How much time does his hairline have? will he have to start wearing a wig?
How much time does his hairline have? will he have to start wearing a wig?
I'm sure he's pouring all those chemicals on his head to stop the balding process.
Why are you so obsessed with it?
I'd let him kiss me, if you know what I mean.
Bad hairline or not, he still stacks more paper and gets more hoes than you do.
It kills the hairline, the only way to salvage that is a hair transplant.
>gets more hoes than you do.
well, certainly more cock.
people get old and their hairlines recede. It happens when it happens. Why does it matter?
Maybe in real life but this is Hollywood. Only major losers go bald.
hell look like that for years, hesonly started receeding in his late 20's/early 30's. Its no biggy - specailly when you have his face and or muscles.
My hairline is receding at 24, no matter i plan to die soon anyways, i don't think it's much of an issue, only for superman and that series doesn't look like it's going to well atm, even so they could just cgi his hair done.
It's already pretty bad desu. Very noticeable from the last movie.
>“Spending money on my friends, buying dinner for everyone, drinks for everyone, it’s a nice place to be, and I like people to feel cared for,” he said. “People will be calling me a cuck as they’re reading this, but travel’s great as long as you’re going first class. I mean, traveling to New Zealand in economy, it sucks. Especially if you’re over six feet. But first class? I’m not going to ever pretend to be coy about that. I love it.”
Manlets BTFO
>My hairline is receding at 24
holy shit boo hoo, quit being a little bitch.
my hair is gone, and I'm also 24. I literally have little to no hair on the top of my scalp.
>i plan to die soon anyways
if anything that tells me you're not ready pr don't want to. most shits like you are really just narcissists.
George lucas proves you wrong.
Check out those titties.
I'm balding also bro, though i'm a little older. How do you cope with the loss?
you don't.
DC btfo again
I cope by remembering that I think about my hair a lot of more than other people do.
I've accepted that my dating pool might be slightly smaller, but the people that wouldn't date me are the kind of people that are selfish in relationships anyways.
Take on day at a time, also know that while you might be bald today there is always the option of hair transplants. which I hear are actually great investments. For now I just keep close cropped and don't really mind anymore. If you're insecure it will show in your character, balding or not. Try to gain that confidence back.
good luck user.
Ant pls.
Thanks baldbro.
Because all the mouthbreathing neckbeards here need him to be less attractive