What's with all the shots of Bruce Wayne walking in a field?
Can some of you Snyder scholars explain this to me?
What's with all the shots of Bruce Wayne walking in a field?
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Based Snyder is paying homage to Based Malick.
Kinoporn, pretty much
the tree line is getting farther away each shot, that means bruce can see the forest and not just the tree, he was blinded by his anger
It's a metaphor for the receeding of one's hairline,the passing of time and powerlessness of men against this unavoidable fact of existance.
The fields represent Bruce's struggle whilst coping with loss.
>He has to walk through a field to get to his mother's grave
>He has to walk through a field to get to the destroyed Wayne Manor
>He runs through a field to try to get away from his parent's funeral at the beginning
Field of Memes
This guy mentions the emphasis of Bruce's footsteps in his analysis.
Also the emphasis of Lex and Clark's footsteps are worth mentioning.
>The ominous Lex theme is synchronized to his footsteps when he enters the Kryptonian ship site
>Clark's steps are mostly light and silent, except when he lands or takes off e.g. Fire rescue scene (there's a low-pitched boom when he touches ground with the rescued girl).
I also remember that Snyder emphasizes the difference of Bruce's heavy footsteps and Clark's light ones during the beginning of their fight too.
Elysian, paradise, something, symbolism, something, kino, 2deep4u.
All those scenes are take place near a grave.
Also the sceneries are getting gradually brighter.
Wait why was Wayne Manor destroyed?
The overgrowth represents how Bruce has lost his path. His fears, regrets, and doubt have made him ruthless and blinded to the truth. In that last shot, which occurs at the end of the movie, Bruce has been set straight and the path forward is now clear.
Watch Batman Begins
>Watch Batman Begins
Hypertime is the reason why DC is shit these days.
Beauty needs no reason to exist. As sure as a sunrise, as elegant as the wake that follows a swan's path, it's there with or without us. Snyder reminds us of this.
user pls
yea they were really weird i expected a joke or something to break up the awkwardness
not even one quip? what a joke