This guy finds out youre racist and is about to kick your ass

This guy finds out youre racist and is about to kick your ass
What do ?

Other urls found in this thread:

i'm half black, convince him we're brothers or some shit

>lunch banana

run him over with my BMW

Repeat until Tyrones head explodes

Look at my reflection in his forehead.

I get beaten up without defending myself.

Pull out hand gun and shoot him in the head in self defense. the end.

>tell him his hairline isn't straight
>walk away while he frantically checks himself out in a mirror

he takes it right out of your chubby, grease covered fingers, shoves it right up your ass and empties the mag

Distract him with fried chicken and a welfare cheque

Laugh at his shit hair?

Clench my jaw, tense my neck, and duck the crown of my head into his first punch. Watch him hop around after breaking one or more of his metacarpals on my skull. Kick him in the liver, and watch him shut down from shock.

call the police as he is obviously and escaped convict.

Watch as my extremely racist community lynched him

So you'd let yourself get punched in the head and limply kick him? Good plan fedoralord.

You must have an absurdly thick skull??

Tell him my wife really wants to be blacked as into rape fantasies.

Proceed to lead him to some unsuspecting woman and tell him I've informed her and he should jump her.

Call the cops on him.



I guess be proven right that they're violent thugs.

Hush, man, don't you recognise you're in the presence of the fabled Master Ninja Sakuraparodanasukabaigaijaikaipaluka-san? With his amazing ability to blow punches with his skull, and liver-kick enormous men? Man, don't make him hunt you down...

Get my ass kicked? Why are there so many nigger posts on this board???! God I wish we had never taught them english and just left them in the stone age over in Africa. Wake me when the civil war starts.

throw a few bucks on the floor to distract the poor nig

It's been my go-to move for almost 20 years. I have been on the ass-end of some SPECTACULAR ass kickings, but 1: I've NEVER been knocked out, 2: I've had at LEAST 8 (20 years is a long time to sift through but I can clearly remember 8) people break their hands on my head, and 3: A solid kick just under the right ribs will pretty much shut down your whole shit. Come back to this conversation when you have more to go on besides the latest UFC pay-per-view.

Pass him a basketball and a pack of Kools. That'll keep him busy while I escape

Show dominance with some quick rape.

I don't know how hard it is in comparison to someone else's. I do know that a lot of people who have been dumb enough to punch me in the head have learned it is a terrible idea. I've been kicked, punched, kneed, elbowed, had beer bottles, and even a large chunk of asphalt broken over my head. Never been knocked out.

So is black the new /b? What the fuck is up with you stupid shits? Stop empowering the dumbass niggers by making threads about them.

Ops samfaggin
Bitch .. ass ... nigger

Not a problem thanks to concealed carry.

If the nigger gets violent I'm just threaten to shoot if and if that doesn't work I will shoot him in the leg or something.

Punch him in the dick. If that dont work, take an ass whoping

Real Niggas prefer Newport 100's.

tell him i hate people because of their socioeconomic background, not because of their skin color.

Ask him about his dad and laugh at his bitch ass crying

Soot him in the head? I'd like to shoot him a bunch in the chest, see if he's like 50 cent, but I'd get sued.


So you hate poor people? Poor Asians and poor Caucasians don't behave the way niggers do, so I think you need to rethink that. Everyone on this planet needs to wake up and realize blacks are a problem wherever they go and it's in everyones best interest to seperate from them if they actually want to live in any type of civilization.

Do a 360 turn and walk away

Call the zoo and report a monkey on the loose

>I-I mean, fuck Trump and fuck white people, am I right?!

Divert him to a bucket of poisoned fried chicken

suck his superior bbc

He don't look that tough, imo.

>let him fuck your ass
>prostate orgasm
>still no homo

strip naked and run at him

Pocket Sand!

my ancestors are smiling at me nigger, can you say the same?

call him a NIGGER

Hope he kills me

Feign left jab, feign right jab, feign left kick.

Feign run away, quickly turn back around, feign right jab, left kick, left jab, right kick.

Feign run away, do 360 feign kick to face.

Actually run away, but then come back like 30 min later and shoot him in the face.

A true hero amongst rednecks

I use my superior height and /fit/ness to win. I then take his virginity by shoving my cock in his ass.

I'm not racists. I have a weakness for muscular black men. My dream is to be topped by a strong well scented black man.

Have a gun since I'm white and not a felon.

