same seed that fills your now ripped asshole is the seed that will grow and mature into the half nigger baby you are to raise. What do you do?

for a moment I though the kid was black and then suddenly changed to white.


i was for abortion when my gf became pregnant, and was attempting at any means necessary to get her to get one, even at 23 weeks i was still pushing for it

now that he's been born, and all those other emotions of fear and anxiety are over, morally speaking I don't agree with it whatsoever, i mean just looking at that photo from OP makes me feel like shit, but I'm thankful he's alive today and wouldn't want it any other way.

He's 18 days old now

Prochoice till 4 months
After that by all means make it illegal
How the fuck do you not take care of something you want right away

No brainer, right?

blacks are pretty-well convinced we use it to keep their population in check

Only non-autistic response.

I think it's totally unfair that women are allowed to kill babies if they can't handle the responsibilty, but if I punch a pregnant woman in the stomach I'll be charged with murder. Ridiculous. Completely ridiculous.

enjoy your crime-wave in the next decade or so.

Don't get caught doing it then

They dont. Take it from someone who had gone through with it, costs around 600 to get done not including if you want anastasia, and you definitely will. Ex described it as "vacuum in vagoo"

i'm pro abortion with conditions

if there is no good reason for the abortion the mother gets sterilised as well

6552 days to go

I'm all for pro choice. As a human right, it is your body, you do what you want with it. However I don't think it should be government funded. It should sway away shitty niggers, spics and white trash from anti-contraception as a go to. If you can't afford to abort your kid than either put it up for adoption or take care of it yourself.

However, I am pro choice to a certain extent. I truly don't know until I am in those shoes, and I'm a man. I really wouldn't know. I do believe that the fetus deserves to live. It's morally wrong to kill something that you made, but if you and your partner are like out of school and can take care of it, then by all means take care of it.

I'm not even going to read peoples comments on this because I get so mad. Abortion isnt used as a whores way of getting rid of an "uh-oh". If I were raped I would not keep the dudes baby.
>inb4 female contraceptives
I shouldn't have to wear a little plastic stick in my arm to prevent surprise pregnancy by some nigger

the only people who give a fuck if women have an abortion are christfags and autistic virgins who deeply resent the "whores" that laughed at them in highschool.

hoo kers?

Keep in mind, the abortion is painful as shit ( user again) and can seriously damage the woman's parts sometimes permanently. It's not something people are gonna use instead of birth control

If you paid for it completely without government assistance and my insurance premiums are not raised to help cover your stupid ass then I am cool with it. One less genetic failure in the world.

Some people should have mandatory abortions, there are enough people. Morality and your opinion have nothing to do with the survival of the human race. Your first prenatal doctor appointment should include a mandatory iq test and if you and your spouse don't pass the test ABORT.

and I'll enjoy those days because he's my child

Daesh (ISIL) and the encroachment of Sharia Law is the greatest human rights crisis of several generations.

Sharia Law makes Abortion look saintly.

As a very liberal person, I don't deny this. Abortion is a bad thing, but it needs to remain legal in the interest of the people who would do it anyway if it were illegal. You know, so they only kill one person instead of two.

I hate babies. Kill as many as you want

I am an abortionist and I seriously favor it because its good business. I make well into 6 figures

Are you in a situation you can afford a child? That might help too.

7 billion dumbfucks on this planet. I'm all 4 abortion


Im actually pro genocide so abortion isnt really a big deal to me. Ugenics is probably the only thing I like the leftist for. They abort about 35,000 nigger babies alone every year. That doesnt count the wetbacks, kikes, mudslime, or any other shit tier race

About 4 months in is when the fetus can feel pain. I am in support of women being allowed to abort before 5 months due to this scientific fact.

At this time, the fetus would be 1.5 centimeters.

There are too many reasons to allow (restricted) abortion: economic, social, psychological - not just for the woman but also greater society.

Do you really think many abortions happen as a result of rape? The vast majority are a result of skanks who like the feeling of men ejaculating in their holes and cant be bothered to go on the pill. Abortion is just convenient for them.

