Will this man destroy America?

Will this man destroy America?

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Not even America, can destroy America.


he probably will bring back lot of manufacturing jobs, but at the cost of environmental health. Maybe we'll see another burning river or love canal in our lifetime.

he already gutted the clean water act, told the EPA to take down their climate change page, stop them from tweeting, and revoked their abilitt to give/receive grants to study climate change


yes he will make america great again by destroying it

you may have dubs, but I strongly disagree with you

that's good :^(

lol, no. There's basically no way he can be worse than Obama (or what Hillary would have been).

Libtards are just butthurt because they want a gender neutral world, but a real man with balls is in office.


It's already fucked up, how much difference can he make?


Just another oligarch puppet. Placed in office by the powers that be to distract, dumb down, and provide a face to point at.

What ever happens, things are going to get worse before they get better

Yeah that seems to be the direction we're headed. I feel fortunate to be in a liberal bastion on the west coast. He has very little love around here.

It will be profits over people. Poor people.

Those jobs aren't ever coming back. No one could accomplish that. They are only manufacturing jobs in countries with dirt cheap labor. Here they would be automated, a few jobs to set up and support new automation maybe, but that's it.

How do we defeat the patriots?

Nope. He's what we need right now.

This, I live in So Cal and while I indirectly know a few people who voted for him, I admit to feeling disassociated with the rest of the country most of the time, now more than ever

Looks like he's heading towards gutting all research and education. Our days of being a global tech leader are coming to an end.

No but butthurt libbies sure would just to prove a point

>no u

Not if the Dutch can help him

petitions DOT whitehouse DOT gov/petition/america-first-make-netherlands-second-because-they-requested-it

We need a weapon to surpass Metal Gear!

Our lord Kek is confused

1 signature. How to know you are trying too hard, and failing miserably.

Why is it impossible to bring jobs back? Is there no way to compete with cheap labor?

when were we EVER a leader of tech?

What you call butthurt I call deeply felt concern, but hey whatever. It's all memes here, right? NIGGERS XD



Hello? Are you going to answer my question here:

Trump is going to kill Net Newt....we done fucked up Sup Forums bros....

The transistor and integrated circuit were invented in America

Tiny, tiny balls. Like two peas wrapped tight in a sandwich bag. Just little, tiny balls.

Hell yeah, probably twice.

Well that's a fascinating assessment of the economy. It's be great if you had a single fact to back that up.

>The transistor and integrated circuit were invented in America
Wrong and wrong. Go study Wikipedia.

Nope he is saving America from the bleeding heart liberals. Time to suck it up bitches.

Dubs confirm, Trump has little pea balls. You conservatives like to talk tough but this is the whiniest cocksucker I've ever seen in American politics and you idiots are just going right along with it.

You two sure love to discuss balls and sucking cocks.

You know, there are other boards here on Sup Forums you might find interesting.

America is already destroyed

America is destroying America.
Through indifference, if anything else.

Nah, found a teen thread instead. Had a nice wank. Now I need a beer.

He plans to turn people into robots? Cool.

Says the guy defending a 71 year old mans tiny, ittie-bittie pebbles.

He's trying his best

No more science

No more free press

Only state propaganda is allowed

No more protesting

No more national parks

No more clean air or water

No more international leadership

All so his billionaire friends can make more money off of the middle and working class

All while struggling over the fact his balls are the size of an infants fingernail.

No. Libtards will.

Idk and Idc. Clinton, Bush, Obama. Nothing they ever said or done has affected me in any way. I have a stable life. I got my own place, a loving gf, go to school, work and am generally happy. Presidents are shitty if you ride their dick on everything they say. It's gonna be just like any other president. Taxes might go up, they might go down. End of the day, us normal everyday Americans who don't suck the dick if every left or right biased news source, will live just as we have. Nothing significant will happen except that Sup Forums will get shittier. Now that's a travesty worth discussing about.

it's probably going to be a shit-show

As if the last 18 years hasn't been a shit show already

I'm just going to sip my coffee and watch

I don't know if Trump will destroy America.

I do know objectively there was more reason to think Hillary would destroy America, than Trump.

Didn't defend anything. Read my post again.

they will protest until USA is in ruin

they're allowed to protest

The USA allows itself to collapse

Democracy is allowed to fail itself

yes they are. and let me give you a little piece of advice, chief: invest in blue hair-dye and orthopedic walking shoes because these losers are going to be out of power for a real long fucking time, kiddos

He's already worse than Obama in a single week my dear autistic friend.

I'll still be sipping my coffee. No one knows the future but I will enjoy watching it happen

It's only a matter of time

Kek this. What a faggot.

I can't wait for the next system! I hope it's a revival of the old Nazi empire. I can't wait to eliminate some Untermensch while wearing in a Hugo Boss uniform.

We are all doomed.

Will save America

Finished that sentence for you


We have a lot of ground to make up. But we will make America a free nation once again. Be strong my brothers

Is this truly what you retards believe or are you just trying to trigger people?

I honestly can not comprehend how even someone with the iq of a turkey can believe this.

>deeply felt concern
That would be believable if that "deeply felt concern" was felt for America's actual problems, not suddenly once "Hah he'll never be president" actually became president.

Also notice how Hollywood is so violently anti-trump after getting shamed for being a white people's club during the oscars last year.

It's not as if the government controls the press, what happened is he caught the press at a point where it's mostly leftist and used the threat of his own ascendancy to drive them to lie rather boldly on the basis the ends justify the means. In otherwords to make them feel his being elected would be the end of liberalism in the United States, he deliberately built himself and the threat of his inauguration up to impune the very system that would normally stop him from taking power.

