Why is this movie so based?
Check and mate, atheists.
Why is this movie so based?
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I can prove to you that water cant turn into wine and you cant walk on water.
Check mate
>Josh Wheaton
Didn't know he was a Christian, is that why the "there's only one God" line is in the first Avengers movie?
That is the single stupidest quote I've ever heard.
It can be applied to literally anything.
>People say that no one can prove the existence of the Dragons
>But I say that no one can disprove that Dragons exist.
>People say that no one can prove the existence of the perfect cunt, and they're right.
>But I say no one can disprove that the perfect cunt exists.
Now make your own quote everyone!
He's right, you know
god is above physics laws
jesus christ
Dr Pavel died for our sins
>you can't prove that god exist but I can make any claim supporting that he doesn't invalid by saying god is above proofs
Thanks. We didn't need more examples of how faith is based on believing rather than proving.
why can't atheists define atheism?
But they can.
Why can't christians define god without mentioning the fact that the concept can't be understood?
btfo by my waifu
Sup Forums is a Christian board. Fuck off, reddit.
Coming into this thread wasn't mistake after all. Going to watch Luther now.
The ten plagues are already scientifically explained
proof that atheists are literally psychopaths
the library of babel explains how the universe was created
Lack of proof is not proof and will never be accepted in the academic world.
>protestant """cinema"""
>implying christard could (or would accept to) understand scientific method and reasoning
Anyone thinking their faith would be more or less validated by proving or disproving its basis is dumb enough to miss the point of faith itself.
By definition faith =/= knowledge
why don't you go """venerate""" your false gods, papist scum
>implying christians dont worship a god that exterminated all of humanity aka as edgy as it gets
>"catholics venerate the pope"
>this is what burger christians actually believe
>what are saints?
you'd probably understand you religion more if you actually went to church more than once a year
Still not veneration of the pope.
Are saints only a catholic thing then? I thought all christians worshipped them.
It's only protestants that do not agree with the idea of saits. They are present in anglicanism and orthodox christianity as well.
Miracle Man is the only good Christian film. I recommend you all watch it. Look out for the wedding scene.
So in order for there to be a Big Bang, matter would have to exist. It does, in fact, exist. Where did the matter come from? Did the matter just always exist?
Situation: You're in an empty part of the universe, stars being your only sight for as long as you've been alive. You're not human, obviously. What are the chances a world made of water, gas and dust exists in your mind? You can't prove it does. The probability would be so, so small that it might as well be considered an unbelievable miracle. And what are the chances that same planet could harbor life? Damn near impossible. And the chances any of that life could be intelligent? You're just being a mythological poet now.
Yeah that's what I thought, bitches.
CHRISTIAN Slater - 1
Atheists - The 0's they are
Aren't protestants and anglicans the same thing?
This makes more sense if it's about theists.
Oh, Big Jock Knew.
No. the anglican church is considered protestant because it separated from catholicism and it shares some similarities with other protestant schools of religion, but it was not for the same reason as lutherian or calvinist protestantism/reforms departed from the church.
Why can't people just accept that some things are beyond the scope of present human knowledge?
Why do they have to invent deities as a lazy explanation to these things? If you need this to have peace of mind, you're a weak person.
Because for some people, it's not enough to have your own beliefs and convicions, you have to make everyone believe in it too and agree with you.
these movies are the most retarded shit and make me ashamed of being a christian
If it makes them happy to believe then good luck to them. I only have an issue with theists when they force their beliefs on others or use it as an excuse to discriminate and dictate how others should live.
You run into the same problem with God, who created the creator? And even with the odds of a world being habitable and producing life being so small, their are so many trillions of planets that there are millions of planets undoubtedly supporting life
>no one can't disprove therefore it exists
that's not how it works in science and in reality
but god is a stopgap for all the shit that can't be easily explained by the average person.
For fucks sake user, how many times have you made this thread?