Is this worse than when that Lena Dunham movie got a Criterion release?
Boyhood to be released by Criterion
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>almost universally acclaimed as one of the best movies of the decade, if not the century
yeah OP, what a travesty
it's always nice when Criterion recognizes the greatness in certain contemporary films that enables them to join the label within a couple years of their release
Maybe it will make them some money so they can release unpopular stuff I'm interested in.
wow that chick really had ugly duckling syndrome
it's almost as if (making retard noises)
Too bad Boyhood really isn't great contemporary film!
When is the before trilogy (haha yeah right he wont stop making them) coming out?
>a company targeted towards movie hipsters is releasing a movie hipster favorite
Blackhat revised director's cut when?
>has no Refn
>no Korine
>no Mel Gibson
>no Shane Carruth
Absolute piss
I think its decent. i get why people dont like it though
>>has no Refn
>>no Shane Carruth
Pleb shit
Please do not name them with actual artists like Korine and Gibson
Has any director ever refused a Criterion release?
The DC was just as shit as Miami Vice's DC.
Mann has the worst ideas post-release on how2improve his bad films
Is this movie worth watching? Just watched Everybody Wants Some last night and loved it, and have loved every other Linklater film I've seen, but this one seems to be the most controversial.
If I really really like the Before Trilogy, will I like this?
You forgot to list Sam Peckinpah, Sergio Leone, and Walter Hill
If you like director
why are you here asking if its worth watching?
It is worth watching just to complete his filmography and see how he evolves - or not
Watching film based on if it is good or bad is pretty boring way to go about it!
It's much better than something like Fast Food Nation or Bernie. It has a concept and it executes it well. People who want it to be more spectacular are missing the point.
Ozu threw a fit one time, wanted more money
You should realize that your question doesn't make the most minimal sense.
Don't pander to the retards on this sewer. It's not a controversial film, either.
>already out on blu ray
>criterion release it for 3x the price
>criterion dickriders suck it up
Refn is absolute dogshit
Korine is okay
Gibson, why?
Upstream Colour is deserving of the treatment
Boyhood is better than anything released by any of those directors
wtf dude
it's very similar to the Before trilogy
it and that trilogy are his two masterpieces, I'd probably say Boyhood is his opus though.
why would you not watch a major film from a director you love?
fuck you
holy shit I haven't checked in on criterion in a while but my god they killed it this year. Del toro trilogy, Short cuts, New World, Mullholland, cat people, strangelove, fucking blood simple. Wish I was rich, because these blu rays are the only luxury item that I would buy, fuck cars, mansions, and jewelry.
expert restorations and tailor made extras. that's why.
a) that blu-ray release was rushed, the quality is decent but the Criterion remaster will surely be better
b) due to the rush that initial release was almost completely barebones, the Criterion has a commentary, many interesting sounding features that will add hours of time to the disc, and what will likely be an amazing essay from one of the best American authors of the last 20 years
any other stupid questions?
Sup Forums, right here
>Boyhood is better than anything released by any of those directors
>Gibson, why?
Sergio Leone does not have criterion release(s)?
But you are right.
You are wrong, Refn is 2/2 in releasing fantastic kino and mark my words, Shane Carruth will prove himself to be enduring
I'm not even close to being rich but I still ordered short cuts, new world, mulholland, and the whit stillman trilogy they just rereleased.
just use your money wisely bro
Releasing a movie is a bit more complicated than just choosing movies you like
name Gibson's best movies. I can't tell if you're serious or not.
again though, Refn is laughable garbage that will never, ever make it to Criterion
>"""restoring""" a 2 year old movie
Drive is a good film, OGF is ambtitious film. Don't understand the Refn hate.
Everything is either GODITER KINO or SHIT SHIT SHIT S H I T.
lol why do people take criterion seriously? what a bunch of fucking trash. they don't care about cinema except insofar as getting money from reddit losers.
Spring Breakers legitimately needs a Criterion release.
It's great. It's light hearted. It's life.
I'm glad dumbshit goys like you buy your $60 movies or I would have no remuxes to download and watch for free.
>needs a Criterion release
But it's bluray release is perfectly fine???
the most overrated film of at least a decade. Awful acting, pretentious dialog and long as fuck. Fuck this film and anyone that likes it.
Pretty sure it's only being added because of the concept, rather than the film itself.
The film's decent, nothing special, but the concept is what makes it worth a watch.
The Passion of the Christ
You also misunderstand Refn, OGF and Neon Demon are both a fresh new take on kino in a world where even hyperrealists have become video essayists
Pusher trilogy alone should qualify him for Criterion, and they really desperately need a new release.
I already know the concept, so I feel justified in skipping it.
But the bluray doesn't have a criterion logo on it and epic minimalist cover. Also I don't buy movies unless they cost at least $40.
I've never actually got around to Apocalypto. I've heard some encouraging things though.
Maybe I'll check it out soon. I am pretty discouraged by your affection for Refn though, it sounds as though we have entirely different aesthetic interests.
Gibson is a nice cratsman, but the dickriding on certain boards of Sup Forums for ideological reasons is just pathetic
Are they doing a fucking 1080p release of it? Whats the fucking point, it's deprecated resolution.
