Dear Sup Forums users!

Dear Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!

bad bait/10


Absolutely ridiculous. Lurking to wait for the poor bastard that bites this shit

This is a real threat, take it seriously!


Double dubs and I'll consider your views.


this bait is so bad I have to reply to it.

This... LOL

oh no whatever the fuck shall user do



Ya know, a better place to bait people, OP, would prob be Sup Forums

Nigger, you gay.

OP iz master @ bateing

a what? most of those words are made up.

I don't think even those idiots would go for this. OP, you need to refine your technique. Clearly there's nothing to see here today. Sage goes in all fields

literally disappointed with the amount of effort
trolling is a fucking art man

Trouble with gf relations for years, thought pussy was great but the bitches it is attached to are horrible.
Tried gay for a few weeks, constantly grossed out and horrified, could never commit the act.
Work put me on suspension for a catatonic breakdown... sent me to a psychologist.
Back to work in a month, HR required psy sessions once a week.
After a year of this Dr. diagnoses me "antisocial asexual".
So I'm a chronic masturbator using Sup Forums for sources for pics and vids.
I'm a smaller minority than you nasty confused mentally ill genderfluid asspained annoyances.

Got back to your safe space troll

>(also proud vegan)

stopped reading. gtfo

G8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.
Sup Forums will never die.
Sup Forums is forever.

Wrong board

This thread is like a's bad

it's fun to watch a trainwreck manifest into a thread sometimes

>wrong board
>Sup Forums
As hilarious as this sounds, he's right...

This is a YLYL Bread right?

I lost it at
> mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection


Hello Fellow Tumblr Genderfluid Otherkin! I identify as a Heterosexual Dragonkin with Human Metamorphic Abilities!
Instead of Mcafee 2017 Edition with Maximum Protection, I have a better solution to keep you away from all these Bullies and Mean People in This Thread and Sup Forums!!!
you burn your fucking computer and lock yourself in your closet it doubles as a safe space

You bit the b8 m8.