What do you think about the new wall we're building in a few months?

What do you think about the new wall we're building in a few months?

i don't really give a shit, but it better look cool.

We can't even keep our roads properly paved
Who the hell thinks we are going to be able to pay for upkeep for the wall and people to man it
Seems like a huge waste of money

We already cut funding to Obamas bullshit EPA and the UN so that saves a lot

>Seems like a huge waste of money.

No fucking shit dude.

thats my exactly my point. it makes no sense and would single handedly be the most expensive infastructure project in america EVER

Why? I don't want mexican rapists and child molesters and gangs here

Mexico will pay!

All the taxpayer money for this wall could be put to better use, like kickstarting universal healthcare or even student loan forgiveness, universal college education.

If it's anything like the one in CA, it's more like a giant fence. Mexicans dig tunnels under it that lead to abandoned warehouses, but it does help a bit.

Honestly, I hope it works. We've been talking about the need for a wall for decades, but will it actually do anything? For the amount of money we're putting up, it damn well better. I'd hate to see us waste a fuckton of money on nothing, but we do need to tighten that southern border.

Thats bullshit, Mexico dont give a shit about that wall, if USA want it, so, you pay it

i voted trump to destroy america so i feel breddy gud about whatever he does

Seem like there are better options to securing our borders then a fucking wall.


Some of the people working on it are going to be killed. Does Cheeto really think the cartels won't have snipers taking potshots at the workers?

No. Mexico will pay every for every dime of it.

>3rd world country will pay



Waste of fucking money.

Most of them get here on expired visas and the orange man is fucking us over.

It will be a waste. around 20-30 percent of illegal aliens come on airplanes and just over stay their allowed time here

you know what would stop those cartels? making drugs noncriminalized which effectively destroys 90% of cartel business because the amount they can sell drugs drops dramatically if it is no longer illegal

the problem is not them, it is ourselves

Nowhere near as much as the drain of illegals on the system.

We don't even need a wall, though... just to enforce immigration law, unlike the Obama admin.


truth, middle america hicks dont understand this though

I've seen this shit first hand with a Libyan friend, he overstayed his visa and got a fake marriage, which to be fair he was american as fuck but yeah

Shit is kinda there already. Just gotta mend a few holes. I think he's trying to rip of Mexico and make them pay full price for an already existing wall. That's my business man!

im just waiting until the mexicans find a way to get passed it and the trump tards have a meltdown over it

Obama welcomes illegals terrorists trump send em packin and puts up a wall so the can't come back. Can we build dome so we can keep the rest out.

I will make a correction for you, the taxpayers are gonna pay for it with every single dime

I just wish it went all the way around them country

Mexican govt soldiers take pot shots at our border patrol often enough that this isn't crazy talk.

As an eurofag, i can't wait to see your economy plummeting.

Why? Our newly-empowered DHS will just kick them back out and fine Mexico for it

No, Mexicans will pay for it :)

In CA, that wall is patrolled pretty well. They have guard posts, mobile vehicles, drones, cameras along the wall, etc. The problem is that expanding this model to police the wall effectively is going to be an astronomical economic burden.

Don't hold your breath.

Bit odd to see a Eurofag hate Mexico that much.

This nigger trump is spending money on the wrong thing.
We need missile defense systems and space satellites.

> 1,954 Miles
3,14465036 Kilometers. retard.

Do you have any idea how busy Trump has been this week? The number of meetings, the promises made, the executive actions enacted, promises kept. It hasn't even been a full week and already the man is a goddamn hero.

We're gonna build a wall, and bitch at this rate it isn't even going to be the biggest thing he does as President.

you forgot your decimal retard

He's talking about USA.

>economic burden

>in ca

its also an economic burden to pay for you welfare degenerates healthcare,but i didnt see anybody bitching about that

You know that there's literally no possibile way to patrol a 1900 mile wall. All the Mexicans have to do is use rope or a ladder and that's that. Why the fuck Trump supporters can't understand this is beyond me. If prisoners are able to break out of prison under surveillance, then Mexicans will have no problem getting over the wall.

I can't wait too see the liberals strapping themselves to cactus's and shit so they can't build a wall where they are.
You faggots are all makeing a lot of logical fallacy's when you talk about the wall
yeah I know
Because it will curb illegal immigration. I bet america will even save money on the wall. Did you know that the average amount an illegal immigrant gets in pay outs from the government every year is $5,692.
The average immigrant household pays $10,334 in taxes a year. A household includes MULTIPLE illegal immigrants so this number is split between them. Then you must Exclude the half of undocumented houses that are purportedly paid under the table and hence pay zero taxes to the government yet still recieve federal aid.
Now simply figured out how much money we save per immigrant based on this assumption. Multiply it by a rough number of illegal immirgrants (it's hard to count them considering they don't want to be counted and found) and then multiply that number by 30 years.
The wall will have litterally payed for itself and then some you lucky tax payers!
Thanks Trump!

No, what we need is free Healthcare for everyone that can prove they're citizens of the US.

Go ahead, tell me me how USA is better now ?

>the executive orders enacted

>while he gets praised for it from the same people who called obama a communist for doing the same thing

I hope it's got flame decals

If there are muricans in the thread:
If you build this wall vould you at least mount solar power panels on the top the wall. It would be a great for the US .

we dont need free healthcare,we need to start giving the people who contribute to society stuff.not the ones who sit on there ass and collect welfare instead

The wall in Berlin didn't work as well as expected.
>Mfw mexican will see the wall as a challenge and even more of them will cross the border.
>Mfw people realise in 5 years that Trump completely failed.

Damn this is actually changing my opnion on the wall.

you can totally patrol it - expect massive new funding for military drones - gotta keep the MIC churning. Especially if we aren't going to war in Ukraine.