If a mother is relying on govt assistance to about a child, then she would most likely be on govt assistance to raise the child if the abortion was unavailable. Tell me, what's more expensive to the taxpayer:
>1. One time abortion
>2. 18 years govt assistance

The only real discussion to be had is where to draw the line. Making a general statement about it just proves a person to be incapable of connecting their ethics to the real, physical world. If they aren't, they are unwilling and hence equally void of reason.

>Phone autocorrect

edgy. but there are too many environmental factors distinguishing IQ. It would be almost arbitrary to filter out genes based on non-genetic considerations.

I'm simply objecting to your statement that "morality" implies religion. I'm completely pro-choice

Wait why do they require either???

Oh right because you wanna play ghandi. How about we keep our money and the people that arent shit will survive just fine.

the non-religious pro-life argument "I'm an autistic faggot who will never get laid and hate all the assholes and sluts who enjoy life and get to have sex so i think abortion should be illegal and STD research should be outlawed."

I vote no assistance at all and let them get what they deserve for acting irresponsibly and being unable to survive as a result.

I think acceptations could be made to the law if it were a rape.

Pro-choice, before 3 - 4 months. Other than that, I think the fuck not
There at least needs to be that choice.


Abortion should be legal at the very LEAST to prevent more retards/mentally handicapped. They are a drain to government money. A drain on the people that are stuck raising them. They make everyone else uncomfortable. They are a liability. They are bad for healthcare costs. It's fucking lose lose. God don't punish by proxy. He goes individually. If you can't handle it, shut your eyes.

Show me one person who's against abortion that has a clear, effective plan for what to do with unwanted babies.

And these are the people that think living in a 3rd world country would be pretty great.

damn these fake pics, and people believe it... jesus

sucked a set of twins out when i was 19, then chemical with another one when i was 25.

best decision anyone could have ever made for those three "people"

And when birthcontrol or condoms fail?
Dude stop being a retard, we have far to many people on this planet already.

It's not that I'm 'pro-choice.'

I'm anti-life.

good one, it would be a miracle to find abortion opponents that have more to bring to the table than either doctrine or feelings.

No those are the people that were out marching the other day.

No abortion would still be legal I just dont wanna pay for some disgusting niggers screw ups

I'm pro-choice but against abortion if that contradiction makes sense.

Why is that user? Is it because retards fuck out of control and the government allows them to continue without issue. The weak die and the population doesn't go up.

Meh. Kill them all.

Personally pro-choice, but my reasons are unrelated to "Muh womyn rites".
Publicly i can't give less of a fuck about it.

Can this meme die already? Stop forcing your shit

>weak die and population doesn't go up
Have you ever BEEN to a trailer park?

You're sick

Huh? I'm saying those people who want no govt assistance at all are basically asking for a third world shithole of a country.

No govt assistance at all leads to greater poverty, leads to third world shithole.

Government assistance...

Oh really?? Is that why thrid wpuld shitholes are communist


pro abortion, lets get some numbers

I am saying I disagree because without assistance they would die off and smart strong people would rise up and continue to live the way they always have.

Oh I guess you haven't. You see they're pretty cheap to live in and always house the weakest of the population.

I have seen them user. They live on government assistance. They would die off otherwise.

my spouse an are are both non engaging hebephiles and drug users.

We both had mental health problems as teens and barely made it past an hero phase.

I have a high genetic risk for lung complications as well as a spinal defect which can be passed on.

Most women in my gf's family have died under 50 from heart failure.

We both have some anger issues which need kept in check by one another.

Both of us are dysfunctionally phonophobic which results in rage situation. I can see either of us shaking a baby

Neither of us plan to ever reproduce.

That being said, together and without children, we can be functional professional members of society.

spawn would ruin all that.

she was on depo when she got pregnant with the twins. we were young and on many drugs so that was at 21weeks.

with the third, she was on POPS and it didnt work.

as soon as i finish my degree and get a job with insurance i am getting fixed.

I dunno man. Do you even know any babies? It's hard to say they that even a newborn is a person. They just sit there, poop, make noise...

You're nurturing something that will become an amazing person but when they're even younger than that...

