After 2 days of hard thinking, I finally did it

After 2 days of hard thinking, I finally did it.

You have to go through every door onlye ONE time. But it doesnt says you cant though the walls.

I worked 16 hours on this

Other urls found in this thread:

Can you post a blank version of this test ?

This is indeed autism


thx user


Right? What would be the point of the doors if you could do that.


I actually appreciate this solution.


Is this a real puzzle? I did it in under a minute.

it's not possible fags


It is possible.

I win

Yeah I didnt check it very thoroughly before I sent that. I missed a door.

post solution then faggot, it's not possible

>Not reading the instructions and making it more complicated than it has to be.

Autist have a hard time following directions. If you didn't, you're autistic.

I just folded the paper over continued the line on the back, then folded again to draw the line where i wanted it. repeated as needed. Pen never left the paper.

one line though all of them, not though each of them

It's impossible unless you do it autistic way... that's why it's an autism test fuckface

This guys wins then

My son is autistic... i just thought how he'd read it.

Im an autistism whisperer

i dont have to use every door right? if so then win

Think of it as "draw A line through all the doors... but only 1"
Draw one line through each door.
Dont do it twice.

You're all wrong. Its not possible.

clearly all the doors are the ones on the outside the spaces inside are clearly just thin hallways

Thats not the solution, It's a trick puzzle. It's impossible.

Not possible, you're getting trolled

Can you see how close you are? You just need to make the line red.


its possible because theres no doors in the pic meaning that the rules of the puzzle change depending on what you think the spaces are the puzzle just makes you think they are doors by mentioning doors in the question itself meaning this guy is correct totally not samefagging

Eat shit

Who can make a Gif for me? I can give them Euros with Paypal

That is not it. The line needs to be blue.

i tried boys

Found autismo


Lol he covered up a door

you're missing the top middle door you goober

I am unironically autistic and did it in 3 tries.
The test does not work

O shit i forgot a door

>I am unironically autistic
Irony strikes.

autism speaks

Ikr this is ruining my life

It's impossible you dipshit

The autism test in this is to see who actually takes more time than needed to find a "real" solution to the problem
A normal person will just randomly draw something and go "done lol"
An autist will over-analyze the given text "IT DOESNT SAY YOU CANT GO THROUGH WALLS!!" and try to come up with a """perfect""" solution

Think outside the box, faggots.

>Goes to sn,ap,ch,at,y,co,m
>Enters school's hottest girl's name
>Gets free nudes

Way to prove the autist whisperer wrong, Rainman

One line through each door.
Doesn't say one continuous line.
Just says one line per door... fuck

Its actually mathematically impossible unless you break the rules a bit or change the surface you draw on.

No one's going to your faggot site.

Mathematician here. The puzzle is impossible.

The test is designed to study the reaction of the subject when faced with an impossible challenge. The "answer" doesn't matter at all. These diagrams are meant to be used with the doctor.

Take out one of the middle doors and it becomes doable.

yeah shit youre autistic


Except your missing one of the doors aren't you?
>trollster in the house!

You niggers are all retarded NEETs who can't do mathematics.

This is literally an analogue of Bridges of Königsberg.

It's impossible unless there are two or zero rooms with an odd number of doors. There's three rooms with 5 doors hence no solution by Euclid's standard proof.

> I'm not even autistic just making $300k starting salary.

It doesn't say it has to be a continuous line.

Guys I did it

There are not even doors topkek!

you came in and left through the same door halfway, fag.

this door?


Goddamn Mexicans...

the thing this actually tests: if you solve it, you have autism

>One line
Your autism impress me.

Am i autsim now

I was about to do what this guy did but I figured that wasn't the actual puzzle.

these houses have horrible structural support!
i will call whoever made this house immediantly.


Am I the first person to solve this?

forogt a door
left side

>thisssssss thread

it didn't say one continuous line, as such one line is going through each doorway


Fuck, I just realized I missed a door..

did do?



ill take the bait

Missed one of the doors in the middle

i am geenus


I guess you need to...
...think outside the box
