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mr robot? more like mr reddit
i literally have just downloaded the first season and was going to watch it in 2 minutes.
is it any good? meme good at least?
1 season is sorta meme good. but stop right there because s2 is painfully awful so far.
it's a big episode though
reddit: the show
It is, actually
I had the feeling I was done with the show by the season 1 finale because I felt like it peaked, but tentatively checking into the season 2 premiere recaptured my interest.
Not that this means anything to you but the few critics I respect who've seen most of season 2 claim the quality hasn't dipped
I just finished watching the 1st season and can confirm it's pretty good. Especially if you into the 1vs99%, Internet culture, computers/hacking etc
Although it seems a couple of autists have watched the 1st episode from season 2 and proclaimed it dogshit
HBO's Rome. When Caesar died it was all over.
its a mashup of hackers, fight club, and american psycho in the BBT framework.
Also season 2 is going to reveal everything is in eliot's head.
I really don't know why but that guy looks like a Sexual Lobster cartoon.
Something about the eyes.
Reddit : The post
just watch it and make your mind, but it's pretty shitty and awkwardly overpraised by normies
You one of those fags who got triggered by his one portrayed romantic encounter?
They're really oval. which reminds me, i gotta rub one out to the golden girls.
huh ?
He literally looks like Pepe. which is funny cause its called Mr Robot.
Don't listen to this cuck. Season 1 has only aired 1 extra long episode
The first 6 episodes are pretty bad, but its enough to keep you watching. The last 4 are meme good.
Based of the first two episodes of this season, it'll be the same way this year too
>s2 is painfully awful so far
>there is just one episode released big premiere episode thats it
This show is like 20% really cool 80% pure unfiltered garbage
Was really into it before the fight club nonsense took over
The problem is the show is slowly just getting more & more abstract & nonsensical that you literally have no fucking idea whats going on, whats real & what isn't real, or anything. It is a big fat mess.
Elliot's character is changing so much, he's becoming full blown insane, but at the same time we're expect to believe he can interact & stay out of jail or some sort of insane asylum?
Theres no way someone with his current level of insanity could appear normal to people & be free to roam around.
The show is just trying too hard to be some sort of art house weird abstract THING that its slowly losing everything, a casserole of nonsense pretending like there is a story, when theres really not. The audience is expected to just fill in the cracks & make the story, but theres too many fucking cracks at this point. I seriously hope it doesn't progress further in this direction, or I will drop it. It needs to do a 180 real fucking fast & come back to reality.
MR. Robot has become fight club
There is too much of the whole alter ego shit
His dad should have been gone in season 2 imo, he is a shit character when elliot knows he isn't real
but i suppose the show is named after him
Name three shows that are better, my flyover country yokel friend.
why do people here get so butthurt about this show? I mean you obviously care otherwise you wouldnt be commenting on it and putting this much effort to shit on it whenever possible, i just dont understand why you are so obsessed with hating this show, you arent going to change anyones opinion so whats the point.
They've only done one episode full of exposition, come the fuck on.
I have about as much respect for mr. robot as I do for the dogshit on my shoe. It is reddit. It is video game hotpocket. It is capeshit. It is cheeto dust. I'm literally screaming right now and slamming my arms down on my desk just thinking about it.
It is the most depraved video game infantilized manchild degeneracy. It is saturday morning cartoon. It is non-neurotypicality. It is memes. It is video game. It is tarantino. It is imdb.
Then don't watch it, fag.
Someone post webms of Joanna.
Especially from the last episode.
More like Mr. Normie
What? I honestly thought that WAS going to happen, but I loved the Season 2 premiere. Is this another meme show Sup Forums hates because there's no dragons and there's not so many characters that literally nothing happens?
Read this in Elliot's voice, lmfao.
>"if you think season 1 was crazy wait until season 2"
I didnt really think season 1 was that crazy or hard to follow. Apparently the shows creator whats alot of season 2 to not make sense or bounce around to give you the illusion of the "crazy" Elliot is going through. So I guess it'll be a season of shit that didnt happen or imaginery friends with empty plot lines.
why though?
I want to fuck the main girl of that show so bad.
>MR. Robot has become fight club
It always was
If the show had been about some small time hacker/addict trying to enact vigilante justice in his own autistic way, the show would have been great.
But nope. Gotta LITERALLY have Evilcorp.
Better Call Saul
The last episode was garbage
S2 came out and I instantly lost interest
You mean the first five minutes?
No but nice try.
should have made it into a mini series instead of a cuck drama
I wouldnt even mind him going after Evil corp. All the background shit is just focused on to much
Stick with game of thrones if you need it spoonfed.
It was supposed to be a movie. Creator couldnt get the backing. Someone bought it as a show. After the success of season 1 they were given more.