Call my boi for backup

Stab him

Scare him away with a W4.

Stab him with a chicken bone.

Throw fried chickens at him and squirt him with grape soda.

suck his dick

prolly lick his nips, they look yummy

no homo

Flash my gun at him, then he will run away

Depends, I live in a "stand your ground" state so I'd give him one warning that I'm not gonna take any shit.... he starts swinging and I'm gonna pull out my concealed carry and exterminate a chimp.... But I wouldn't shoot him somewhere where death comes fast. I'd shoot him in the throat so he has plenty of time to gurgle apologies before he expires.

Either that or taze the nigger til he's incapacitated, call the cops and just keep tazing him.... then the cops show up and said nig gets arrested for assault or breaking and entering or whatever.

And before you say that shit's cowardly, you evidently don't know how niggers commonly fight. It's almost always a sucker punch, a 5-to-1 jumping, or assault with a deadly weapon. Taking a chance and trying to fight honorably with a protohuman that honestly cannot fathom concepts such as "honor", is something you will regret.

Hope and pray the same Zookeeper that shot Harambe is nearby

Stare him down first and then proceed to beat him up like a runaway slave.


Throw him a basketball to distract him.

Offer him a job

i mean, call him a nigger 10./10 he has a gun pull 1st. niggers have this image of no one can talk to them in a way and will kill you so its kill or be killed. They don't like when other put there hands on them yet will put there monkey on you whenever they please. pull 1st the cops will take your side. niggers are violent animals period.

niggers only think they're god until they get put in the dirt.

Tell him "Nice nips, cupcake" then prepare myself to fight and probably lose.

Try to reason with him (I am not an actual racist)

If he doesn't reason, I would fight him. I once won against a similar guy.

Pull the bone through his nose out and throw it. "Fetch boy"

Dude looks really dam strong. I would have to beat his ass extra hard.

Jump in a pool

Tell him to shave his stankey ass pubes

kick his ass first.

Pretend I'm his son so he won't show up.

No scars, no calluses.
Nose that has never been broken.
NO califlowered ear
Bitch "thug" posture
No forearm musculature/thin wrists
No real worries. I ain't 'fraid o' no ghosts.**

But "tough guys" usually carry an equalizer (blade, sap, gun) when the going gets against them. Expect it.

I actually winced.

Meanwhile Jamals , in the form of 6 other niggers, hits you in the back of the head with a brick after you get in a good lick or 3

You left out the part where you get permanent brain damage.

tell him to work on his traps

I've read through this whole thread, and you are either the cringiest basement dwelling bait master, or most dead serious user in this thread. I can't really figure out which.

Put tape on his pubes and rip them off

Laugh as my point has been proven, niggers are a violent animals. then shoot the coon with my 9mm.

pull out my tiny white dick and tell him to get on his knees and suck me

How shitty of a person do you have to be to have that many people to fight you?

Any vacancies in your street?

Actually, you're not far off the mark. I've suffered seven concussions, 4 grade 1, and 3 grade 2. And I DO have scar tissue on the frontal lobe of my brain. I have chronic migraines. And I have started developing problems with my memory, and communication skills. But if it means surviving a fight with some asshole who wants to harm me, I'll take another punch to the skull, any day of the week.


For most of my younger years, I was the only white guy living in an all black/hispanic neighborhood. I was pretty much a walking target. Fight back or die, were basically my only options. Thank God I live in the suburbs now.

B-but im only racist to whites like myself, i love black people please dont hurt me fuck my girlfriend please dont hurt me i like you and i support black lives matter please dont hurt me im sorry for what my ancestors done to you even though technically it wasnt my ancestors but the colour of my skin is white so there for im responsible because i benefit from racism every white person benefits off racism but not every black is a thug and those that are are just oppressed and misunderstood and its our fault please dont beat my ass have sex with my girlfriend and run a train on my sister and put it on worldstar im sorry


>I'm just threaten to shoot
That is jail time for you son.
if you pull you better shoot or you pulled your gun out when you wernt supposed to.

>Epic Bantz


You dont even carry or you would have knew to shoot them dead, as dead men dont tell tales.

Also you have the change to kill a nigger and you dont,
>nigger found.

Throw a banana .

The only way a nigger is lethal with a gun is if it's full auto. And even then, the only thing he's gonna hit is the 4yr old daughter of his intended victim's neighbor.