This ugly thing is the first joint that I've rolled. How was your guys' first? Any tips to get better?

This ugly thing is the first joint that I've rolled. How was your guys' first? Any tips to get better?
Also general drug thread

Tuck the filter you fucking retard

Next time dont use your dick to roll it

Roll as tight as possible

2/10 keep it tighter

See how you twisted the ends? Don't do that anymore.

Honestly, why do you smoke joints? Does anyone here actually get high off of them?

Joints are the best purchase for sure, because I can buy the joint of the day for 6 bucks at my favorite shop, and it always either two 0.5G's or a single 1G, which I deconstruct, and I have me a 6 dollar gram of weed, good shit usually too.

That's all joints are good for.

Since around November I befriended this new chick who seems to do alot of drugs. We've done shit together, 4 of us, mostly done hashbrownies and smoked some. About every other weekend.

Thing is I'm kinda cautious of drugs overall, always study up om them before using and take safe doses, but this one close friend of mine is worried and constantly talks about me being a drughead whenever we get into the subject. Not in a mean way but w/e.
Kinda sad about how he judges me, mind you he's quite the heavy drinker, and no matter how I argue or point out facts he doesnt budge. His tone makes me think I'll wind up like her, the repeat user, which scares me.

Basically a huge blog post, but what do?

At first I never got high off of joints. But that's because I was literally just inhaling into my mouth and exhaling. Eventually I played around and learned to take deep, lung filled hits that were held in before exhaling.

Never had problems getting high from smoking joints

Only ever smoked a couple of times. It's horrible, my lungs get on fire and I wan to cough util I puke. Luckily last time I had some alcohol to sedate me a bit, only way I know how.

Context: I was DARE Student of the year for the country growing up.

I highly recommend you read up on the drugs you use. Sites like erowid are perfect for this. I occasionally use Cannabis, LSD, Shrooms, DMT, etc and am far from a "drughead".

It is possible to use drugs for beneficial reasons why maintaining a normal life.

underage b&

Tried LSD for the first time last weekend, highly recommend if you like psychedelics.


pity the joint is shit, the best advice i can give is to roll it again

and again

and again

repeat till good

Sounds like you may prefer a different form. Perhaps you should try a water bong or just stick to edibles. It's totally fine to not like joints for that reason. You're definitely not the first to say that lol.

Whatever works for you!

Taking safe doses on cannabis?

Your friend is just spewing crap on you to feel better about himself. Most people did drugs at some point in their life and do not turn out to be druggies

Just keep practicing my man and you'll roll good ones in no time

Forgot to mention we did MDMA, hnce safe dose. And also a when we make hashbrownies.
Yeah I just bake now, takes a bit longer but it's definitely just as strong.
Kinda get this feeling aswell, kinda rude of him. He knew some other guy that completely dove down the rabbit hole and does some seriously heavy stuff these days + anti-deppressants/anxiety pills. That's why he's concerned, he says.

I've only ever had 2 joints get me high. Both were really fat I want to say 2ish gram joints.

Unless you're taking blunts to the face every 3 hours there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get high off of a joint.

This is exactly what I'm doing right now, we sit down(us 4) and watch a movie/have dinner and we talk about loads of stuff but definitely drugs if we are planning something. We all study up some beforehand and then we discuss if we want to do it or not. So far so good.

We've been discussing LSD lately. The usergirl I mentioned has done it several times, even by herself, and loves it. I'm mostly hoping to bond/experience something along with my friends.
Thoughts on LSD?

>It's horrible, my lungs get on fire and I wan to cough util I puke.

Thats just because you don't smoke. Spoiler, your body doesn't actually like inhaling hot smoke and will resist you the whole way.

After smoking for a while that goes away though. It's also easier if your weed isn't terribly dry or just better quality overall.

What in my post makes me appear underage? Not enough cursing or internet meme-speak?
Thought drug-threads were supposed to be pretty mellow and nice.

The fact that he seems to be surrounding himself with drug addicts is pretty telling as well. Acting like he cares about others may just be displacing his own worries about himself. Just set him straight if you feel he is going too far other, ,as long as he is not introducing you as his drug addict friend you can pretty much ignore him.

He's a cunt. Tell him he's a cunt.

His liver will fail long before you notice any effects of long term cannabis use.

Hehe only smoked weed once, while drunk, and I barely managed, felt pretty fucking bad for a minute then it gradually passed over to being faded.
But yeah, I dont smoke and am kinda happy about that, so I'll stick to edibles or smoke when drunk.

Also do you prefer weed + alcohol or just weed?