You always have to have an enemy. If is ain't russia ( thanks Puty bud ) its gonna be China and Mexico.

More than the Panama Canal?

Trump already stated that mexico is paying for it you autistic fuck

Because it is. People are stupid and gullible.

divide the cost by 300M and send us all a check

Meh, nearly every president signed an assload of execs during their first month. I didn't blame Obama for it, and I don't blame Trump for it. It's practically a tradition for new presidents.

5 years? most people already know trump has completely failed

his only supporters are the extreme right wing who,when they see there tax money paying for this wall instead of mexico.wont even support him anymore

>during their first month

obama spent 8 years signing executive orders though

So send them to work building, maintaining, and patrolling there wall.

Hahahah. Jesus, you cant really be this stupid can you?

You have no idea how bad the logistic of engineering "muh wall" will be in many areas. Border isn't just flat desert and it will be near impossible to build it in certain areas, but I don't expect Trump voters to be anything but ditch diggers.

Trumptards will deny it but it'll be fun to see libtards actively celebrating illegal immigration

2 years, 5 is too much time for this idiot.

Liberia, Myanmar and USA.
Congratulation! You're stuck in the past with 2 antiquated countries, using an outdated system!

If you're lucky, at the end of Trump era or a bit before. We, eurofags will agree to buy USA for a few bucks.

Yeah, I've got plenty of shit to hold against Obama. Couldn't stand the man personally. But that time has come and gone.

I plant to view Trump's actions without comparing all of them to his predecessors. So far I think he's done a decent job. I don't agree with everything, and am very skeptical about his cabinet. But he's fulfilling those campaign promises that the media said he never would. Like it or not, the man is doing what he said and I respect that.


illegal immigrants don't drain anything from the system and this wall will do nothing to stop them from coming into the country

What?, if things cost more to export us citizens will pay for it.

In your dreams

Right. He's bypassing Congress for nearly everything he's doing, and Congress isn't bitching about it because it's not Obama. Do you like having massive amounts of smog in your cities every single day? Shut down the EPA and see what happens. Do you like your public use land? Well that's going for good when he defunds the BLM. Do you want full transparency from your government? Well fuck that. Trump has already forbidden every government agency from using social media to provide updates. He's also accusing the press of being fake, and then tells the press what they should report or face consequences. He's also pushing flagrant lies in press conferences. Claims voter fraud. Where's the proof of people actually committing voter fraud? Innaguration numbers? He's providing fake numbers.

who is going to pay for it?

He was way too cool. You're not even worth sucking his dick, i can smell your neckbeard frustration from here. Your body disgusts me, faggot.

You still forgot your decimal faggot.

Be nice, or i'll make you my personal bitch. Kek

instead of putting more money on drones, officers, etc, the money is being spent on a fucking wall that is completely worthless at stopping spics. Fucking great.

What the fuck is a drone going to do? Buzz around the Mexicans in the desert in a desolate area with no access road? Nearest border patrol? How far away are they?


i think it won't be funded by Congress so it won't be built.

Doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the costs involved.

a) Never going to happen. The terrain is too rugged in most places.
b) Walls don't work unless they're manned (Berlin Wall, Great Wall)
c) Mexico ain't paying for shit - they can't even afford gasoline.
d) You're a fucktard if you believe anything Trump says.

Berlin wall failed faggot.

...the value of the Mexican peso plummeted a year and a half ago. The president hinted that he'd pay for the wall
>in monopoly money

Its the biggest diplomatic "fuck you" I think I've ever seen.

how the fuck is a third world shithole going to pay for anything? Even more the fucking wall is worthless at stopping them.

>do you like having massive amounts of smog in your cities every single day

ive never seen any smog in my city,maybe you should move out of your libtard big city if your so fucking worried about it,trump and republicans arent enviromentalist hippy faggots like the left are

It's a fucking wall faggot.
You are acting like we are trying to build rocket launch pad on the side if a mountain. It goes straight up faggot. You poor cement and make it go straight up.
Sounds like illegal immigrants are more qualified to build the damn wall then you are.
Jesus fucking christ, you fucking faggots will attack anything.
If I told you trump wanted to save a child from a put of alligators you'd fucking attack any method he used
you don't even want anything he does to work. You just wanna be a faggot about everything he does and whine. Regardkess of wether it helps or hurts you.
Shut the fuck up you little cupcake fruit boi gay fag.
The men are talking

Dude one military jet cost 400billion dollars. The wall isn't shit in comparison

Stop being a gullible idiot, plz.

After reducing costs with all the money we're giving to foreign countries and defunding the EPA to allow privatized environmental protection, there's a lot of money available if we save up for about a year to actually do this. I think it'll be absolutely fucking useless and do absolutely nothing like he says it will, but it'll make jobs during its constructions which means more families and more tax money and thus more income. It's like a temporary economic solution that isn't going to solve anything. Hey, atleast it'll establish some sort of fear factor for the states, which'll be interesting to watch.
>I'm German.

A ladder and or rope defeats walls. Mexicans are very ingenious and will figure out how to get over on day 1.

Trump is going to cut taxes and just let the deficit absorb it

Yeah, that's why you hire... engineers.

By that point you'll be west asiafags


what the fuck is the point of building a shitty wall then? specially when it is 2000 miles worth of wall?

still doesnt make it any better,its a waste of money and you trumpkins are to stupid to see the failure its going to become

What you say makes no sense, your level of retardation is over barron level. You're so stupid, no wonder why your country is gonna be ruined.

You are right about one thing, we dont want anything he proposes to work. Why? Because he is an infantile narcissistic fucking moron with almost zero grasp on reality or anything other than shitty overpriced hotels.