Well, not to put too fine a point on it but a quick end is better than a lot of us get. People worry about death, there's loss of life, but no one ever thinks about how there was no life to begin with. You were not here 5 years before you were born and 5 years after you die you're not here. ::shrug::

I believe in abortion is just don't believe women should have the choice

yeah! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Its fucked but so is babies having babies and broke ass skeezers trying to buy smokes and get diapers. Its not my fucking body so handle your buisness ladies

I'm republican, Catholic and could honestly give 2 fucks.

It's not my business if people get abortions. Just keep that shit private.
Don't go around bragging about it.

Ultimately the issue is between that person and God. So I don't bother to care.

I'm ultimately pro-choice but I think the pro-life side has the better moral argument.

The sweeping vast majority of abortions carried out are done so out of convenience, often economic convenience, as opposed to some serious medical condition in which the would-be mother's life is sincerely in danger. These rationalizations of, "Oh, I'm not ready," "The child would surely not have a good life if I had it now," or even, "I simply don't have the finances to support a child right now," are all just that--rationalizations. Worse, they're rationalizations a reluctant father could just as easily make and lay claim to and yet these would-be mothers would be just as quick to spit in these unwilling father's faces for daring to say such things. These excuses are not only contemptuous but hypocritical.

However, the simple fact of the matter is that there is a demand for abortions. Hell, we've excavated various cites dating back to ancient Greece that held the remains of infants--an early form of "abortion" if you will. Even more recently, before safe haven laws, we'd find babies thrown in dumpsters, tied up in burlap sacks and tossed into the river, so on and so forth. If people don't want to be parents bad enough they will do some far more heinous shit despite the deterrence of law. If a human life must die, what would you rather? Drowning to death in a burlap sack very much aware of it? Or cut short before sentience?

It's just pragmatism. The state of being in which society gets to a point that the only abortions carried out are those in which the mother is mortal danger is a pipe-dream. You either deal with the imperfect solution of barely mitigated wanton abortion or the far more imperfect solution in which it's heavily criminalized and we go back to finding a fuckton of baby corpses.

It's actively killing kids, so that's a plus.

Abortion is the greatest gift feminists have ever given the white race!

The VAST majority of women getting abortions (at least in America) are black, which obviously means the vast majority of babies getting a return to sender procedure are black. Abortion is the single greatest contributor to the fact that the American black population has been nearly flat for the last 30 years.

If anything we should be heavily promoting and subsidizing abortion for proud women of color! Hell... I'd pay MORE taxes if you gave black women a "finders fee" for each Tiny Tyrone they scalp.

The only flaw with abortion is that it only guts the black community. Mexicans and Muslims are too damn God fearing to allow their Petite Pacos and Minature Mohammeds to be disposed of. Damn shame.

If the consequence of having a child you cannot support results in the death of you and your child the result would be people that actually have to practice self control and only have sexy fun time when they have earned it by earning enough money to support a family.

If a tiger has 6 cubs and one falls behind it dies. If they stay and cater to the weak then they all starve and become weak which lowers the overall chance of the pack. Nature has had the common sense answer to most problems. Diseases should be a common sense warning but that doesn't stop anyone. Society will find a way around it so the week can continue to shoot porno's.

Pro choice does not mean pro-abortion, not at all.

No. Black and Hispanic women actively try to shit out as many babies as they can so that they can get even fatter cheques from the government. Get rid of welfare and then promote abortion and it would be a gift to whites.

I'm perfectly fine with abortion as long as you can scientifically define the exact moment on OP's flow chart when we go from sack of cells to a human being. If you can't define that moment then how can you possibly be for abortion. If you are wrong then you are essentially, no, literally are for murder.


you know we have quantified how many people in the system are exploiters. its less than 2%. government budgets piss 2%. many times republican lead congressional investigations into welfare or food stamps cost more than annual fraud does.

The existence of this board is the best argument for why abortion should be free and legal. 80% of posters on here should have been aborted.

2 weeks. But I'm a faggot. What do I know.

Should be legal honestly until a certain week about 18-20 which I think is the law in the US already not sure about elsewhere. Is it disgusting? Well depends on your religion and such but realistically no because its basically removing a parasite and a fetus is quite literally a parasite.

>Pro choice does not mean pro-abortion, not at all.

That's fucking retarded. You're fucking retarded.

in the same respect that prolife in no way means pro life.