He hated it
Our king has spoken.
>A feminist Gunga Din, Jones’s Patty makes it possible for the SNL white pukka sahibs to feel good about repeating Ghostbusters’ Eighties line-up — as if exhibiting generous social equality. That’s how escapist entertainment works: It disguises Hollywood’s entrenched biased hegemony as happily inclusive fun for all. Director Paul Feig, who saw no need to diversify the cast of his deplorable but lucrative Bridesmaids, perpetuates the same ol’ Ghostbuster tokenism. His cast of romantic dingaling (Wiig), plus-size clown (McCarthy), butch brainiac (McKinnon), and black sidekick (Jones) presumes to update the original film’s nonsense by virtue of representing Obama-era parity (which includes Chris Hemsworth as an unfunny beefcake version of Old Hollywood cheesecake), but Feig forgets that Reagan-era liberals felt no need to demonstrate equality; enjoying white privilege showed who they were, and filmgoers laughed while acquiescing.
Somebody lynch this uppity nigger
And now the Sup Forumsedditors that called him a pretentious hipster will praise him
reminder you need to watch these films to understand him and not pleb dogshit like whiplash, fight club, mad max fury road, etf
I hate this fucking nigger.
Let's not kid ourselves, if this heap of shit had been critically acclaimed he would have said it was shit.
Also he spoke for an entire paragraph about race roles and expectations.
Fuck him.
How is he always right?
>>A feminist Gunga Din
I'll say go back to Sup Forums because all you have to say is 'nigger' this and 'nigger' that.
I said it once and it was just to diminutize him, doesn't mean the rest of my arguments are wrong.
>he spoke for an entire paragraph about race roles and expectations
literally how new. that's all he does.
Friendly reminder that Armond thought Grown Ups was good but that There Will Be Blood was bad.
he also loved Jack & Jill and Transformers. he's a stupid coon with a library card.
TWBB is a film that plebeians flock to in awe, because they are nearly completely underexposed to cinema.
It is a film which exposes the tasteless, time after time.
I bet typing that made you feel real edgy, huh.
Grown Ups was fun. It's just a bunch of friends in real life hanging out and having a good time.
That's how I took it.
You're wronger than anyone else in this thread. Look at one of Armond's yearly breakdowns, and I'll bet you haven't even heard of most of the films he praises. He prefers movies that are artistic, accomplished and meaningful, with substance behind them. You've taken from the fact he'll say something positive about Jack & Jill to mean it's one of his favourite movies, and for that, you are literally retarded. It's your taste that is shit, and Armond points out the disingenuousness and hypocrisy of your kind.
>he said something good about jack & jill and transformers 2 but insulted avengers! how could this be so? contrarian! his taste is shit!
The kinds of movies Armond really cherishes are movies like Garçon stupide, Divine Intervention, Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train, etc -- movies you haven't even fucking heard of, you absolute pleb, and it's from that perspective he's judging your crudely made, emotionally barren movies parading as meaningful, and instead praising movies that at least know they're fucking garbage and do something with it.
You'll go, then, I don't doubt, from accusing him to enjoying garbage to accusing him of being pretentious, and you'll not see he occupies both simultaneously, as he can enjoy a fun romp for what it is, and he can enjoy majesty, beauty and vision, and that's what he does in his reviews. It's you who's got shit taste because you enjoy vacuous shite while thinking it's good and imagining you've got sophisticated taste.
None of that makes it a good movie
None of that makes it a bad movie.
Barmond (Based Armond) does it again
He thought GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry were good but that Zodiac was bad.
Thank you based Armond for also praising BvS
>muh false dichotomy!
I hate The Avengers too. Get that nigger's HIV infested cock out of your mouth. He's a fraud and exists only to make idiots like you feel smart.
>"Paul Feig, who saw no need to diversify the cast of his deplorable but lucrative Bridesmaids, perpetuates the same ol’ Ghostbuster tokenism"
>He prefers movies that are artistic, accomplished and meaningful, with substance behind them
>Grown ups
>Jack & Jill
low quality bait
All of his reviews for Feig's movies have been not just negative, but scathing. I am not surprised at all.
Fuck off summerfag.
Why is it only during America's summer period that you are constantly being accused of being new?
