Would you watch it for free in an ad-free environment where Sony couldn't possibly profit from you viewing it?

Would you watch it for free in an ad-free environment where Sony couldn't possibly profit from you viewing it?

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no, my time has inherent value

No because I'm not an unemployed obsessed fuckface.

Yeah, probably. Torrenting is perfect for hate watching a movie

no because im a man-baby

I don't know man, can I play pokemon whilst watching it?

you can do whatever you want fampai

Is it bad that i'm planning to go see this film , just so i can dramatically walk out of the cinema half way through

I am going to wait for the Extended Cut to come out and buy that considering I own the Extended Cut of Spy which I very much enjoy.

i've never seen a film with any of these females. who the fuck are they?

then I'll stay in my bed and play it THANKS SENPAI!

Yes, I would like to make my own mind up as to whether or not it's good, but I don't want the studio to profit from it because they turned the marketing of the movie into a giant sociopolitical battle.

i love that kpop is nothing but a high scale brothel and because of that, is basically the only 4k 60fps content.

Coming from someone who couldn't give less of a shit about all the political connotations of the movie, I wouldn't watch it. From the trailers it looks really unfunny and bland, but not worse than the average Hollywood flick nowadays.

McCarthy is great in Spy but mainly because based Statham and Jude Law carry the movie but she had a great fight scene which was well choreographed so I do recommend you to check that out.

What a life you got


It sounds hilariously bad. There are 2 different scenes where they look at youtube comments

Like it would be a cringe marathon

>i love that kpop is nothing but a high scale brothel
Not sure; I am not the user who posted that webm but I do enjoy listening to kpop for its alternative/metal influences. For instance this video: halfway thru they play a random guitar solo although I do love the guitar riff throughout.

sneak in crab legs and garlic butter then spill them as you walk out for extra effect

>tfw only roasties listen to k-pop and real weebs listen to futurefunk

Will I pirate it? It's a maybe

Over about a dozen separate 10 minute sittings. That's way too much cancer to ingest in one go.

I have no interest in this movie whatsoever.

you're browsing Sup Forums don't pretend your any better then me
a bowl of pasta might have more effect

Yes. I'll eventually see it, and I honestly don't believe anyone who claims this whole shitstorm hasn't made them curious.

Nope so many movies to see. I can live without this one.

if I didn't have to leave my house

Obviously, gotta discuss it with Sup Forums

I would buy a ticket for a different movie and then sneak into Ghostbusters. I would watch it like a civilian watches a slow motion car crash.

I would watch it for $100 and write a positive review for $1000.