Be me

>be me
>Like this girl for years now
>Her and I are really good friends
>Really socially awkward
>Her and I talk everyday
>Once again, too pussy to try and make a move
>Keep doing the same shit everytime
>Today she gets a new boyfriend
>They put each other's initials in instagram bio
>It's official, their d8ing and cringey
>Now I'm going to have to wait till their relationship hits the fucking fan
>I really want this grill
Wat do Sup Forums

Pic unrelated

Op, dont come on too hard, be friend of her friends
And out of all,
>dont invest emotions onto it
>source: my school crush broke up with me after grad

Easier said than done bro, this girl is 11/10 and I've liked her for years now, so I've had time to get emotionally attached

Stop talking to her and hit the gym.

Message her in 3 months and tell her to come see you

Op let me greenstory my shit
>be me 3 years ago
>17yo edgy teen
>really like this asian girl since 5th
>get all worked up to ask her out during summer
>she likes me back
I was diagnosed with severe depression then at mid senior year
>date her and do couple shit
>during the small dance our school had for graduation she takes me outside
>tell me that she cant be with me anymore
>no reason or explanation
>week later she blocked me out of all social medias
>no clue to this day
I dont trust women anymore

Same boat as you. I'm waiting for the part where she gets a BF. Boy oh boy I can't wait for that.

Damn dude, I'm waiting for that shit to happen to me as I've never had a grillfriend before, which is why I'm shit at talking to girls

> be me
> see tis 2011+6
> look at women/men ratio
> conclusion is there are a lot of vaginas
> vaginas everywhere walking n' talking
> apps to get vaginas
> technology to get vaginas
> literately many ways to get lil pepe wet
> yet I am stuck to one


My advice to you is, if you see her crying or sad or anything, offer your aide. She'll look for you after she breaks up(if its nasty)

Don't let it happen, go for it my dude. Ask said grill on a d8

We're already like that. Her nudes got leaked back in high school and I was the only one by her side still

A shoulder to cry on.

Is a dick to ride on.

>nudes leaked
Jesus fuck op, you're falling for a slut
Best of luck to you. I can only give so much advice about it

When will all men realize tha all women are poison? All they do is bring chaos and ruin to an otherwise happy man.

Might be bad advice but this is similar to the situation I was in. She has to see you're interested in other girls. When she sees she could lose you she might consider how important you are. When she's single again ask her out. Worked for me

Not like that. Some guy started an insta and someone dm'd her nudes along with others and they got posted

>she gave them thus they ended being leaked
Op, is she white?

Ask her if you're in the friendzone, if yes, ask her to help you fuck her friends. EZ

Worth considering at this point. Thanks user.

Either say you want to date her, then fail and find another girl, or don't. Asking autists on the Internet is a surefire way to never succeed.

She is in fact a Caucasian

Jesus fuck. Quit making yourself available all the time. This chick knows she has you to fall back on for emotional support for anything she does, so what's the point in ever dating you? You obviously arent interesting enough for her to want a steady relationship, so you are literally just a friend that is always willing to listen to anything she says.

Fucking stop it. Man up, quit "hanging out" with women, and date them. Or, go out with your guy friends, and be loud and fun to be around. Women (everyone really) like being around people that are fun and entertaining. Quit holding up the wall with your arms crossed, and have a good time, and stop worrying about the pussy you weren't getting. Have fun, quit focusing on stupid shit, and maybe that girl will come to her senses. She will contact you because she will realize she might actually have to put in effort to keep you around. It's not difficult to get women.

I would, but I'm such a pussy when it comes to that stuff and when I feel it's a good time to talk to her I just freeze and talk about some other bs

>nudes leaked
Op you're in for a ride, try losing any emotional attachment before asking her out and falling into a pit of depression

I have a small group of guy friends and all we do is fuck around and have fun, so I don't think I'm missing out on any of that. But I've done that for years and nothing's changed

Don't listen to this loser. Don't waste so much effort. You think you are winning her over by "being a shoulder to cry on?" You are literally the equivalent of a gay friend for her. She has no sexual interest in you, and you aren't conniving like most girls in general.

Guys don't get women by being the guy that picks them up after life shits all over them. Being there for a woman is a nice trait in addition to something else she sees in a man, but that cannot be the sole factor.

You are obviously doing it wrong, then.

This is what I did.

>Hate her.

Why wouldn't you? She chose another mate over you. And since its some social status type relationship (ig bio) it'll eventually end.

Like I said; hate her. Let that seething energy flow out, use that anger Tobit the gym. Use that anger to throw caution to the wind and hit on girls. Make the fallout between the of you be known to her. Make her feel bad, you'll always sit at the back of her mind.

Then. When it happens & the break up - you make yourself apparent in her life and show how much better off you were without her presence, because now you have worthless whores on your dick and a sexy body. She'll see your worth

After you fuck her and make her fall...


You'll fall in love again eventually.

Source: I did the same thing to first girl I fell for and lost sleep over.

Took two years.

Listen dude, no one here is an expert, that's why we all call each other fags
>chicks do not like weak men
>if you act like a whiny bitch or act like a victim it will cause he pussy to die of dehydration
>tell her in direct terms what you want
>if she rejects you, don't cry, be confident and bang someone else until her new relationship falls to shit

i guarantee she sees you 0% romantically
she will break up with her new boyfriend, then she will get back together with him or find a new guy. if she was interested in you romantically you would know. if she liked you, she would be dating you, not someone else. dont delude yourself because you're going to cause yourself misery for years, ive already been through like 6-7 of being in love with someone who doesnt love you and trust me it's just fucking stupid and you're wasting your time. find someone else, she isnt for you

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