Armond's go to is overwrought subtext for many, many themes all of which are almost never and in some cases absolutely nowhere near present in the film. Give me some examples from his reviews to support the race card from Armond and I'l apologize.
It must be a new and frightening experience for you who are used to imagining feral africans rough riding girls you'd never have a chance with personally -- a mad mingling of hate and power fantasy -- to see now a black person who is intellectually your superior. What will you do when you're left alone in a quiet room with nothing but your inadequacy and inferiority?
>The kinds of movies Armond really cherishes are movies like Garçon stupide, Divine Intervention, Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train, etc -- movies you haven't even fucking heard of, you absolute pleb, and it's from that perspective he's judging your crudely made, emotionally barren movies parading as meaningful, and instead praising movies that at least know they're fucking garbage and do something with it.
Armond is a meme reviewer fishing for the *contrarian audience* ie. people that are against popular films.
That's literally his extent of criticism. Which amounts to zeor.
Christ, even if I disagree with his reviews I have to admit they are always hilarious and actually REVIEW the damn movie.
If he was a contrarian, he'd be reviewing Ghostbsuters positively though.
>It must be a new and frightening experience for you who are used to imagining feral africans rough riding girls you'd never have a chance with personally
Do you have something to tell us? Armond is a garbageman and a hack who most likely doesn't understand the movies he claims to love. His race baiting that is inevitably in every review is more telling than any of his lovely lists. He's a piece of shit faggot nigger, literally. And you're defending him. Congratulations.
Armond White isn't a contrarian. He exposes the hypocrisy of Hollywood and the critics.
hahaha this is one of his best takedowns since precious
There will be blood was bad.
Filters and pseudo intellectual script writing does not make a movie good
doesn't make it bad either ;^)
what the fuck do you mean faggot? this movie received mixed review and he still shat all over it.
Name one review he did that was not absolutely correct.
Oh wait, you can't.
They're the people who think googling "top 10 films of the decade" and praising them will somehow make them a critical film watcher.
You Sup Forums folk have idols much different than those we have on Sup Forums
He's right because he doesn't actually critique the merits of the movie. Instead, he talks about it in a social context where he can weave whatever story in to either say it's bad for America or good for America to have this movie around.
The guy rarely. gives concrete reasons why the movie is good or not.
I was all on board with him until he spouted the line about white privilege. Still waiting on mine to kick in.
Explain. I only been at Sup Forums and never looked back.
And what about those of us who are genre enthusiasts? I enjoy exploitation cinema and horror films, so that list does nothing for me.
How can we allow one, single individual to be so fucking BASED?
Traps, racists, Boxxy/whatever other cam whore has got their collected nads pulsing for a release.
>where he can weave whatever story in to either say it's bad for America or good for America to have this movie around.
It annoys the fuck out of me that people think he's a good reviewer. A good writer? Sure, but he rarely critiques the movie. He always relates shit to Black Lives Matter or calls Tarantino a racist.
Fuck this guy.
I've said it before. Armond is the only one who makes virtue signalling redditors go: "fucking nigger" for not praising meme flicks and marvel capeshit.
>I was all on board with him until he spouted the line about white privilege. Still waiting on mine to kick in.
Oh, fuck off. Let me guess, your life is so fucking terrible and hard. Nobody knows the burdens you face. I bet you have "anxiety" or some other made-up shit that you use as your crutch. Idiot. Get off your fucking ass and make something of yourself.
projection much princess? Anxiety is not even a thing or reason for most.
And even then he brought up some good points.
But you don't write a bad review about Up. It's just flat out wrong to call it a bad movie
Hateful Eight. He calls Tarantino racist. Which is impossible seeing as he's an honorary black man.
lul wut
projecting what? the only thing I'm projecting is anger and hatred toward useless, crybaby pussies who think the world owes them something. our whole society is filled with worthless dead weight holding the rest of us back.
more artistic vision in that paragraph than either movie
whose holding back princess, hypocrite much?
>whose holding back princess, hypocrite much?
that sentence doesn't even make sense
O Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol is an adaptation of Canudos basically, the novel "Os Sertões" did it better, much better. The film itself has some good acts but it's not exceptional as this chart thinks it is. O Pagador de Promessas is a much better movie, Terra em Transe from Glauber itself is also better.
wtf I love ghostbusters now
found the summerfag
They're racist too.