Excellent posts, they show the eloquence and intelligence of who 'hates' the awful Boyhood and that terrible shitty company Criterion
How many years did it take to make again?
lmao they actually did restore it:
>New 2K digital transfer, supervised by director Richard Linklater, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray
>New audio commentary featuring Linklater and nine members of the cast and crew
>New documentary chronicling the film’s production, featuring footage shot over the course of its twelve years
>New discussion featuring Linklater and actors Patricia Arquette and Ellar Coltrane, moderated by producer John Pierson
>New conversation between Coltrane and actor Ethan Hawke
>New video essay by critic Michael Koresky about time in Linklater’s films, narrated by Coltrane
>Collection of portraits of cast and crew by photographer Matt Lankes, narrated with personal thoughts from Linklater, Arquette, Hawke, Coltrane and producer Cathleen Sutherland
>PLUS: An essay by novelist Jonathan Lethem
The concept- or what many shitposters call the gimmick, 'le meme years'- is vital part of the film, and of course an enormous part of what makes it special and so full of qualities.
>2k digital transfer.
I sure hope they are referring to '4k' (but just by vertical resolution, 2160p)
why don't you restore my dick, bitch.
>average kid grows up to be your typical edgy prose-spouting college liberal and nothing ever really happens in this film because it has really draggy pacing
I had beer, I had chips, and this movie made me want to sleep
>I am pretty discouraged by your affection
>it sounds as though we have entirely different aesthetic interests
You sound like you're full of shit. I bet you like Malick.
did i trigger the redditors
it's so hilarious to me that the people on this board refer to the 12 year process as a gimmick. it immediately reveals that they're completely oblivious to who Linklater even is or what his interests have been for 20 years. his entire career has been about time, Boyhood was just the perfect realization of that preoccupation.
it's a pretty hilariously obvious way of marking themselves as the ignorant of this board
it's probably too long and cost intensive for 4K. The Out 1 restoration was 2K (though granted it was super 16).
>lmao boyhood sucks! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 12 years to make rlm for life
>liking Malick apparently is a sign of bad things to the shitposter
And who the fuck with minimal cinema interest wouldn't at least like Malick? Jesus, Sup Forums
You're crazy, Refn is probably the number one kinographer working, certainly the only one consciously doing so.
>I bet you like Malick.
This would explain a lot, a mawkish romantic to Refn's hard classicism
Oh go on about how time is relevant for EWS, Slacker, Before trilogy or Dazed and confused.
>probably the number one kinographer working, certainly the only one consciously doing so.
got some bad news for you user
>And who the fuck with minimal cinema interest wouldn't at least like Malick?
if we're talking about his films after 2000 then most film critics
>such a memelord that he actually uses 'kinographer' seriously
is this a serious post?
... they're literally all about the passage of time.
like, how retarded are you.
>The film is about passage of time.
Congratz then every film is about time you fucking moron as the film has a start and end.
AND he's humble, reflective and self-conscious? Is there anything he can't do?
I have news for you, then
>The New World and Tree of Life regarded as two of the best movies of the last decade by many critical publications
uh huh
>number one kinographer
you're joking right?
boyhood is not a movie I particularly enjoyed but I can definitely see it as a criterion movie and it's not bad at all that they are releasing it.
The lena dunham movie is a shame though. That shit sucked dickballs
God, that boy has an obnoxious fucking faggot face
if this isn't bait then this may be the most pathetically ignorant string of posts I've ever seen
how can you actually be this retarded?
>He couldn't tell me how time is essential to Linklater
Time to stap posting retardshitter
also there's literally an extra on the Criterion blu specifically about time u blind bro?
Living? Yes of course he is, he's really the only one.
It has an actual meaning you know.
why do you think Linklater deliberately sets the movies you listed in very clear, specific timeframes?
why do you think his characters are constantly talking about the passage of time, the moments that construct reality, the need to tune in?
why do you think the Before trilogy is explicitly about two characters meeting together and weaving in and out of each other's lives as decades pass by? why do you think all 3 movies are almost constantly featuring discussions about time? why do you think that the camera lingers on the physical appearances of the two leads as the movies progress to demonstrate the effects of time on even the physical self, let alone the moral or spiritual self?
the answer to all of these questions I hope you've guessed by now is that Linklater's movies are exploring what time means and how, or if, it can be captured with a camera.
>It's about time because it takes place in time.
So every film is about time and space
Stop reddit spacing for fucks sake. You're exposing yourself.
I guess it's great thing that every thread is given at least one designated shitposter
>chooses two movies after making a comment about all of Malick's post-2000 movies
also, Knight of Cups is going to be on a huge number of year end top 10 lists, by many notable critics
To the Wonder is his most poorly received movie of the 00s but was still well-regarded by many prominent critics
I actually don't like Knight of Cups or To the Wonder that much but to think Malick's post-2000 output has been critically maligned by anyone other than the absolute mainstream press is to be pretty retarded/willfully ignorant
>when plebs can't understand kino.
you guys sound like you probably watch a lot of thoughtful movies
>'top critics' still unable to get Knight of Cups
wev lad
love me TTW.
>using the reddit boogeyman
You're desperate already, huh? What's the solution in these cases? Well, one can- and should- leave, but the most used strategy here is to shitpost harder
it has an underwater shot of a dog so it must be a good movie
that guy is a dummy
I'm not a huge fan of Knight of Cups but it has been extremely well-received by most serious critics, it'll be prominent in a lot of year-end lists
I like TTW a lot too. Underrated as fuck.
Reminder that Armageddon has a Criterion release.
>none of PTA's films are released on criterion
>It's the retarded Refn 'number one kinographer' shitposting furiously time.
It's appropriately rated.
And it should, even though when it entered it was for commercial reasons.
>PDL still isn't out on bluray
>it has been extremely well-received by most serious critics