I am seriously scared of the direction the US is going

I am seriously scared of the direction the US is going.

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I am from EU and I am so fucking fed up with you hypocritical american fucks. Obama administration has bombed 8 fucking countries and now this guy (who I agree looks insane) sais he will stop this crazy warmongering policies and now suddenly all of you faggots have full mouths of human rights and feminism. Wtf? Seriously wtf? So you can bomb country after country and it's ok, but then one guy who is btw pacifist compared to your option, sais sth about women and you freak out? How fucked up is that?

Suck it up, OP. Donald Trump's already kept more promises and done more good for this country in a weekend than Obama did in 8 years.


Good. That let's us know what it's going in the right direction.

Are you some kind of tard

>Trump not a warmonger
>wants us to make more nukes and do military drills throughout towns to make us look "tough"
>"we should bomb the shit out of ISIS"

You're not wrong; the US is hypocritical as fuck, and it's getting worse.

Don't be scared, buy a gun, while it's still legal.

About as fucked up as your spelling, I'll give you that.

You're fucking stupid edgy, dude.

The US is corrupt as fuck, Trump is an outright LIAR.

He lied about the fucking weather.

nukes are a defensive measure you retard. What USA is doing in middle east is the opposite. Clinton wanted to continue stirring shit in the middle east, trump says he wants to stop it. By destroying ISIS also, which Obama administration hesitated to destroy because it had some benefit from destruction ISIS had done to Assad and other USA enemies. So yes, Trump is a fucking pacifist compared to Clinton, who's basically the new Hitler

Trump is the best thing to ever happen for liberals OP.
Now thousands of women will be running for office locally.
This is the last time the retards will have power, after this it will be nothing but young people with much more progressive ideas.
Trump is the catalyst that will finally create an actual resistance. They can't win.


Really? His cabinet is literally 2014 congress. I'm afraid nothing is gonna happen.

Trump is pro gun, not sure why your saying "while it's still legal.


Only be scared if you're not a straight white human.
>be me
>join KKK in my early 20s
>start losing hope
>Trump announces candidacy in 2015
>still skeptical
>Trump calls Mexicans rapists and we should strong borders
>feel hope for the cause
>go to Trump Rally
>no one boos or gives me a speech, even get a few handshakes
>feel the life of my kind being revived
>Trump wins
>ultimate victory for white race
>now we wait

I think you might be right.


ain't shit gonna happen for at least 3 years and even "anything happening" is very unlikely


>the ability to destroy massive amounts of land and kill anything inhabiting the area for decades

Our left is mostly made up of unprofessional retards and terrorists. If they don't get what they want they attack businesses and try to tell distorted lies about everything. They take Trump withdrawing federal funding from companies promotion abortions overseas as an attack on domestic rights. Since when the fuck do we need to fund everyone else's healthcare? Fuck that bullshit, we can't even afford our own.

Fuck out of here crybaby. Oh he signed an executive order to stop penalties for not having health insurance and stopped giving money to other countries for abortions. SOOO bad? Shut the fuck up and stop praying to your god Obama, he wasn't some sort of saint he fucking bombed the shit out of the middle east destroying millions of lives while displacing millions of innocents. Stop fucking saying Trump is the devil, actually do your own research and not just listen to want CNN, OccupyDemocrats and Buzzfeed tell you. Fucking crybabies man. You're so fucking privileged to be living in the US or any 1st world country.

yes, you're just too stupid to understand the basics

>Hillary Clinton the new Hitler
Hitler won his election you retard

not the first time you dumbfuck

it's a shame all those cows in those red areas can't vote.

(you do understand land vs population, right?)

because Obama/Hillary going to war with putin to protect sand niggers who hate us was such a unscary direction

Thank you.

Dubs proclaim. Yea to me it seems he's just gonna coast, say some twitter shit, then leave.

Typical Trumptard with their alternative truths

He literally asked "why can't we use nukes?" when he was running for president.

politicususa . c o m /2016/08/03/trump-asks-if-nuclear-weapons-them.html

Please look at and research the electoral college you dipshit.

I'm sick and tired of you liberals saying "The electoral college is so unfair whaaa, whaa". Look at this map fucker, 80% of the map is RED!

Now overlay that with a map of number of actual ballots cast.

You really think that old cankle cow has another shot? You must really love her.

shame you still lost

Kek u must be black, Mexican and/or woman otherwise shit is sweeeeeet! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!

>I'm sick and tired of you liberals saying "The electoral college is so unfair whaaa, whaa".
>I'm sick and tired of you liberals saying
>you liberals saying

Look who else says that.

Well whoever won America was fucked. Just roll with it.

Guess u should have gotten off your ass and voted hey faggot

And polls said that SHILLARY would win, why do you trust the media now?

>we should bomb the shit out of ISIS

... to be fair... we probably should bomb the shit out of ISIS.

Just because it's unpopular doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

In america, it's a righteous war when democrats does it.

Trumptardians are too dense to get that their leader is an upright hypocritical orangutan with no sense of integrity.

I'm not

which means nothing

like crying when you lose about yards and not the score


Erm, she did win, she got more votes, thats called winning.

He also said Obama was wrong to bomb ISIS. He's a hypocrite

>(you do understand land vs population, right?)
You do understand win vs lose, eight?

with allies like Russia it's possible

>And polls said that SHILLARY would win, why do you trust the media now?

