Proof that women are idiots. So, women=idiots thread, go, go, go

Proof that women are idiots. So, women=idiots thread, go, go, go.




Wtf lol

they´re not, but YOU are!

I mean that really doesn't prove anything, honestly.

She was probably taking selfies, and then had a phone call, and didnt want to deal with the hassle of unscrewing the stick.


Using a selfie stick and gets a call..
Answers call..




>I cannot get any girl to have sex with me, therefore all women are idiots
-every single one of these threads

Calling girls roasties" isnt going to negate the fact that women are disguisted by you. Fix yourself or shut the fuck up.


you really came here to say this? where the fuck do you think you are asshole, please GTFO and never come back, tumblr misses you shitlord

Using a selfie stick is proof enough


Ooioh im soooo scaaaared

jesus christ are you 12? scared? really? you thought I was trying to scare you? jesus christ WTF is wrong with you, on hour high horse like you are even remotely a decent human being and anone even remotelygives a fuck about anything you say , nigger please kys


Do not use a grave accent in place of an apostrophe, you fucking inbred.

Nice feet

Im just glad that we dont need a proof that men are idiots anymore.


Japan, seriously?

Nana nana booboo

>proof that men are idiots

This is where you are wrong, males are no idiots, women are.

that took me embarrassingly long time to figure that out