2016 is almost over so what has been your MOTY?
Pic related for me.
2016 is almost over so what has been your MOTY?
Pic related for me.
Captain America: Civil War
green room
>ywn have michael shannon as your father
why live?
I need to watch it again, because it was fucking amazing for me.
Get out of here capeshit. The first act was so fucking unprofessional it felt unfinished. The paving was pants on head retarded and the villain was shoehorned as fuck
I was severely disappointed with that one. Everyone was so listless and cold except for a couple scenes between Shannon and his son. I didn't get the same loving touch I got from Mud and Take Shelter. A step back for Nichols I think.
Wiener-Dog, Everybody Wants Some!! and Neon Demon are my three favorites so far.
Disagree with your opinion, but that aside some fuckin' top-tier taste nigger.
>Everyone was so listless and cold except
Almost all the main characters came from that religious cult. My interpretation was that they were that way due to being previously brainwashed.
Hardcore Henry
>inb4 pleb
it's the most fun I've ever had watching a movie in recent memory
yeah maybe I need to revisit it. I also didn't care for all these great actors who were just wasted. Paul Sparks shows up for a few scenes and then disappears. Same with Sam Shepard. Also, I never liked Joel Edgerton. I don't know why he keeps getting cast.
Fun is a meme
My fucking nigger, man. I'm gonna try and buy a digital version just so I can rewatch it tonight.
Course I gotta finish up Preacher and Stranger Things, but this might be more important.
>2016 is almost over
fug man
Yeah, I definitely wanted to see more stuff with the NSA and less stuff in that old guy's house.
Edgerton's ok; he's basically the modern Tom Sizemore when you need a generic tough guy.
it's barely half over
hm, I never thought of him as Tom Sizemore. I think Edgerton just lacks charisma. Sizemore has a lot more natural everyman charm than Egerton, who is really more of an Eric Bana type.
You just posted it tbqh
Watched this shit last night. Holy fuck it was awesome. Best pure action movie I've seen in a while and the gimmick turned out to be god-tier.
World events at this point are more interesting than anything at the theaters.
midnight special had the best first act i've seen in a long time. wheels kinda fell off towards the end.
great CGI though
The Lobster.
turns out the lobster was the true GOAT all along
I started to rate films in my mind that I've seen from 2016.
Then I realized that all of them have been pretty fucking mediocre or bad.
not a very good year!
How do you guys break up movies by year? By Wide release or limited/festival release?
Agree. Was so mesmerized by the first half hour or so, up until just after the satellite scene. After that the movie turns into complete dogshit, like some kind of sci-fi a middle schooler would write.
I still love Adam Driver though. He's the man.
I feel you two.
This one for sure.
I'd say by the date of wide release, so stuff like High Rise, The Witch and Green Room would qualify as 2016 films even though they were seen at film festivals the year before.
Wiener-Dog is my choice. The Danny DeVito segment was the best thing I've seen him do since probably Matilda.
>Dave how are you doing!?
>Well I don't have cancer.
The Nice Guys
midnight special was boring as shit except for the cgi at the end
10 Cloverfield Lane, Deadpool, Hail Caesar, and Midnight Special are the only four films of this year I've actually enjoyed. Frankly none of them are worthy to be MOTY. Have yet to see Green Room, The Nice Guys, or Neon Demon yet, but I doubt any of them will be all that fantastic.
>Also, I never liked Joel Edgerton. I don't know why he keeps getting cast.
Have you see The Gift? If you haven't you should, I loved him in it, and he directed it too.
>Zosia Mamet
she plays a vapid drug addict whore in it.
These two things do not exist in tandem.
This movie was literally in theatres like a fucking day what happened? Even the Neon Kino got a week. Can they pull a film after a day don't they have contracts or some shit to fulfill?
Midnight Special was in my city for a solid 3 weeks, even longer in the cheap seats. Neon Demon only came out in one theater for a single week. Maybe your city is weird since Midnight Special is the bigger film.
