Before anybody asks I've scrapped all that I can but clearly there's still a lot left but it won't lift. Any ideas?

Before anybody asks I've scrapped all that I can but clearly there's still a lot left but it won't lift. Any ideas?

no idea what this is, im not a degenerate pls explain

Resen from weed that will get you v high

time to get a new one

jesus don't be such a fiend. What could you possibly do with that little bit of kief?

Just pick up you fucking peasant.

It's $50 for an eighth, what are you poor?

oh and next time spend a little bit of money on a decent grinder. That piece of shit with the tool mark textured bottom is the anti kief catcher. Shit just sticks to it....which you just found out the hard way. If the catcher bottom isn't smooth move along to one that is better made.

Take a paper clip and use the edge to wipe it all to the bottom

Isopropyl alcohol.

It'll clean it off, but the problem is you want to smoke it.

As said before, iso alcohol. Fill it up to an inch or so, leave it in over night, preferably with a fan blowing over it. Scrape every few hours. By day time, all the iso should have evaporated and you'll just be left with resin.

ohh well....... just get a job hippy and buy more shit grass,

Its called a new, dry toothbrush. Learn to think outside the box faggot, there's a way around everything.

qwiso hash

you can do the same with bud in a jar and a coffee strainer.

also to the faggot op, put it in the freezer
for like 10min, it should break off easier with a razor blade.

warm razer

you can use 91% rubbing alcohol and soak the grinder in the alcohol then let pur the alcohol out onto a glass plate and set it out in a well ventilated area for about a day, the alcohol will evaporate and you can then use a knife to scrape the glass plate and get the kief. people do it all the time with vape honey

just buy more faggot

25-35 here, I don't know where you buy, but you're getting fucking ripped off bro.

but it's not addictive

Put the grinder back together and leave it in the freezer for like 15 minutes then smack the top bottom and sides maybe u get enough for a bowl maybe not

why do you consider wanting to get the most out of what you paid for being addicted? native americans used all parts of the buffalo but where they addicted to buffalo?


A bowl? Really? There's hardly enough there to lick off his fingers.

Poor nigger is probably smoking stems and ashes with sprinkled kief on top lmao

freeze it overnight. i heard that works

You freeze it, slimeball.

kid pays $35 for mids lol, cant you just buy them for regs price and pay $20?

shit nigger right? Have they not ever licked the bottom of a bowl of ice cream?

Did the native Americans eat the fucking bones as well or what?

Because this is the equivalent of eating the fucking bones.

There's no more kief on that grinder youre just scraping metal at this point.

up your game, im buyin zips at 200 and slinging 5/8 to make my nut back...the rest honestly goes to my dome though

Actually, no, but they did carve the bones into tooth picks and anal cleansers. No fucking joke, they would carve them into scoop shapes to clean out their rectums when they were backed up.


I'm gonna smoke a fat one for you rolling 420 on this thread

Too bad you can't use that bit of green dust to make anal cleaners.

Seriously its like the oldest stoner trick in the book cold temps make it Easier to shake out stubborn stuck on keef

simmer it in a fat then make consume the fat.

recommend using cream and making hot chocolate