Fill in the executive order

Fill in the executive order.

Bring me the rarest pepes.

Americans who voted for Trump are like stupid children who went in a candy-van to help the driver find his puppy even though they were told 15,000 times not to do it. They deserve what they get.




I know right? I can't believe they didn't vote for Hillary. She *might* be corrupt, but at least she knows what she's doing! Plus, she would have been the first woman president! What a travesty of our democracy.


jokes on you, I am a huge faggot


>knows what she's doing
>investigated by FBI for not knowing what she was doing with national security

bait 100% success

I wish this was real. lol

I fucking wish this was how he acted at this point.

It's not when you admit you were trolling after 1 person falls for a fake snowflake statement only 12 posts into a thread.

I'm not the same person, rofl.

stop feeding the trolls, you pretentious faggot

literally any other woman would make a better first female president than Hillary. Fucking La'Shawnda down on the corner would be better.

this thread is so ironic

trump literally just signed an executive order requiring the immediate deportation of every person in the usa illegally

see ya, you stupid fucking spics

dont let the wall hit ya on the way back to mexitardo

>stop feeding the trolls
>posts 3rd person assumption about other 2 anons convo
I run into hypocrites like you everyday day.

>Can't into sarcasm on the internet
when in doubt, don't reply


At last, the dick sucking community has been addressed by glorious leader.




Actual quote from the senile retard

Low energy






Very good one, and with dubs too!


How can he hold a folder with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time with a photograph of him holding the exact same folder at the exact same time?


Control your autism