If websites could smell, What would Sup Forums smell like?

If websites could smell, What would Sup Forums smell like?

I'll start. Sweat.

Stale pasta.

Hot pockets

not-wiped-enough ass

Off by one.

Dick blood and tears.

lots of stale cum

Empty beer cans full of cigarette butts
Crusty jizz rags
Dirty dishes
Weed smoke

Tumblr smells like spaghetti and unwashed vagina.

Body odor and cum

That weird smell of wet wood, like when you're standing in line for Pirates of the Caribbean

Regurgitated durian and unwashed feet.

You nailed every single one

Bad breath and that dude skin smell.

Ball sweat, ramen, and parents basement

Unwiped buttholes with a hint of dick cheese and armpit smell, and a smell of of a dirty belly button.

Am I the only one who thinks she is hot?

The sickly sweet smell of dried crusty jizzem

cheese pizza


In this very picture? She's a gnarly wreck. She's still hot, otherwise.

Anal lube, weed and feces.


Funyuns n chicken tendies

Shit and jizz

Like a chamber pot owned by someone dying of the pestilence


Facebook smells of lilacs

Twitter smells like cocoa butter

What does iFunny smell like?

Smells like a democratic rally or a occupy wall street march.
>Fresh iPhone plastic
>Shitty weed 'cus leguhlize it
>Cuckold leavings

Furaffinity smells like wet dog

>What would Sup Forums smell like
broken dreams and dirty trap feet.