There no way of stopping her is there?
/got/ general
Wouldn't want it any other way.
>Jonsa autist thread
Go ahead and delete us mods.
>jonsafag thread
i'll pass
But seriously, what happened with the other thread?
We weren't shitposting much and we were doing much better than /who/ who are on a much longer offseason
They needed to make room for more Ghostbusters threads. Oh by the way, did you know the new Ghostbusters movie came out and Sup Forums is in full meltdown mode?
why does the jonsa shitposter feel the need to make every thread?
They made a new Ghostbusters? Why?
I hate Jonsa but why are you so sure he's OP?
Also even if he is, it doesn't matter because nothing in the post indicates it. You're just ruining the general with your autism.
Friendly reminder.
>I will never make sweet, romantic love with her
Why even live?
bump ftgj
>not fit to breed
I disagree
haha epic!
upvoted my good sir xD
Literally the worst Stark, though Arya has been gaining ground recently.
>hurt himself
this CGI is really fucking good
Still would never have happened had he not been climbing. His mother told him not to.
Where is everyone?
I'll never take people who say GoT has poor CGI seriously.
It was good back in Season 1 and is top tier nowm puts some movies to shame
I'm Sophie Turner
Fuck off Sansafag. Just kill yourself.
are you retarded? never seen a dragon irl before?
>victim blaming
Daily reminder that Jon is the white wolf. A trueborn son of fire and ice, savior of Winterfell and Kingindanorf.
she will fail. winter will fuck her dragons and theons uncle will fuck her boats
she wont be out right defeated at that point but she wont turn back. dorne will still go through with the attack but wont hand it over to dany
Dany riding out of the pit on Drogon was terrible.
The rest is usually top-tier.
I think the implication is that her brother hurt herself climbing up stuff
No is sophie turner
I think you mean the little crippled king who lost the north.
I'm not going to sit here and be lectured by a Hillary supporter.
Plot armor.
I hope cersei wins desu.
She is evil but gets shit done maintains order.
I'm Theon Greyjoy
why do you always take photos of your butt?
>this voyeuristic little shit started the whole war because he wanted to jack off
deserved the fall, desu
So do they ever drink white wine in Westeros?
>having that poor sense of comprehension
Can't expect much from Tullyfags really.
Long may she reign.
>these legitimately terrible "human beings" ACTUALLY started the war because the could not stop their inbred West Virginia shenanigans
I hope there is. She is a completely worthless character.
Her only traits are resistance to fire, owning dragons and her ability to attract beta orbiters that will do all the work for her.
The Arbor makes white wine but everybody seems to prefer Dornish red.
forgot pic
I'm sure those dragons will be fine.
so much this
You retards it was Littlefinger who started the war using the Tullys, not the Lannisters OR Starks
Why hasn't Tommen's Baratheon military launched a coup against Cersei to take King's Landing?
>I hope cersei wins desu.
You were right.
Ramsey getting his face eaten by his dog wasn't top-tier either
to place who on the throne?
Just a friendly reminder that dragons are reptiles and will go into hibernation when the Westrosi winter catches them. It's GURM's ultimate ruse.
Screencap this
>Get most of your lords, yourself and your mother killed because you broke your word of honor to fuck a camp follower
Honestly, the Stark family is pretty much shit.
Because they are made up of weak men
a Stormlander warlord
that would be hilarious desu
>Tommen's Baratheon military
Ned tells Cersei straight up what he's going to do
he's so fucking stupid
>Dany's demise will be Drogon going into hibernation mid-flight
Joffrey actually had the right idea for once
dragons aren't endotherms? huh.
Really makes you think
He WARNS her, not tells her. It's a bad decision but might have worked with anyone but Cersei.
Why do you think they all stopped growing and died in the first place? it wasn't because the Targaryens chained them, it's because they chained them in COLD dungeons where they couldn't draw power from the sun.
All those fantasy books have the heroes ride on the mythical dragons in the last minute and save the day. GURM likes to break tropes. IT FITS
RIP in peace
Robb was definitely a shitwolf, but in the books he'd just conquered the Westerling's castle and then got word that Theon had killed Bran and Rickon, so, in order to forget about it, he conquered Jeyne Westerling's castle.
