Aspiring director here where in LA should I move? what neigh is the best? ty

Aspiring director here where in LA should I move? what neigh is the best? ty

Go to the LA bus terminal, look lost, be hot/female, and accept the first "talent agent's" offer.


As far on the borders as you can get because it's what MIGHT be affordable on a no car/waiter's salary.


isn't she armenian?


And I want to lick her poopy hole.

I'd commit a genocide against that pussy.

>Be Armenian Jewess
>Work for youtube channel called "The Young Turks" owned by a dude who openly denies the Armenian Genocide

how does she live with herself

Cenk doesn't deny the Armenian Genocide anymore.

And Youtube is a dream job, mate.


Her dad owns it.

...Cenk completely owns the TYT, her dad is an immigrant whose first language isn't even English.

where does Shia Labuff live? cause i wanna live where he does

For some reason I think she seems older than me. She's my age, but I've always envisioned her as a woman in her late 30s.

Crenshaw & 103rd blood


jesus christ her mannerisms and awkward self-conscious le quirky movements make her so fucking unattractive

waste of a good body

She is objectively hot as shit you otherworldly gaylord.

LA, as in Los Angeles California?

There are entire generations of Jewish descendants living there. If you are not Jewish, don't bother.

this isnt true stop

She has small tits dipshit, you must reanalyze your life choices again

How do you inbred Sup Forums shills reconcile this shilling with the fact that there are a lot of non-Jewish directors? You're SJWs.

More webms of her pls

>there are a lot of non-Jewish directors

Even jews can say Hollywood is run by kikes you drooling simpleton. It's not a secret, it's not racism, it's not a conspiracy.

They are the major power players at every level and far exceed their paltry 2% of the population. Read their own newspapers sometime, they boast about it and pat their own backs.

it's not like most cities where everything ripples out from the center. there are pockets of greatness and shininess all over the entire county.

the best place to live is wherever you'll be working so you don't spend hours of life in traffic everyday

Funny how none of this changes the objective fact that there are a lot of non-Jewish directors. Everyone on Sup Forums deserves to be drowned in their own shit.

choose something near the bust stop you'll need