I never doubted.
Not yet.
And I still think it's gonna be one of those absolutely interchangeable summer action flicks that might pack a bunch of kicks and keks but are ultimately forgettable.
In other words: I think it might as well be a fun movie. I just doubt that it will be a good STAR TREK movie.
>making Kirk an admiral when he's like 26
Fuck this movie.
2016 is a shit year
seriously this, what I still don't understand is the whole Spock having a girlfriend thing. I know he has to do what he has to do during Pon farr, but it doesn't seem like something Spock would ever do.
Losing his mom made him desperate for emotional connection with a female.
But wasn't he already going out with Uhura before his mother died in the 1st movie?
More like 31. In ST09 he was 25, STID took place a year later, with the ending of the movie being set one MORE year later.
This one is supposed to take place near the end of the crew's first five-year mission.
has it been leaked yet
it's sorta implied, yes. It's some very vague innuendo though.
I unironically enjoy the first two quite a lot, so I had faith for this one.
I also don't give a flying fuck about anything Star Trek related before this trilogy, so that probably helps.
the other two movies were trash and got good reviews, so I don't know why anyone would be surprised
>Star Trek Beyond hasn’t even hit theaters yet, but there’s already talk of the next installment in the franchise — and if early reactions to Justin Lin’s new Trek sequel are to be believed, then we have every reason to be optimistic about the future of the series. But just in case you needed one more, J.J. Abrams has revealed his “incredibly exciting” idea for Star Trek 4, which will reportedly bring Chris Hemsworth back to the franchise to team up with Chris Pine.
why do the critics love JJ abrams? everything he makes is dumbed down trash and yet he is lauded for it.
>back to the franchise
when was he in it in the first place?
>it doesn't seem like something Spock would ever do.
Because the new movies are made for the normalfags not for trekkies, this is not the original TV series Spot so they can do whatever they please with this re-imagining, the actor playing him is fairly handsome anyway (no homo) so I guess they are turning him into tumblr-bait.
There are now 13 Star Trek movies, maybe 4 of them are worth anything. As long as Beyond is a fun time it will be really well received, into darkness set the bar very low.
well I mean if you need a romance for the chicks in the audience why not have the character involved be not an emotionless autist
I just leaked.
He was the first officer of the Kelvin, that ship that got destroyed in the awesome opening sequence in ST09
And I thought last year sucked. This is 2009-tier.
Reminder that Into Darkness got good reviews and was fucking terrible.
what was a GOOD year then?
you will say 2012 anyway. Why am I even asking.
no one thought this would be bad.
Because he's a kike.
He played Kirk's father.
I wonder if Paramount is thinking about using their discarted idea for "Beyond" of a new villain trying to fix the timeline back to what it was before Nero changed it by destroying the USS Kelvin. It was supposed to end with Chris Pine's Kirk going into the future and meeting his older self played by William Shatner.
No, the last two movies were "pew pew XD" in space, and if your teaser editing team can't even make a proper teaser, I don't have to give a fuck.
not muh stare trak
Yeah, I'm just grasping at straws.
Maybe it was a youthful fling that escalated after Vulcan was destroyed.
you have to admit his movies look pretty damn nice. The effects are great and he uses a lot of real props.
>lens flare
JJ is great at casting, pacing, effects, humor, editing and filmmaking in general. He has his issues but motherfucker is talented.