Here's the best way to start rolling. Anchor your hand with the filter, so if you're right handed, put the filter in the left side of the paper and then hold it with your left thumb and forefinger. Then with your right thumb and forefinger roll the weed into a tube shape similar to the filter and just work from the filter to the tip. You will lose some at first from the far end, but don't worry about that. Just keep rolling the weed until it's pretty tight, but loose enough to allow it to burn. Buy an once of tobacco to practice.

Thanks for the support lads.
But no he doesnt surround himself with druggies, that was just some guy we studied with a long time ago.
He does, however, surround himself with trashy people that get shitfaced drunk on the regular.
But I'll see him soon to hang out at my place, see if I can sort him out then.

Got experience handling these kinds of people?

LSD was the tool that was responsible for making my life so much better. LSD helped me cut off toxic friends, better my relationship, improve my career and lose 100 pounds. When taken properly it is a powerful tool for self betterment.

>Hehe only smoked weed once, while drunk, and I barely managed, felt pretty fucking bad for a minute then it gradually passed over to being faded.

The first time I ever smoked weed was out of a bong. My friend's Dad had us all taking fat ass rips even though it was my first time and another guys. I ended up coughing and spitting for at least 20 minutes after. At some point I passed out in their back yard. There were stories of one of my friends trying to wake me up and me just growling at people.

I've smoked a fair bit since then, but I'm still far from a regular smoker. Maybe once or twice a month on average.

>Also do you prefer weed + alcohol or just weed?

I've never had any really good experiences mixing them. I get the spins and it fucking sucks. Usually I just smoke since I don't really like the taste of alcohol all that much.

You've done mdma?
If you can handle that acid should be no problem.

Weed is nice with drinking, but you should smoke before you drink. You can get sick if you drink and then smoke after.

Weed + alcohol is awesome. I love the spins. You must embrace the spins, become the spins

Wow, that sounds incredible. Please do go on.
How do I "use" the effects best? Only been slightly worried about the mood swings and one of my friends that carries some heavy shit deep in his mind. It occationaly comes out when he gets shitfaced and it kills the mood pretty bad.

But MDMA isn't something you handle at all? In my experience we just felt fucking terrific and listened to some weird drone/trance-techno stuff. Normally dislike tyat sort of music but it works well on mdma.

Point is: the drug just got me rolling in happiness and love. Psychedelics seem so far off from that experience.

Here's what you need to know about LSD. If your friends has deep, introspective thoughts then that is not a bad thing. LSD removes the ego, even going as far as to kill your ego. You are one with the universe. For me it is common to have the same thoughts and realizations.

Let him speak his mind and then change the setting. Play some music, go to a different location, draw, play instruments, etc. LSD breaks down barriers and doesn't let you bullshit.

I would recommend you make a list of simple topics or questions you would like to reflect on during your trip.

And remember, it's only a drug.

Only ever baked with hash so it affects the body differently(imo) to weed.
Felt pretty good when I smoked, giggled like a 12yr old and watched family guy while hugging a friend.
When I eat brownies I get all sorts of effects, whole-body high u could call it. Any1 else had the same experience? Weed=mostly your mind and hashbrownie=whole body

Ya I've been looking forward to the whole ego-killing part. Love to talk and discuss things with people so I have no issue in deep thoughts or whatever.
Just worried because the stuff he has semi-brought up is really deppressing and he wont talk avout it sober.( i.e. cutting himself and feeling depressed)

We've talked about set and setting, discussed what we want to do and how to avoid certain stuff.

Does it work to "control" the high with topics and steer it the way you want it to?

>When I eat brownies I get all sorts of effects, whole-body high u could call it. Any1 else had the same experience? Weed=mostly your mind and hashbrownie=whole body

I think that has to do more with the type of weed used instead of the way you intake it.

In general Indica strains are known to provide a more mindful headdy high while sativa strands are known to create a more physical full body high.

Sativa strands also tend to be cheaper which means people usually use them for edibles since you usually need a lot of material to make a potent butter/oil.

Used 1.4g of hash, unknown strand. And boy did that stuff sink in heavily. Gotten high 3 times off of it, usually 1 large cookie is enough to ensure a proper high.
Still got enough for 2 people.
I don't think you need that much when you cook/bake with it. You jsut gotta know how to do it proper.

Correct but wrong way round
Indicate = body high
Saliva = headfuck

Indica* sativa*

>> 2 gram joint
You sure about that user?


when you're rolling, don't worry abuot the paper folding, you don't need to perfectly tuck it, just et it fold and roll it tight. if you use aa second paper it helps for when you j chases so it burns better, more paper taste tho. don't be afraid to do the roll fold, don't care about doing a middle fold, and if you have problems with choints running up try using a second paper on your next one. hope this helped.

Drugs r fun