Prove me that Donald Trump is bad

Prove me that Donald Trump is bad.
I think you are all dumb af for thinking that he his bad. Bunch of plebs!

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Doesn't believe in climate change

Doesn't mean he his bad though...

Within his first few days in office, he banned everyone in the EPA, USDA, and some other government agency I forgot the name of from having social media accounts, and then elected someone who is anti-science and has sued the EPA 14 times and won only once to be the head of the EPA as well as electing someone who does rain dances and prays to jaysus for rain in droughts to be head of agriculture, which is more than just farming, it can range from manufacturing to biology. Trump is also anti-vax and picked the worst vice president to ever exist

Really? Only new fags are this Gullible


>new fags

I wasn't against trump until he did this, I stayed unbiased until he got into office and he done fucked up

past bedtime son

Pence really is a dunce. The worst part is that if these lunatics **** Trump, then that moron with be in charge. He's even worse on social issues and the environment.

No, doesn't believe in man-made global warming. Big difference.

Man-made means the Govm't must tell us how to live. What a libtard. No, I can run my own life. Go away

Are these threads reportable yet?

"We need more nukes"

Permanent /thread

Go back to Sup Forums

>What a libtard
So fucking edgy.

How is regulations about polluting the air that we breathe and the water we drink, telling us how to live? It's telling corporations that don't give a flying fuck about you, that they can't destroy everything in the pursuit of money.

>doesn't believe in objective science
>already headed the FCC with a pajeet that wants to remove net neutrality and strike the deathblow on American internet
>likely is dumb enough to believe that encryption can be strong AND have a universal backdoor
>likely thinks encryption and digital privacy are tools of terrorism
>had kids in old age despite the risk of retardation being high
>not interested in learning; when challenged will stonewall and shitfling
I can't think of a single good quality. Not one.

I'm jealous of people this daft.
It must be wonderful

He's more worried about chemtrails and thermite paint on the WTC than he is about fossil fuels.

Man-made means the billions of people on this planet and the factories they work in and cars the use to get their are affecting the climate. The vast majority of scientists believe this is fact, you anti-science mouth breather.


As a scientist who collaborates with the USDA, I'm upset because he is not just stopping people from using Twitter, he is trying to fuck with people trying publish their data/work as well. Which is how managements types assess progress/productivity of a lab (# of publications)

He wants to kill innocent children because they happen to be related to radical terrorists.

Gr8 b8 m8
Nobody is that retarded though

>no one is that retarded
Spend some time in the Deep South, or rural Midwest.


Well I think that planning to cut one trillion dollars of public spending is bad.

I think nominating people like Betsy DeVos to his cabinet is evidence that his rhetoric about 'struggling families' is pure rhetoric, and his interests are always going to lie with wealth and power.

I think the emphasis on the foreign menaces of immigration and terrorism is empirically a huge over-exaggeration, and the reasons why it's being exaggerated are at bast an appeal to xenophobia, and at worst displacing the actual reasons for poverty and day-to-day fear in the country onto mythic outside factors

These are all controversial, I guess, because not everybody thinks these are bad, but surely it's not controversial that he's an actual real-life narcissist idiot, right? He sued a journalist for five billion dollars because the guy referred to him as a millionaire, not a billionaire. So what's really bad is that he's just going to sign whatever piece of legislation ghouls like Paul Ryan put in front of him.

Is this true?

Watch Mike Pence trick the dumb fucker into getting himself impeached

>lied about voter fraud
>lied about paying for his campaign on his own
>lied about knowing david duke
>refuses to show his tax returns
>fits every criteria of a Narcissist
>bullies others to get his way
>has filled his cabinet with creationists or outright unqualified individuals for the position
>has 75 active lawsuits
>get in Twitter fights like a 14 year old girl
>refuses to disconnect himself from his global businesses

And all he used to distract you pricks was hillary's emails. Nothing this man has done has been for anything but himself. Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, and now he's peddled you the Trump Oval Office.

He loves fags and kikes.

Trump will allow the gov to spy on your internet usage and limit what sites you can browse

This is false. Employees are still allowed to have personal social media accounts.

This has to be a Sean Spicer post