My gf is white and blonde, why is her asshole dark?

My gf is white and blonde, why is her asshole dark?

poo stains

It happens, nothing to do with feces.

Natural pigmentation it's nothing unhealthy.


Were you hoping for something different?

its nature's way of letting you know that only faggots stick the pee pee in there

Would need more pics to know





She fucked a black guy before

Just normal pigmentation, same with mine.

She's not as white as you think. She's definitely a mixed race, it just so happens that her skin is not dark.

I'm blonde with black eyebrows and pubes.

This. Need more evidence to come to a conclusion as to why her genitalia are of a dark hue.

only pic with her asshole in it

Yo my dude, I got a dna test and have dark body hair and blonde head hair and I have 0 jew or darkie

Ever consider that her hair may be blonde because shit doesn't come out of it

>my gf is blonde
dude if that's blonde then my brown hair is tar-black

She is white, but not blonde. Also no asshole in the pic.

Got more of her tits? For research purposes ofc. The colour of her nips and areolas can help us solve the mistery.

My wife has the same... She's actually brown haired.

I tell her her great-great-grand mother fucked a nigger.


because she shits brown?

dubdubs checked

that's actually a reasonable theory according to science. apparently a woman's offspring will come out featuring small portions of traits from every sexual partner she has ever had. predominantly the DNA of the actual father of course, but one coal-burning session might actually have been enough to produce a nigger butthole

also, this reasonably explains why coalburners in general are looked at as repulsive, or "damaged goods"

if you reproduce with one, your babby is literally part nigger

shut up

Mine is blonde and has a pink one
You are shit out of luck

only one way to know, post it here

Damn, those are some nice boobs. Full frontal?

only ones I got

Than nigga gets it


she probably gets her ass eaten on the regular

Ok, m8. You got a nice gal, don't mind the asshole that much, just fuck it (pun intended)

i guess op is retarded and hasn't heard of bleached assholes. let's get something straight, my ex did not have a bleached asshole, she was a bleached asshole

Blonde makes no diff, what sort of logic is that? Some gals just have a dusky turdcutter. The question really is does she let you fuck her in aforementioned shadowy fartbox? If so, shaddup and carry on.

Genitals become dark over time due to friction. It has to do with frequent friction of the skin's blood vessels. Same thing happens with men who have sex or masturbate alot. Your girl's vag is dark because she's no spring chicken. She's had her fair share.

Are you autistic or something?

or she poops alot