faces of Sup Forums
>i need attention edition
Faces of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
I remember you, show us your cock
Celine Dion has really let herself go
Are you the Swede?
Your Swedish thread was pruned.
No, she is from Phoenix AZ
nah my bf is the only one that gets to see it
I'm your new boyfriend
All girls on Sup Forums are grown ass men. Ladies do not exist.
This is the real Swede you bigot
imma kil muhself caus i wasnt loved an my x movd on :(
The Swedish girl grew a lot.
Absolutely beautiful/10
We also have a Mexican girl in our midst. Fuck.
Rate me
Another fake dude. Are you a Russian hacker?
Plz don't user.
ive grown?
Yes Swede, look at the "bigot" post.
Hella cute eyes
Blanket bitch is a man.
Where is the Mexican chica?
im not fake tho
You are not the Mexican Chica.
Maybe an Arab. Black frame glasses.
i'd shit on your face / 10
Throwing the deuces... Mexican Chica or Sand Nigger?
> she
Do you not know how to quote, newfriend?
Jesus fuckin Christ.../10
foreveralone / 10
watch those edges man!
I don't believe this
9/10 eyes
would cuddle with that blanket/10
Oh shit. Jesus has returned!
show bellybutton, then go to bed
Let me adopt you
why not?
Hey what's up?
Really happy there's not much transphobia on this thread.
So, it shall be.
But mister, I'm just 12..
fukin kek
Dunno, She's a strait up 10/10 in my book.
are you gay?
Nope But I love all people
Bruh..your chin hair grew within 6 mins....how?
aww thats sweet user thanks
Whats 12 backwards?
Fucking hell. You really are a fan of tank tops aren't you, Jesus. You need to get some proper tops.
dat dilated pupil
Please don't get offended, I'm just giving a quick rating based on instinct here.
4/10 (you seem chill af though)
7/10 (but i'm not into girls much/at all really)
lmao/10, jk. 6/10
face looks all squished up but I'm gonna say maybe a 4-5/10
Please don't be upset anyone. I love you all
Swede is a fake, She is a MAN
Come back in 10 years when you're a coed
Are you actually trans or were you joking about the dick?
Damn you really are 12
Swede is trolling hard. Swede is a dude with a dick my friend.
Fair enough lol
its just how my eyes are :/
i really am a tranny
Possibly tranny.
Okay.. (っ´▽`)っ
Mmmm love those freckles... so hot..
I feel like i know you, prob just a doppleganger 7/10
Got me unzipping...
Rate me fags lol
Would kick it with you/10
typical faggot
U-unzipping!.. uh... compressed.. folders!
Oh.. Okay..
would surf/10
Umm yeah.. totally what I meant hehe
You're half way to having pig-tails there. Go full on and get proper ones!
Pfft.. Ahahaha~~~
Surely she must be 18 now, anyone got pics of her currently?
Okay. Strongly considering masturbation now...
R8 me fags
Get that cancer out of here you pedo shitbrained 9gager
>cant handle pre-2010 Sup Forums
>dismiss it as 9gag and move on to the next ylyl xD
Thanks, I'm actually a MtF who hasn't ever left the house in girls clothes yet lol. But I'm more the lets do drugs and listen to music in the woods round a fire than the "omg, let's go to the club" kinda person.
maybe we have chatted
if you mean irl, i really doubt it