How the fuck do we solve the manchild-problem?

How the fuck do we solve the manchild-problem?

I mean, so many white males are just dropping out of life because they're pathetic vermin. Instead of making a family, and most importantly, children, they just rot in front of their computers every single day, watching anime or playing stupid video games.

I personally know at least 3 of these subhumans, and they all have certain things in common.

>went to university
>earn a decent amount of money
>either waste the money on trivial horseshite or save it for no apparent reason, or waste on on manchildren collections (comics, guns, anime shit)
>have absolutely no interest in politics, history, anything else but their shitty manchild hobbies
>politically passive, don't give a fuck about what's happening to their country
>absolutley NO productive hobby, 95 % of free time is spent in front of their computer watching degenerate anime

What the fuck do we do?

no anime, and have some interest in politics, history, etc but don't do anything active with it (just reading about it occasionally)
the rest is mostly correct : 33 year old loser, no friends, never even held hands with a girl, went to uni (but didn't finish masters degree), semi-autistic, socially incompetent (and completely un-confident), work dead-end (but decent-paying) IT job for like 10-12 hours a day, the rest of my life is wanking and gaming and watching movies/series and occasionally some reading
main problem is an almost complete lack of self-discipline (though I do want to improve)
how to fix?

Do you really want people like this creating other little vermin just like them???

manchild here. nothing can stop the self hate

>making families is good

One year of mandatory military service. No exceptions.

The great thing about man children though is that leaves more attractive and available women for the rest of us.

Autistic, autistic, autistic.

1) No you're not. Autism is a fad mental illness brought about by doctors who want to sell drugs and snowflake parents who can't understand why their kid isn't popular. When its real its a real disorder but 80-90% so diagnosed don't actually have it

2) why is it always being bandied about like a badge of honour? I swear practically every other person on B claims to be an autistic genius

What I did to get rid of my problem (minus the anime) is to start scale modeling.
I think engineering a scale model is a good way to learn patience, and
Ever since I started scale modeling (this was two-three years ago) I committed more and lost a ton of weight.
Get hobbies people. They make a difference.

>NO productive hobby, 95 %

Nigga that's why they are hobbies.

You think normal people give a fuck about politics? They spend their youth in nightclubs and their old age drinking beer in shitty bars.
They do make children though.

Join the army.

I'll keep my excess and leave the raising of screaming money-eaters to the breeders that are so damn proud of them.

I purpose that all forms of living a life in western society are equally empty.

Because we let stupid inbreeds like you populate the world for us.

maybe they want kids when they are older. when they are bored of their lives, they dont go to a bar. they meet other bored womenchilds

I started going to the gym. Got a job that involved physical labor instead of my old desk job. I feel great. Work on yourself and the rest comes. If ur too autistic to realise this then idk what to tell you man

>making a family
Why would I want to do such thing?
>and most importantly, children
> trivial horseshite
Those are called Hobbies. Old people used to have scaled trains, stamps, and such too.
>have absolutely no interest in politics
You don't even care about politics; what you do is have an irrational stance about why X party you support is better than the other, yada yada yada.
>NO productive hobby
I already said it:
Just stop trolling

losers won't produce the best offspring
but at least they'll pad the white/western/civilized numbers a bit, against the chain-breeding muslims

Because modern American life is spiritually deplete.

Do note, I am talking about spirituality, not religion, organized religion and ideology are useful but in the end they devolve into cancer.

Spiritual living is closer to nature, and fitness

If you want to see an even worse manchild problem look at Japan.

In my day, they called this the "Peter Pan syndrome." If men have no incentive to grow up and act like adults, guess what? It galls me that most women's issues are framed in terms of an imperfect society, whereas men are responsible solely for thei shortcomings. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, so if you are a femanon or feministfag, would love to hear your opinion on my self-serving conclusion. P.S. College-educated men make *less* than they did twenty or so years ago.

You're really gonna come here to resolve your issue?
How fucking new are you?
Are you this annoying irl?
Quit worrying about other people's lives and try to enjoy yours, it's short.


I don't even have a degree. I'm just fucking existing purely because I'm not dead yet (but not from lack of trying). I'm going nowhere in life, because I refuse to try, and I'm committed to never making anything of my life and being miserable.

I hope that pisses you off just as much as it depresses me. Eat a dick.


Because it's not as easy to make a family as it was years ago.

I'm a well-spoken, fit, tall (6'3) white dude. Great job as an engineer. Not awkward. Not into weird shit. No issue dating women and getting laid. And yet, after searching, I still can't find a decent woman that actually wants to settle down.

Modern women don't want families. They want fun. They want instant gratification. They want zero responsibilities. So modern men have no reason to want them either.

A couple of things I have found to be helpful.
Military. I was only in for 4 years and just in the Reserves. This helped set up a good foundation or even just the start of one for me to start building up my life the way I wanted it.

Next up are minor optional things.
Confidence is something you fake it before you make it.
Break up your long term goals into much smaller, short term goals and only worry about taking that first step. If you can take that first step and complete it, you can take the second step after that and so on.
Lastly, just diversify your knowledge and interests / go out more. You want to expand your comfort zone as much as you can. As more things become less uncomfortable, your confidence builds steadily. Familiarity helps a lot.

The gold standard of adulthood to you is making children? I could introduce you to some very "successful" hood rats.

Reproducing is the most basic, and completely irrational instinct there is. Some of us are not ruled by their nutsacks.

I'm well-educated, well-travelled, happily married to another professional, my hobbies include hiking and the study of classical Chinese and Japanese literature.

We have no children and never will. And this planet could use a good culling, since we're at 7.5 billion people and counting. We are breeding ourselves to death.

Of course, my wife and I will be dead before it gets really bad; it will be your children who inherit the hell.

This sounds like some crypto-fascist propaganda, man. Trying to galvanize the dweebs here with your soapbox "save da white races" stuff?