>You and I are not so different.
it's time for you to leave, Sup Forumseddit
Zodiac was bad
And he does it for free
saying BvS had a soul
he's right
Butthurt roody-poo detected. Better get off the computer before the cops shoot you.
It's a shit movie.
It does. You have to not be a retard to decipher it, though.
hahahhahaha, oh god. That "I love you" is so corny what the fuck was he thinking?
I kind of agree with this, before being kicked out he stated critics have to voice their opinions with out studio influence(money).
He also tore apart bridesmaids
Stop dooms at all cost to save his woman/people.
also faulty script.
>oh he's black? I'm so sorry oh my atheism I'm so sorry please forgive me black lives matter oh no oh no please PLEASE forgive me!!!!
Heh, fucking SJW's
>"Ghostbusters and Café Society seek identity in gimmicks."
I just sent this to my liberal sister. Waiting for her to say "Oh another angry white dude" so I can point out that Armond White is a black man and call her racist :^)
yet another misogynist manbaby who hates women. How many female critics hated this movie? That's right, none. Checkmate athiests
so? The Godfather is another one of those films, but its also an achievement of cinema and one of the best films ever made.
if you actually judge a film entirely by its watchers, you are a pathetic coward
>plus-size clown(McCarthy)
>hahahhahaha, oh god. That "I love you" is so corny what the fuck was he thinking?
The modern audiences adolescent embarassement of genuine emotion explains a lot about the popularity of the MCU.
>if you actually judge a film entirely by its watchers, you are a pathetic coward
so, typical Sup Forums on all counts then
Well, yes
>every thread has to derail into consolewar bait
It was a simple observation and it isn't really limited to the MCU. Compare 'Jurassic Park' with 'Jurassic World' or 'Star Wars' with 'The Force Awakens' for example. If there is one thing that exemplifies modern blockbusters it is glibness.
Fuck off hipster faggot
I don't like Marvel movies but BvS was absolutely terrible. I can't believe people are unironically defending this trash.
t. Marvel babby's first false-flagging
that's an oversimplification, too focused on one aspect of the phenomenon in question
and i don't think jurassic park is comparable to tfa, one relies on callbacks and nostalgia, the other assumes it and flips the old premise in a new way, although without a consistent atmosphere and vibe in the same as JP
Of course he did, the critics consensus was positive
That's your defense? "This movie isn't bad because Marvel movies are worse!"
BvS was more pretentious bloated garbage from moronic Zack Snyder who couldn't direct traffic.
After years of this, only retards still understand Armond as >le contrarian to the most upvote opinion guy
>yet another misogynist manbaby who hates women
feminism is code for white woman privilege
>tfw the pleb filter works
hahaha stupid af marvelfags
Wow so I guess it must be at least ok
it is
I don't care about the politics behind the scene, everyone in the theater was laughing very consistently. I can't remember the last time a comedy did that.
The problem is that the biological function of humor is to verbally signal intelligence for breeding purposes. Once you understand this, you'll see why the dynamic of the movie is fundamentally repellent.
Straight men will find zero interest in the lead actresses, because they're all unfuckable in appearance or demeanor (funny is irrelevant).
Straight women will find zero interest in the lead actresses, because women are disingenuous in how they empathize with other women. Consider the ugly-but-smart vs. pretty-but-dumb trope and how women might hypothetically relate to two characters like this. Which one would they rather self-insert as? The answer, of course, is neither. Notice how the populist depictions of female power fantasy are all transformative (Mean Girls, Pretty Woman, The Princess Diaries, etc...). This is because unlike men who reconcile individual strengths and weaknesses within the dynamic of co-operation or competition, women always want to have their cake and eat it too.
Feiggot's casting of sheboon and fatty is one of the most misplaced attempts at virtue signalling I've ever seen. If the new GB team were all depicted as stunningly beautiful with few character deficits (acceptable deficits for a woman ironically include 'no sense of humor'), and the Chris Hemsworth character started off as undesirable but became a Chad after he gets possessed, this would have had much broader appeal, had the same core substance of 'muh strong womyn, don't judge a book by its cover' and been much more successful.
White's social justice critique aside: given that there is no incentive to invest emotionally in the characters or setting, there is nothing here for an audience to enjoy. This is a movie that not only fails as art, but also fails as pure entertainment schlock.
Feig on suicide watch.