She did win. She just lost the electoral college.

your mom


are you some kind of fucking brain dead mongoloid?

Don't watch American politics problem solved. Just like i don't give two shits about EU news.




you are

Its cool tho. 4 years of watching the country burn thanks to Putin.

>which means nothing

Do you understand how elections work, you inbred hick? The number of actual votes cast means everything you stupid shit.

participation trophy winner detected

when you grow up the winner wins not the loser

never my president

this is a little embarassing, but i dont think that we dont understand the difference betwwwen population and land. Im pretty sure its Hilary Clinton who didnt understand the difference cause she's not President right now. Maybe the Media should informed the rest of the US the difference cause Hilary(+12% in the polls). The only ones who couldnt figure out that they lost the election were the liberals crying about how its unfair. Newsflash tho, this system aint been fixed forever, and thats why Obama was president to begin with. The real tragedy is that Hilary got her hopes up and now she'll die never being President. The truth is so real

>Obama bombs the shit out of ISIS
>Trump says "maybe that was a bit much Barack. Wtf man?"
>years pass, ISIS be heads more people, blows shit up, shoots up faggot clubs, etc.
>Trump wins election
>"ok... maybe bombing the shit out of ISIS wasn't such a bad idea after all. We should do more of that"

Ever hear of changing your mind? You're allowed to do that you know...



Checked like a mothercucker

if that was true, you uneducated pothead, Hillary would be in the white house and not lurking the woods in a torn pants suit

the difference is you fucks are meddling in other countries policies. So yes, I will watch your internal election until you do. If you ask me, the way the things are now, the whole world should actually vote USA president, since you fucks meddle in just about every country on this planet. Just look at Ukraine, Syria, Libia and tons of other countries.

Waste of quints. I don't think you even understand the timeline in which events have occurred.

blue is for areas where people have college degrees?

Hahahah what the actual fuck? I'd vote progressive rather than these conservative cucks but this picture made me lose it. Is this for real?

The fuck you on about? I thought i just read that he was going to promote firearms as a measure of defence against criminals and place harsher sentences against criminals who use firearms

Hell yeah. Throw in their two cents while drinking a latte from *bucks, free wifi, in a gay ass Prius and meanwhile every third world country mother fucker is eating each other

Don't argue with these retards, they think they can survive without 95% of red land

Yes sir. In his bold doucherie, he's gotten more people off their asses than anyone before him. Perhaps it's in protest. Maybe support. But even if my plan works out and he's impeached by September, he still did more for the American people than most prior presidents. So you have the catalyst to the fire that promises for a spectacular explosion. He's not bad, he's not not evil. He's just retarded and has had more opportunity than you. I'd like to think if I had a head start with 1 million I could reach for my goals too. He still has to answer to Congress, and he still has to have face to the American population. But now he has to defend his brand. Let the retard run. Let's see where this goes.


niggers haz college degrees?



He's not stopping any 'war mongering' with Maddis as Secretary of defence.

idk what he will do but he said he wants to stop meddling in Syria, reduce tension with Russia and that Iraq war was a mistake. For me that's a revolution in the typical nazi USA policies so far.

rednecks get so cranky when they run out of oxy

>Tweet from 2012 when Republicans were very salty Obama won the election

>Do I trust the media
No, I never did
>And polls said that SHILLARY would win
The popular vote yes. But she lost the electoral vote, you know from the ELECTORAL COLLEGE

>timeline of events
Umm, I'm going to go ahead and guess that Trump was aware of the drone strikes as they happened, and had that opinion at the time.

Semantics. I know they don't teach them in your women's studies class, but they're important.

Just because you learned how to take things out of context so they support your argument doesn't mean that everyone you meet will ignore the context that makes your argument invalid. Not everyone is as dumb as you are.

>queue the REEEEEEEEEE response that inevitably will follow.

you're going to be punched in the face more than once, son
but I'm glad you think this way, can't wait for you fucktards fuck up your country from the inside, civil war style

thas why yer so mad son

they took yer jerbs

is this where all the woman are at? didnt know we only kept them in the blue parts. Must be those damn mexicants womans that have all those degrees in florida right newfag

Wtf are u talking about? What has he accomplished?

>be dem
>have supermajority for most of 20th century
>have 60vote senate in 2009
>do nothing to change "undemocratic" system
>2016 election
>"Literal hitler" won cause of system you kept in place
>hurr durrr not ma precciddent, fuck drumf, he lost be millions of votes(thanks illegals)
Kek. this is gonna be best 4 years of my life. You lot are amusing

That sound you hear is the Overton Window being smashed into itty bitty pieces. Almost everyone I know is now openly condoning violence on the nazicucks.

unlike Obama, who got a nobel peace prize for bombing 8 countries and bringing the world close to world war III.

Poll on Trump.


niggers on welfare fool

>stopped giving money to other countries for abortions. SOOO bad?
Or other forms of contraceptives. There will negative consequences of this, the people we were helping will suffer.

>muh obama bombs
Don't give a shit about Obama, and I'm sure Trumps Bomb the Shit out of everything mentality will be far more humanitarian.

Both candidates were fucking aweful

I suppose user. But everyone else lets us get into their shit. Just like the 3rd man in a bukkake. He might be in the back but his load is just as important as the first two. Hahahaha