Whatever your opinion on TFA, you can't deny it's A New Hope: Re-Imagined. Maybe that's why you love it, maybe that's why you hate it. Either why at least we're getting something original in this series for once.
Whatever your opinion on TFA, you can't deny it's A New Hope: Re-Imagined. Maybe that's why you love it, maybe that's why you hate it. Either why at least we're getting something original in this series for once.
Can we just not have this conversation again? Shit is getting redundant.
That trailer actually gave me some hope
Shame the film will be dogshite
>rogue squadron
>always on foot
>Whatever your opinion on TFA, you can't deny it's A New Hope: Re-Imagined. Maybe that's why you love it, maybe that's why you hate it. Either why at least we're getting something original in this series for once.
Hopefully we wont get another Mary Sue main character.
It's not rogue squadron.
fugg I really hope it's really good
Why are the new Star Wars main characters all female?
I like cute girls.
nothing to complain here
Because it's a conspiracy! They're trying to get rid of you user! By releasing films with characters that simply depict 51% of the world's population, they're trying to destroy YOUR life and YOUR masculinity! We better complain on the internet, and quick! There's no telling what kind of damage a science fiction movie with a two month theatre run will do to our society!
Why were the old Star Wars main characters all male?
Then who is it? Will Wedge be in the movie?
Men can act.
and it followed luke the entire time you idiot
already looks 10 times better than the fart awakens. Fuck JJ. It would probably have been even better had Disney not called for the massive reshoots probably adding more quips and jokes and lightening the tone of the movie.
It's just a rebel cell with the title of Rogue One, presumably. Rogue Squadron doesn't show up in canon until ANH has passed. There's no reason for Wedge to show up.
I didn't see a single thing in that video that made this movie look like anything but a completely generic hollywood action film.
not even interested in this movie reading everything that was cut out
The Pacific: Star Wars Edition
Pretty much, yeah. Another soulless action flick that everyone wants.
yes and?
I can't stand that bitch.
>reading rumors
What a mistake user
ahh yes good goy
>May the force be with us!
Why can't Felicity act?
Visuals on point. TFA was at least pretty fun to watch, this one will be too.
Yeah! What's with the space aliens and technology! What is this, a science fiction movie?
this looks SO FUCKING GOOD!
the only thing sweeter than anticipating a brilliant film is when it ends up sucking, so you can hate it with fiery passion.
Looks better than TFA t bh. Bonus points because Felicity is in it too despite her bad lines.
Star wars is fantasy, not science fiction.
Is game of thrones science fiction because it takes place on another planet?
What the fuck? Who cares? What kind of weight does that statement hold in any kind of argument. Sure, it's fantasy! Point still stands.
are you insane?
>Why were the old Star Wars main characters all male?
>This looks like a generic action movie
are you insane?
Why are all the main cast black or white female?
Because straight white men are not the target audience
No, this time we have Edgy Sue
We have
>one black guy
>one white girl
>the rest are Asian dudes
What are you on about?
I don't know why people think it's bad for a franchise to stick to what people liked about it.
Contrary to popular belief, there are tasteful ways to rehash good things. TFA is a tasteful rehash. It hits all the same enjoyable notes that made A New Hope so beloved, and manages not to sound "off-key", like something 'designed' to do what it does.
that is the mistake a lot of media creators have been making lately imo, they are being so fucking obvious, that the few times it's actually delivered in a way i can digest, without feeling like a fucking cog in a machine, it's very refreshing.
I have a feeling this will be the best star wars movie we'll get for years.
Why are they taking costumes from Doctor Who?
Or maybe it's because they're trying rather cynically use butthurt from traditional fans to sell rehashes to a larger audience under the guise of progressiveness. Basically bone of these things are particularly bad or good, they're just kinda meh. TFA, ghostbusters, new startrek, meh asf. They'd be called as such if it weren't for the political baggage weighing down on both 'sides' of this idiocy.
I have much much much higher hopes for this than TFA