What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
wilder confirmed for pedo club
>Hollywood Jews made a remake of one of the great children's movies of all time just to nab a few more shekels
Why do we allow them to get away with this shit?
"Look at me Hector"
I just saw this recently for the first time and all I could think of was the movie being full of pedophilia, obesity, smoking, taking shrooms, racism, slavery and stereotypes
what's wrong with me, I just want to enjoy movies
Hey guys what's going on in this thread
Wait, what's this?
What's happening??
The good old days
it is about the 7 deadly sins
Wonka is wrath
Veruca is greed
Violet is pride
Mike is sloth
Augustus gluttony
Grandpa joe is envy
Charlie is lust
this is probably the worst fetish ever
I never thought that life could be
Real life bloat and inflation is great, 2D and fake and over-the-top inflation is not
One thing that always confused me was how it looked like 60s or 70s England yet the working class and economical classes lived like something out of Dickens.
This, I had hard time to figure out in which country/place it was located
Wasn't it filmed in some German city?
I liked the remake
For reasons
One of the few remakes I actually enjoyed, then again it wasn't a remake of the original film but another adaptation. I can't remember if the scene where they eat all the chocolate before the German kid is trapped and sent to the kitchens is as good or not.