It was the first puss he'd gotten, and he didn't want to dishonour Jeyne by ejaculating and evacuating, so he married her.
It was still Robb's fault, but it makes a little more sense in the books, instead of him just going "dat brown ass, fuck the Freys lol".
Dragons are inherently magical in nature, so I doubt this will happen.
It would be extremely funny though.
hhhnnnngggggg, I bet she watched a lot of amateur porn to get those pleasurable reactions down.
It was about true love you dumb shit.
Will he write the script for the series finale?
so in the book he lost his eye and a good chunk of flesh, right?
holy shit, that's gorgeous
i don't think user is worth the effort, my boo
Even magical beasts have weaknesses, and their power relates directly to the sun. Dany needed to keep them in fire in order to hatch them, after they spent so much time in the COLD, DARK Asshai. They're going to get BTFO by the White Walkers.
GoT slows down when there is no GoT. Come back in late March 2017.
>to place who on the throne?
Robb was a child, dude.
His whole plot was thiscombined with the repercussions of following a boy king into a war campaign.
The parallels between Joffrey and Robb have been pretty significant since the first novel.
I have a feeling that dragonfire will only really be useful against the wights, and the Others will have some sort of trump card up their frozen sleeve.
>because you broke your word of honor to fuck a camp follower
D&D are retards, Robb was magicked by Sybell Spicer.
>The parallels between Joffrey and Robb
Please elaborate.
>he mad
it's smell my ass you newfy cuck
Why does the only Stark who isn't a complete asshole get the most amount of shit from the universe?
Does it bother anyone that there has been essentially none of the politics and scheming we had in the first few seasons for the entirety of S6?
Any time anyone wanted to move up the social ladder, they just murdered them.
And it was never a subtle assassination either, they just stabbed them in their courtrooms with dozens of witnesses. Ramsay literally killed his dad, put on his cloak, turned to the camera and said "I am Lord Bolton now."
True love got him, his mother, his wife, his unborn child, his wolf, and his entire entourage murdered. Fuck Robb and fuck you.
What does GRRM do with the show?
>tfw Seasons 2 & 3 were dominated by heavy top-quality scenes of King's Landing politics and scheming
>now nothing
No, and it didn't bother you so much as it bothered Preston Jacobs and you watched a youtube video.
I kinda hate the "political intrigue and scheming" meme, so I don't mind it too much. It wasn't very realistic anyway.
love conquers all.
wipes his ass with dollar bills from it
He literally calls it licensed fanfiction
The show heavily focuses on the action elements of the series and pretty much completely ignores all the mystery and character driven parts as well as the more cerebral elements. This is why pretty much every single vision and dream was cut except for Dany's HotU vision which they fucking ruined anyway. Because too much TV and not enough good TV has taught the average viewer that the only way to have tension in a scene is if someone is holding a weapon in someone else' face.
Jon Snow is one of my favorite characters in the entire series but I think there is a decent and oft ignored argument that the series itself would actually benefit from his simply being killed off.
On the one hand, it would confuse and infuriate many people who consider him one of, if not THE, main hero in the story but it would also allow the story to go down a path I think most people would never suspect.
So my question is what are some positive outcomes the death of Jon Snow might bring to the story, and what do you think it would ultimately change? If anything.
>Does it bother anyone that there has been essentially none of the politics and scheming we had in the first few seasons for the entirety of S6?
>writing a story vs showing ackshun
What you don't think my ass is nice?
>So my question is what are some positive outcomes the death of Jon Snow might bring to the story, and what do you think it would ultimately change? If anything.
The Northern forces, Night's Watch, Wildlings and some southerners (if you add BwB into the fold) wouldn't be united, and might not work to destroy the threat of the white walkers effectively together. He's their rallying point.
Indeed so.
Not particularly.
>man bun
when will this ridiculous fad die off
Why does Dany even trust Tyrion? She's only been around him for a few days, and he actually fucked up by having the Masters invade Mareen.
It made sense to us creatively because we wanted it to happen