I'm half black and half Aryan. I've never met the black side of my family...

I'm half black and half Aryan. I've never met the black side of my family. I'm actually college educated and intelligent considering I was raised by all white people with white American values.

Is it normal that I neglect my black side and just identify as Aryan or something? Niggers have done practically no good for the United States or the world, for that matter. Black men, 6% of the population in the US, commit 50% of the murders. I'm sure social and economic reasons play a factor but there is no reason why the murder rate should be that high for negro males. I actually want to contribute and do well for myself and my community. Can I be an honorary Aryan or something, please?

Go die nigger

Also, Heil Fuhrer.

Na. I like life.

You can as long as you don't racemix.

I love it when sad suburbanite white kids write this shit and think people believe them

No one likes you tho your half nigger

My girlfriend is Vietnamese.

I'm fucked either way


add punctuation, as well.

I'm half black but I have the life of a suburbanite white kid. Not kidding.

really op? pretending to be something you're not is foolish. "half aryan" you sound like an idiot, screaming nigger won't change the fact that you're half black, and half white.
Get a job and be a respectful member of society like every other race/creed whatever.

Rice farmer pussy lol

You still a bitch never forget

Dubs confirmed you a bitch OP

Yup. Dubs confirm. Without a doubt.

Everyone identifies with a culture. There is no mulatto culture. Therefore, I identify with the culture and history of Aryans.

I have a job. I own a company,

Being half-black doesn't automatically make you a nigger. You're fine as long as you don't act like one.

even more foolish, because there is no Aryan mulatto. I'm also mulatto and i've never felt the need to identify and act as a flag bearer for any culture.
At best you will be told when the great Aryan state has risen, you will be with the rest of the niggers in their plot of land.

I went to a basketball game once. That's as close to nigger as I've been in my life.



>mfw i'll never cum in an asian qt 3.14