Ask me questions about my life ????

Ask me questions about my life ????


Why does your torso look like Homer Simpson?

Why does homer look like my torso

let me guess virgin because of small dick ?

I'm not actually

Do you like being fat?

TBH yeah I do, people always say u can't be happy and fat but I actually am

Good to hear, because I think that you look pretty hot.

You have the same look on your body as a 50 year old woman who had 3 kids.
Do you enjoy it?

Yeah sure do or I would change it


Did you get fat on purpose, or just gained weight by chance?

Abit of both really

Do you live in your moms basement?


Would you happen to be a gainer then?

You could say so yeah

Well you've doing a fine job of gaining, do you have a goal in mind or just free balling it?

Would say free calling it tbh

That's good too. Because you honestly look good right now, so an extra 50 or 100 pounds will make you look amazing if you keep at it.

Thanks and I am don't worry

When did you start gaining? And what was your starting weight and you current weight?

Were you once skinny?


can u show face

please stop
it's unhealthy please take care of yourself
people care about you
why do you eat? do you binge?


I eat to gain weight and yeah aLot of the time


What do you like the most about getting fatter?

do you have a girlfriend?

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together

Just the look the feel of the fat what people say about how I look and how things change in my life because of my weight

why are you killing yourself then? don't you love her?

Is it easyer for you to get along with people, since you are the easy-going fat guy who is funny and likes to laugh?

She gains weight with me
Yes haha

as you get fatter youll become as inadequate as you already think you are

how much do you squat and deadlift?

post pics of your ham planet gf

Can I nibble the nipples on your beautiful chubby
Pepsi-tits while I furiously fap your fat-buried penis
to the ultimate obese orgasm?

Ur fat

Yes, yes u can

Don't share the site so it gets fixed by snapchat! sn,ap,ch,at,y,co,m

Listen hee, ye fat fecking twat. you are a disgrace to your species. you shall father no children. your gene will die with you. as it ought to. since natural selection will nipp yer lil worthless head right off da tree of life. you doing us all a service by eating more. i ll give you another 10-15 years. what a fucking waste of human.