This will drag out season to season because they have no exit or end to the story. Think Orphan Black type levels of ridiculousness.
i wish he'd be more critical of culture as a whole rather than anonymoose eat the rich man
I thought that was what it was going to be from the first episode which would have been great but then it turned out to be shit.
The point that season 2's premiere is trying to drive down is that control is an illusion or conversely that illusion is control. Our heroes are all projecting illusions on their world in an attempt to stay in control. Over the next few episodes we will see them each begin to lose control as everything goes to shit.
>Evil Corp CEO's illusion that everything is fine.
>Darlene's illusion that F-Society knows what they're doing.
>Angela's illusion that she didn't lose her job and become a "prostitute" for Evil Corp.
>Elliot's illusion that he isn't in a mental institution and that he has obtained control over his passengers.
>Joanna Wellick's illusion that her surrogate relationship knows its place.
>Mobley's illusion that he's not suspect at the bank.
The theme is practically screamed at you. Elliot starts the episode by admitting that he doesn't trust the viewer. Elliot has a copy of Tolstoy's Resurrection on his desk. Hot Karla is burning Waiting for Godot. The detailed exposition of the strict regiment. Leon is implied to be another passenger. His mother is obviously not his mother. The light fixture on the wall. And so on.
Several opposing characters were introduced for our heroes as well. Dom the FBI Agent, Andre the consultant, Ray the business man, Derek (Joanna's toy).
Tyrell Wellick represents the truth.
The political theme this season is encryption.
>His mother is obviously not his mother
>The light fixture on the wall
Sam detected. You guys couldnt handle success.
the ending holy shit. what a horrible ending.
>dude drugs lmao
>dude muh 1% lmao
>dude autism lmao
>dude edgelord lmao
>dude we r user legion lmao
mr robot is cringe: the show
Stopped watching after episode 3
>but at the same time we're expect to believe he can interact & stay out of jail or some sort of insane asylum?
Did you not watch the 2 episodes from season 2? Just how dense are you? He's in jail/asylum right now
Not him but the mother has to be some kind of guard or nurse or something.
There are so many details that hint at Elliot being stuck somewhere that isn't actually just his mom's place. I've seen prison being brought up the most but I think a mental institution is more fitting.
oh ok I just read about the theory on the best website in the world, reddit, and I just assumed that was an intended metaphor, not a twist-in-waiting.
He regiments himself around a prison schedule and that was that. It feels a bit silly to be having ANOTHER hidden twist right off the bat.
Have you read the book? The book ending is also kind of a head-scratcher.
no. dont care though. shitty ending.
Season 2 can still surprise us in a good way.
Let's see if it manages to get itself out of the "what's real/what isn't" mess.
The best parts about Mr. Robot were the longer hacks like Steel Mountain and Tyrell. Sadly both of these things took more and more of a backseat for this whole identity and illusion shit.
Thought the series had potential but didn't like the route it actually ended up taking at all. I really hope that if Tyrell actually still lives which he seems to be judging from the phone call at the end of the S2 pilot that he makes a legit reappearance and things get more interesting again.
Rewatch the episode and pay attention, user. There are several hints to this.
Regarding the lamps, see pic related.
It's meant to parallel season 1.
The season 1 premiere ended with Elliot being led into a building where Tyrel Willick is standing around with a bunch of suits. The premiere ends with Tyrel saying "Bon soir, Elliot".
Nice point.
found this today: a real hack on TV involving MrRobot
please explain
what does that make you exactly? a highly intelligent internet God of all the memes?
I first heard the theory here.
The books shown are also worth taking a look at.
There is one major thing I can't figure out.
Elliot's notebook has a handwritten title that says
The QR code in Elliot's notebook points to
Check out conficturaindustries.com
Their logo appears on the cover of Elliot's notebook.
This logo and notebook cover also appears at the site whoismrrobot.com.
Regarding that site, I previously posted
>if you open the terminal you can type "cd .." to switch to the / directory. However there isn't much you can do from there. There are a few hidden commands including sudo, chmod, and mv but I couldn't do anything useful with them. I get the sense that the puzzles on that site require more real world knowledge and less linux knowledge.
There's a github floating around with some code related to the site but I couldn't figure out what to do with it.
Also, regarding Leon.
Why are there multiple hacktivist groups?
>Five Nine
>White Rose
I dont want a hackers hacking hackers hacking hackers for the greater good
I was under the impression that Five Nine was the date the hack occurred (like how people said "Nine Eleven" for the WTC attacks). I also got the sense that the director kept shoving the phrase "Nine Five" in our faces because the attacks put the Nine-to-five world on it's head.
will probably be a password
>s2 is painfully awful so far.
only because you didn't like the bbc
damn. this rabbithole goes deep:
Brilliant. Now do GoT
i just wanna see Tyrell buttfuck Elliot