It was a crappy Spielberg wannabe
thats a great fucking movie poster
>I was severely disappointed with that one.
me too, desu it was quite boring
can't believe this is still my moty
I'm not even joking, I genuinely love everything about this movie besides the villain sounding like Tommy Wiseau at some points
no other film even comes close to this capeKino
bravo russos
You are not plebs in any way, or should be joking. This is literally one of the greatest action films I ever saw, and I saw loads.
Massively underseen and underrated already.
Wait, I change my mind, it's tied between Hardcore Henry and this.
It is up there with Mad Max:Fury Road for me, fucking brilliant movie and I was surprised how brutal the fight scenes ended up being since the MPAA seems to be so tight now and days when it comes to gore, they either have oyu cut away from the gore after showing it for a millisecond or have it be implied, this movie had balls.
iktf. It's a good flick, but it shouldn't still be my MOTY.
In my opinion the film gets better with every viewing.
You enjoyed Hail Ceaser? How?
Look at it as a "day in the life of a studio executive". I thought it was cute and fun.
Neon Demon
Honestly, this. It's the only movie I went to this year that I felt the need to see again.
10CL really holds up on a second watch you know.
I watched that movie and it crept me the fuck out, and made me like Jason Bateman a bit more, he plays a dick pretty well.
Midnight Special was probably one of the most anti-climactic films I've ever seen. It was pretty good up until the reveal but the fact that the big secret at the end...
... is that the kid from fucking space-Dubai, that's all around us except in another dimension. Either they should have had a more proufound revelation, or the design of the creatures and the place he is from should have been breathtaking. It was neither unfortunately.
This for me. Movie's a classic.
Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.
I want to stuff my face into Mary's chest and breath in so hard I suck her up my nostrils and down into my lungs where she clogs up my lungs and then I suffocate.
I attribute that to this being from the Russkies. Those niggas are hardcore (no pun intended)
>Old lady names the dog Cancer
Shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did.
>that kid they were interviewing for film school
"It's just...there's so many...influences, y'know?"
"Well why don't you just name the last movie you saw"
"Ooh, that's a tough question...because there's so many of 'em..."
There have been so many great movies this year, this might be the best year for movies in YEARS!
>Ghostbusters is released
yeah they are, not to mention the movie had a kick-ass soundtrack too
Either Green Room or Everybody Wants Some.
>almost over
We got like 5 more months, m80
Best film of the year is pic related, and michael bay's magnum opus.
EWS is one of the best of the year, the other 2 are two of the very worst of the year
Sunset Song is the best movie I've seen this year. I'm guessing my fave of the year will end up being either Manchester-by-the-Sea or Cemetery of Splendor
EWS was terrible. Like a fan film jerking over D&C. In the worst way possible. Hated every minute.
What does some character say in D&C? *If you think these days are your best you are sad* or something like it
and then he fucking did it himself. and it was shit like predicted by character in D&C.
sounds like you never went to university mate
anyway, the movie is not meant to be realistic. it is meant to be an attempt to capture the feeling of what we usually envision the utopian college experience to resemble. and as such it is amazing.
>barely half
hardcore henry and fucking green room being bandied about
these are fucking flicks you fucking plebs not even movies
get off my board
fuck off nosaj
green room is trash and hardcore henry is an abomination
i wont let you plebs talk around me like this
Midnight special was shit
Green room is absolute shit
Just because there's literally nothing doesn't mean have to latch on to the lowest hanging sack of balls
wait you actually were nosaj? lol
>my opinion is worth more than yours
>it's shit because it's shit
The Circle
>my opinion is worth more than yours
>vanilla directing and story and acting is best
I don't think I*ve seen a single A24 film I've liked
no you plebs get into these threads and mouth off about your favourite flick like its some kind of kino when its actually shit
shit is shit
Three way tie.
Only one of those is decent
>trying to enforce the "kino and flick mean different things" meme
Considering both VVITCH and GR were shit, I sure hope you aren't implying that Neon Demon was decent
>calling others plebs
>unable to articulate reasons for not liking a film
>it's just shit
i shouldn't have to i've already been the green room threads and discussed why its bad
and hardcore henry is obviously bad
Get some fucking taste
Well what are your favorites for this year so far?
No I thought the witch was the best but only barely decent
>Tells to get tsate.
>Posts a fucking Darren Arnaornsofnsoky flick
the irony