This probably is the end of the Sixth Party System and the beginning of the Seventh Party System, For instance this map is an aggregation of the election results from 1968 to 1981, notice how it's in a completely unrecognizable formation? In political theory this is known as "dealignment" and I believe Trump will either cause a new dealignment or perhaps define a dealignment that in the opinion of some political theorists has been coming since the 1990's.

Either SJWism killed the left or it was merely a symptom, a sort of leftist "death rattle". The level of lying far-left have taken on because "the ends justify the means" and the high visibility of those lies probably spells the end of the Sixth Party System.

Dumbfuckistan has annexed Wisconsin and Michigan. We need a new map.

To say the press is mostly leftist is just a complete ignorance of reality. There are some, sure. Quite a few are neutral to the point of roboticism. CSPAN, NPR, Reuters, AP are clean outfits. Network and cable are largely opinion anymore. You want unbiased news, check those out. Breitbart is not 'real news'. They don't even provide sources half the time.

Stop believing your own bullshit.

There's extremes on both sides. I will agree that the 2-party system in America both have some very entrenched positions. I'll use abortion as a poster child because a lot of people have a hard time with the concept of a pro-life democrat or a pro-choice republican

Yeah, there's a lot of places that freely disclose the difference between factual reporting and opinion. And then there's some that don't

>to say the press is mostly leftist is just a complete ignorance of reality. There are some, sure

you are completely out of touch.

Yeah because it's the hurdurlibtardz who shut down the fucking government because of a temper tantrum

No, stop samefagging all over Sup Forums

when did liberals shut down the government in the last 20 years? or do you consider tea-party activists liberals?

You're delusional. Most of the US media is functionally center or center-right. You think it's a coincidence that they never officially report that Clinton or Trump *lied*? It's always "contradicted stats" or "misspoke". You think it's a coincidence that they only allowed the final contest to be between two irredeemably corrupted Wall Street war hawks?

Enjoy consistently getting duped by the billionaire oligarchs.

They didn't. That was my point. It's always the conservatives whining about "ineffective government", and it's always the conservatives that sabotage, poison pill, and otherwise try to ruin any good bill.

Good lord you're delusional. I don't even need to show stats to point your that your observation is incorrect.
Don't you have a female studies class to attend?

I don't agree. Leftist control of media in the United States is near-total, also the idea of a "neutral" journalism outfit is honestly kind of childish. Someone signs these people's checks and that person has opinions, for instance the one large exception to prove the rule, FOX, is based almost entirely on the conservative ideology of it's founder Rupert Murdoch. You're right that a few of those are largely neutral, but largely neutral press generally don't cite or push opinion - in otherwords there's no talking heads to look at. NPR, though, that's uh...that's hilarious, my NPR station is based in San Fransisco and is outrageously leftist to the point that self-described "social justice warriors" are invited to speak freely and their rarely interviewed conservative counterparts are grilled with allegations of being against some leftist value or another.

Anyway I think you know all too well what sort of journalism has the "top slot" in American media and outside of FOX and a few angry voices on the radio it's dominated by leftism.

Look I appreciate that liberals want everything to work out for everyone, in a way we want the exact same thing. SJW have really messed it up for people and all I can really say is that it's proof positive that racism and whatnot mess everything up. SJW are racist against whites, it's entirely weird they became that way and I was honestly a hardcore liberal up until Gamergate. We wanted to protest our treatment by leftists and the media called us rapists to the point we got our own episode of Special Victims Unit which depcited GGers as serial rapists.

So, eh, don't pretend to not know what's happened. I'm sorry SJW ruined everything, but "two steps forward and one step back" seems to just be the human condition.

Agreed, I wish we could have third parties. I would have voted Perot were I old enough back then, I honestly kinda wanted Bernie but ended up voting Trump because of Hillary. Sucks.

Says everything about your age.

ah, I missed your sarcasm then. No offense

I notice that when democrats want something it's government cheese. When republicans want something it's pork

His infograpic and his rhetoric is extreme but he's not wrong when talking about the media. The media is obviously not all liberal

he will MAGA!

Meh. Don't care.

Recently, the NY Times, the Financial Times, the New York Daily News, and NPR have actual called Trump's lies "lies", no hedging or weasel words. Hopefully its a sign that at least some mainstream media is going to start calling him on his shit.

Retard much? You fuckers don't even have a left. You have a centrist/center-right and an extreme right. You have no clue what left even looks like.

Remove illegal immigrants bring jobs back piss off sjw so far so good.

Trump's nature towards hyperbole and derision of objectors is why I think this is going to be a fun 4 years

Plus it appears he's a sensitive flower

Tfw trumps face on the flower from undertale

I wish I got that reference :(

no but he'll likely die trying


No, but this man will.


>Plus it appears he's a sensitive flower

The white house staff is leaking already, quote...

The president is a 70-year-old child whose TV time must be closely monitored — because any news story that upsets his ego will trigger a temper tantrum followed by irrational demands that his indulgent, overwhelmed guardians will be helpless to refuse.

Or so Donald Trump’s aides keep confiding to the nearest available reporter.

On Sunday, one of the president’s confidantes told Politico that his staffers have to “control information that may infuriate him,” a task made difficult by the fact that the leader of the free world “gets bored and likes to watch TV.”

One thing he doesn't have is balls. Putin has balls, Obama has balls. This buffoon is 70 and act like a 12 years old girl !

would love to see citation on that

It's obvious he's a prideful person and he likes to brag and be in the lime-lite. He's great at promising things and great at delivering them in the short term.

curious to see how this all plays out


His cabinet will do more of the destroying than him.